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Last active February 8, 2016 04:17
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Demo async HTTP server that completes user requests after being pinged back by a remote server.
import bayou.async.*;
import bayou.http.*;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
// see question!topic/bayou-io/9Mqtcl3OoWM
// my server sends a task to the remote server.
// the remote server pings back my server when the task is completed.
public class PingBackDemo
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
// for testing, we can run both MyServer and MockRemoteServer in the same VM
// MyServer =============================================================================================
static final int myServerPort = 8080;
static final String myServerAddress = "http://localhost:"+myServerPort;
static class MyServer
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
HttpServer server = new HttpServer(request->
case "/requestA" : return handleRequestA(request);
case "/requestC" : return handleRequestC(request);
default: return HttpResponse.text(200, "Usage: /requestA?inputs=FooBar");
static AtomicLong taskIdSeq = new AtomicLong();
static ConcurrentHashMap<String, Promise<HttpResponse>> promises = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
static HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClientConf()
static Async<HttpResponse> handleRequestA(HttpRequest requestA)
String inputs = requestA.uriParam("inputs");
// todo: validate `inputs`; may return error response here.
String taskId = ""+taskIdSeq.incrementAndGet(); // new unique task id
Promise<HttpResponse> promise = new Promise<>();
promises.put(taskId, promise);
// to be completed by requestC, errorB, or cancel
Async<Void> sendB = httpClient
.doGet(remoteServerAddress + "/requestB?taskId=" + taskId + "&inputs=" + inputs)
.catch_(Exception.class, err -> handleErrorB(taskId, err));
// test: try incorrect remote address, to raise errorB
promise.timeout(Duration.ofSeconds(10)); // cancel after timeout
promise.onCancel(err->cancel(err, taskId, sendB));
// test: try shorter timeout (1 sec), to cancel before requestC arrives
return promise; // responseA (pending)
static void completeResponseA(String taskId, int status, String text)
Promise<HttpResponse> promise = promises.remove(taskId);
if(promise==null) // already completed
promise.succeed(HttpResponse.text(status, text)); // responseA (complete)
static Async<HttpResponse> handleRequestC(HttpRequest requestC)
String taskId = requestC.uriParam("taskId");
// result is in POST request body. read it and send it back to user.
Async<String> bodyAsync = requestC.entity().bodyString(1000); // may fail
str -> completeResponseA(taskId, 200, "answer:\n" + str),
err -> completeResponseA(taskId, 503, "failed:\n" + err)
// if necessary, we can also stream body from requestC to responseA
return bodyAsync.then(v->HttpResponse.text(200,"")); // responseC
// note that we must drain body of requestC before sending responseC
static Async<Void> checkResponseB(HttpResponse responseB)
// in any case, we must drain responseB's body, though we don't use it
return responseB.bodyString(1000) // may fail
if(responseB.statusCode()!=200) // test: try different status, to raise errorB
throw new Exception("responseB error: "+responseB.statusCode());
return Async.VOID;
static Void handleErrorB(String taskId, Exception err)
// something wrong with responseB. tell that to user in responseA.
completeResponseA(taskId, 503, "error contacting remote server\n"+err);
return (Void)null;
static void cancel(Exception err, String taskId, Async<Void> sendB)
sendB.cancel(err); // may stuck in sendB
completeResponseA(taskId, 500, "cancelled: "+err); // timeout
} // MyServer
// mock remote server =======================================================================================
// upon receiving requestB, server will pretend to work 2 seconds, before sending requestC.
static final int remoteServerPort = 9090;
static final String remoteServerAddress = "http://localhost:"+remoteServerPort;
static class MockRemoteServer
static final int port = 9090;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
HttpServer server = new HttpServer(request->handleRequest(request));
static HttpResponseImpl handleRequest(HttpRequest request)
return HttpResponse.text(404, "unknown request :"+request.absoluteUri());
String taskId = request.uriParam("taskId");
String inputs = request.uriParam("inputs");
// todo: validate them; may return error response here.
doTaskAsync(taskId, inputs);
return HttpResponse.text(200, "request received..."); // responseB
static HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
static void doTaskAsync(String taskId, String inputs)
new Thread(()->
// computing ...
try{ Thread.sleep(2000); }catch(Exception e){}
// done
String result = "result for ["+inputs+"] .... \n" +;
// POST the result to my server
HttpRequest requestC = HttpRequest.toPost(
myServerAddress + "/requestC?taskId=" + taskId,
"text/plain", result.getBytes());
// we'll just ignore responseC. however we must drain the response body.
static Async<Void> handleResponseC(HttpResponse responseC)
return Async.VOID;
} // MockRemoteServer
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