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Last active February 12, 2016 22:50
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import bayou.async.Async;
import bayou.bytes.ByteSource;
import bayou.gzip.GunzipByteSource;
import bayou.http.*;
import bayou.mime.Headers;
import bayou.ssl.SslConf;
import bayou.text.TextHttpEntity;
import bayou.util.function.ConsumerX;
// a proxy that changes any `http://` requests to `https://`
public class ToHttpsProxy
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
int port = 9090;
SslConf sslConf = new SslConf()
ConsumerX<SSLEngine> sslEngineConf = engine->
SSLParameters sslParameters = engine.getSSLParameters();
HttpClientConf clientConf = new HttpClientConf()
HttpClient downstream = new HttpClient(clientConf);
HttpHandler handler = request->
System.err.println("## TUNNEL ## ";
return HttpResponse.text(200, "tunneling request granted");
request = modRequest(request);
return downstream
.send0(request, null)
.then(response -> modResponse(response));
HttpServer proxy = new HttpServer(handler);
// .trafficDump(System.out::print)
System.out.printf("Proxy, port = %s %n", port);
static HttpRequestImpl modRequest(HttpRequest request)
HttpRequestImpl newReq = new HttpRequestImpl(request);
// change all requests to HTTPS
return newReq;
static Async<HttpResponse> modResponse(HttpResponse response)
return fixRedirect(response)
static Async<HttpResponse> fixRedirect(HttpResponse serverResponse)
return Async.success(serverResponse);
String location = serverResponse.header(Headers.Location);
if(location==null || !location.startsWith("https"))
return Async.success(serverResponse);
// server tries to redirect to an https://xxx url. change it to http://xxx
location = "http" + location.substring(5);
return new HttpResponseImpl(serverResponse)
.header(Headers.Location, location);
static final int MAX_BODY_LENGTH = 1000_000;
static Async<HttpResponse> fixBody(HttpResponse response)
HttpEntity entity = response.entity();
if(entity==null) // no body
return Async.success(response);
if(!entity.contentType().type().equals("text")) // not text body
return Async.success(response);
if(entity.contentEncoding()!=null) // body is encoded
if(!entity.contentEncoding().equals("gzip")) // unknown encoding
return Async.success(response);
// unzip it
entity = new GunzipEntity(entity);
return entity.bodyString(MAX_BODY_LENGTH)
.then(body->fixBody2(response, body));
static Async<HttpResponse> fixBody2(HttpResponse response, String bodyStr)
System.out.println("### fix body https:// to http://");
bodyStr = bodyStr.replace("https://", "http://");
HttpEntity entity = new TextHttpEntity(response.entity().contentType(), bodyStr);
return new HttpResponseImpl(response)
.header(Headers.Content_Encoding, null)
.header(Headers.Content_Length, null)
static class GunzipEntity implements HttpEntityWrapper
HttpEntity origin;
GunzipEntity(HttpEntity origin)
this.origin = origin;
public ByteSource body()
return new GunzipByteSource(origin.body());
public HttpEntity getOriginEntity()
return origin;
public Long contentLength()
return null; // don't know the length after compression
public String contentEncoding()
return null; // "gzip"->null
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