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Last active July 25, 2016 20:40
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Find top n items in a unordered list
%% API
run_all_sorted_sublist(List, Num) ->
fun({_,A,_},{_,B,_}) -> A > B end,
List), Num).
run_gb_trees(List, Num) ->
run_gb_trees(List, Num, gb_trees:empty()).
run_gb_trees([], _Num, Acc) ->
lists:foldl(fun({Key1, Key2, Key3}, Sum) -> [{Key2, Key1, Key3}|Sum] end, [], gb_trees:keys(Acc));
run_gb_trees([{Key1, Key2, Key3}|List], Num, Acc) ->
NewKey = {Key2, Key1, Key3},
NewAcc =
case gb_trees:size(Acc) < Num of
true ->
gb_trees:insert(NewKey, 0, Acc);
false ->
{Smallest,_} = gb_trees:smallest(Acc),
case Smallest < NewKey of
true ->
Acc2 = gb_trees:delete(Smallest, Acc),
gb_trees:insert(NewKey, 0, Acc2);
false ->
run_gb_trees(List, Num, NewAcc).
run_small_to_big_order_list(List, Num) ->
run_small_to_big_order_list(List, Num, 0, []).
run_small_to_big_order_list([], _Num, _, Acc) ->
lists:foldl(fun({Key1, Key2, Key3}, Sum) -> [{Key2, Key1, Key3}|Sum] end, [], Acc);
run_small_to_big_order_list([{Key1, Key2, Key3}|List], Num, Len, Acc) ->
NewKey = {Key2, Key1, Key3},
{NewLen, NewAcc} =
case Len < Num of
true ->
{Len + 1, lists:sort([NewKey|Acc])};
false ->
[Smallest|Acc2] = Acc,
case Smallest < NewKey of
true ->
{Len, lists:sort([NewKey|Acc2])};
false ->
{Len, Acc}
run_small_to_big_order_list(List, Num, NewLen, NewAcc).
run_small_to_big_order_list_v2(List, Num) ->
run_small_to_big_order_list_v2(List, Num, fun({_, X, _}, {_, Y, _}) -> X =< Y end, 0, []).
run_small_to_big_order_list_v2([], _, _, _, Acc) ->
run_small_to_big_order_list_v2([NewKey|List], Num, Fun, Len, Acc) ->
{NewLen, NewAcc} =
if Len < Num -> {Len + 1, insert(NewKey, Acc, Fun)};
true ->
[Smallest|Acc2] = Acc,
case Fun(Smallest,NewKey) of
true -> {Len, insert(NewKey, Acc2, Fun)};
false -> {Len, Acc}
run_small_to_big_order_list_v2(List, Num, Fun, NewLen, NewAcc).
insert(K, [], _) -> [K];
insert(K, [H|T], Fun) ->
case Fun(K, H) of
true -> [K, H|T];
false -> [H|insert(K, T, Fun)]
run_big_to_small_order_list(List, Num) ->
run_big_to_small_order_list(List, Num, 0, []).
run_big_to_small_order_list([], _Num, _, Acc) ->
run_big_to_small_order_list([Key|List], Num, Len, Acc) ->
{NewLen, NewAcc} =
case Len < Num of
true ->
{Len + 1, lists:sort(fun({_X1, Y1, _Z1},{_X2, Y2, _Z2}) -> Y1 > Y2 end, [Key|Acc])};
false ->
Smallest = lists:last(Acc),
case Smallest < Key of
true ->
Acc2 = lists:sublist(Acc, Len - 1),
{Len, lists:sort(fun({_X1, Y1, _Z1},{_X2, Y2, _Z2}) -> Y1 > Y2 end, [Key|Acc2])};
false ->
{Len, Acc}
run_big_to_small_order_list(List, Num, NewLen, NewAcc).
test() ->
List1 = [{5000, 20}, {5000, 30}, {5000, 40}, {5000, 50}, {5000, 60}, {5000, 70}],
List2 = [{10000, 20}, {10000, 30}, {10000, 40}, {10000, 50}, {10000, 60}, {10000, 70}],
List3 = [{15000, 20}, {15000, 30}, {15000, 40}, {15000, 50}, {15000, 60}, {15000, 70}],
List4 = [{20000, 20}, {20000, 30}, {20000, 40}, {20000, 50}, {20000, 60}, {20000, 70}],
List5 = [{25000, 20}, {25000, 30}, {25000, 40}, {25000, 50}, {25000, 60}, {25000, 70}],
Result1 = lists:map(fun({TotalNum1, TopNum1}) -> test(TotalNum1, TopNum1) end, List1),
Result2 = lists:map(fun({TotalNum2, TopNum2}) -> test(TotalNum2, TopNum2) end, List2),
Result3 = lists:map(fun({TotalNum3, TopNum3}) -> test(TotalNum3, TopNum3) end, List3),
Result4 = lists:map(fun({TotalNum4, TopNum4}) -> test(TotalNum4, TopNum4) end, List4),
Result5 = lists:map(fun({TotalNum5, TopNum5}) -> test(TotalNum5, TopNum5) end, List5),
io:format("~p~n", [Result1]),
io:format("~p~n", [Result2]),
io:format("~p~n", [Result3]),
io:format("~p~n", [Result4]),
io:format("~p~n", [Result5]),
%% Test
test(TotalNum, TopNum) ->
erlang:process_flag(trap_exit, true),
List = prepared_random_list(TotalNum),
%io:format("~p~n", [List]),
Fun1 = fun() -> {Time, Result} = timer:tc(?MODULE, run_all_sorted_sublist, [List, TopNum]), exit({all_sorted_sublist_____, Time, Result}) end,
Fun2 = fun() -> {Time, Result} = timer:tc(?MODULE, run_gb_trees, [List, TopNum]), exit({gb_tree________________, Time, Result}) end,
Fun3 = fun() -> {Time, Result} = timer:tc(?MODULE, run_small_to_big_order_list, [List, TopNum]), exit({small_to_big_order_list, Time, Result}) end,
Fun4 = fun() -> {Time, Result} = timer:tc(?MODULE, run_big_to_small_order_list, [List, TopNum]), exit({big_to_small_order_list, Time, Result}) end,
Fun5 = fun() -> {Time, Result} = timer:tc(?MODULE, run_small_to_big_order_list_v2, [List, TopNum]), exit({small_to_big_order_list_v2, Time, Result}) end,
{Type1, Time1, Res1} = receive {'EXIT', _Pid1, R1} -> R1 end,
{Type2, Time2, Res2} = receive {'EXIT', _Pid2, R2} -> R2 end,
{Type3, Time3, Res3} = receive {'EXIT', _Pid3, R3} -> R3 end,
{Type4, Time4, Res4} = receive {'EXIT', _Pid4, R4} -> R4 end,
{Type5, Time5, Res5} = receive {'EXIT', _Pid5, R5} -> R5 end,
Res1 = Res2 = Res3 = Res4 = Res5,
{{TotalNum, TopNum}, [{Type1, Time1, 100},
{Type2, Time2, Time2/Time1*100},
{Type3, Time3, Time3/Time1*100},
{Type4, Time4, Time4/Time1*100},
{Type5, Time5, Time5/Time1*100}]}.
prepared_random_list(TotalNum) ->
List = lists:seq(1,TotalNum),
List1 = shuffle(List),
lists:map(fun(Num) -> {Num, Num+1, Num+3} end, List1).
% Fisher-Yates shuffle
shuffle(List) -> shuffle(List, []).
shuffle([], Acc) -> Acc;
shuffle(List, Acc) ->
{Leading, [H | T]} = lists:split(random:uniform(length(List)) - 1, List),
shuffle(Leading ++ T, [H | Acc]).
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pichi commented Jul 25, 2016

Pairing heap implementation is significantly faster (up to four times but typically two times). See

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