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Last active April 19, 2024 11:46
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wujie WebComponent plugin
import { bus, setupApp, preloadApp, startApp, destroyApp } from 'wujie'
window.switchApp = name => {
name === 'home1'
? ''
: '',
el: '#root',
exec: true,
alive: true,
plugins: [
jsBeforeLoaders: [
callback: patchCustomElementBeforeDefine
// sync: true
// 对那些自定义元素进行 patch(在未定义前)
function patchCustomElementBeforeDefine (appWindow) {
// 对当前 dom 树进行遍历
const document = appWindow.document
const window = appWindow
const walkTree = (root, name, list) => {
const treeWalker = document.createTreeWalker(root, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL)
while (treeWalker.nextNode()) {
const node = treeWalker.currentNode
// 遍历 shadowRoot
if (node.shadowRoot) {
walkTree(node.shadowRoot, name, list)
// 如果是目标节点
if (node.tagName === name.toUpperCase()) {
// 重写 define
const define = window.customElements.define
window.customElements.define = function (name, constructor, options) {
// 执行原生的 define, name, constructor, options)
// define 之后的 hook
setTimeout(() => {
const oldChildList = []
walkTree(document.body, name, oldChildList)
// 遍历旧的子节点
oldChildList.forEach(oldChild => {
// 如果已经初始化完成的节点,则不做替换
if (oldChild instanceof constructor) return
// 否则,替换
const newChild = document.createElement(name)
// 老的 lightdom 复制到新的
for (let i = 0 ; i < oldChild.children.length; i++) {
const child = oldChild.children[i]
// 老的属性复制到新的
for (let i = 0; i < oldChild.attributes.length; i++) {
const { name, value } = oldChild.attributes[i]
newChild.setAttribute(name, value)
// 替换
oldChild.parentNode.replaceChild(newChild, oldChild)
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