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Created August 2, 2013 13:26
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Former Ideas
* Statistics - MCMC
* Statistics - One long run vs Many short runs
* CS - Non-backtracking
* CS - Tree Sampling vs Graph Sampling
* Other things
Statistics - MCMC
#### 1. Asymptotic Variance is Key
Consider random walk sequence as a AR(1) series.
$$ \mu = E(X_n) = \rho E(X_{n-1}) + E(e_n) $$
And starting from stationary distribution:
$$ \sigma^2_{CLT} = \gamma_0 + 2\sum_{k=1}^\infty \gamma_k,$$
where $\gamma_k = Cov(Y_j, Y_{j+k})$,
and $Y_j$ is some attribute function of $X_j$: $Y_j = f(X_j)$
#### 2. Esitmate the Asymptotic Variance Using Batch Means
* Batch Mean Method
* Overlapping batch mean method
#### 3. Effective Sample Size
Roughly $\sqrt{\frac{1+\rho}{1-\rho}}$
Statistics - One long run vs Many short runs
#### Questions
1. Samples in the sample pool are **dependent**, should we 'thin' it?
* Yes, if space/storage is not computational or statistical efficient
* Yes, if $g(X_i)$ is computational expensive
* No, otherwise
* typical, for Online Social Network, we do not need to 'thin' the random walk samples.
2. Should we discard "burn-in"?
* Burn-ins are just pushing the initial distribution from a point {x} to {$P^nx$}
* See experiment table [here]( Basically we do not need burn-in if we adopt one long run random walk.
3. Multiple short runs?
* "Diversity of the initial distribution". Still, there is no guarantee to improve statistical or computational efficiency.
* Likely to give indication of convergence faster
4. How long is enough?
* For one long run, just use the query budget.
Statistics - Rule of Thumb for Importance Sampling
#### Introduction
$$\hat{\mu} = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{k=1}^Nh(X_k)\frac{\pi(X_k)}{p(X_k)}$$
$h(\cdot)$ is the attribute function,
$\pi(\cdot)$ is the expected/target distribution density function,
$p(\cdot)$ is the sampling/obtained distribution density function. $p(\cdot)$ is easy to obtain, e.g. SRW: $p(v) = \frac{k_v}{2|E|}$
#### Ideal case for Important Sampling
$$p(X_k) \approx h(X_k)\pi(X_k)$$
Non-backtracking Random Walk
#### Introduction
$P$ and $P'$ are two random walks' transition matrix. If:
P(j,i)P'(e_{ij}, e_{jk}) &= P(j,k)P'(e_{kj},e_{ji}) \\
P'(e_{ij}, e_{jk}) &\geq P(j,k)
then the random walk with $P'$ with have a unique stationary distribution $\pi'(e_{ij}) = \pi(i)P(i,j)$, and $\sigma'^2(f)\leq \sigma^2(f)$.
#### Design of the non-backtracking random walk
* Never go back from the income edge
* $P(j,i) = 1/d(j)$
* $P'(e_{ji}, e_{jk}) = 1/(d(j)-1)$
* $P'(e_{ji}, e_{jk}) \geq P(j,i)$
#### New Ideas
1. Pushing $P'(e_{ij}, e_{jk}) \geq P(j,k) $
* Divide the neighbors into two groups, $C_1$ and $C_2$
* Come in $C_1$ then go out to $C_2$, and vice versa.
* Although sometime it increase the probability of going out to another group, the probability $P'(e_{ji}, e_{jk})$ remains the same.
* $$ P'(e_{ji}, e_{jk}) = 0.5\cdot 0 + 0.5\cdot 1/(0.5\cdot d) = 1/d = P(j,k) $$
* Maybe some experiments?
CS - Tree Sampling vs Graph Sampling
#### Questions
1. Is tree sampling better than graph sampling?
2. Find better starting node for tree sampling?
3. On-the-fly drill down for tree sampling. How to accurately calculate the probability of a node being accessed?
#### Some observations
1. Adding random edges to a tree will increase the conductance of the graph.
2. By selecting the nodes that are connected to cross-cutting edges, can we design random walk that are much faster than original simple random walk?
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