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Created January 20, 2017 22:08
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with AWS.Status;
with AWS.Response;
package Worker_Echoes.Apple.Captive is
function Service (Request : AWS.Status.Data)
return AWS.Response.Data;
end Worker_Echoes.Apple.Captive;
with Ada.Strings.Fixed;
with AWS.URL;
with AWS.Messages;
with Worker_Echoes.Protected_Strings;
with Worker_Echoes.Config;
package body Worker_Echoes.Apple.Captive is
use AWS;
use all type AWS.Messages.Status_Code;
Last_CNA_CNS_Peername : Protected_Strings.Protected_String;
-- Service --
function Service (Request : Status.Data) return Response.Data is
URL_Object : constant URL.Object := Status.URI (Request);
URL_String : constant String := URL.URL (URL_Object);
User_Agent : constant String := Status.User_Agent (Request);
if User_Agent'Length >= 6 and then User_Agent (User_Agent'Last - 5 .. User_Agent'Last) = " wispr" then
if Last_CNA_CNS_Peername.Get = Status.Peername (Request) then
return Response.Build
(Status_Code => S200,
Content_Type => "text/html; charset=utf-8",
Message_Body => "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Success</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>Success</BODY></HTML>");
elsif URL_String = "" then
return Response.Build
(Status_Code => S200,
Content_Type => "text/html; charset=utf-8",
Message_Body => "<HTML><HEAD></HEAD><BODY></BODY></HTML>");
return Response.URL ("");
end if;
elsif Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index (User_Agent, "Safari") = 0 then
Last_CNA_CNS_Peername.Set (Status.Peername (Request));
-- 1. Not sure if intact "<BODY>Success</BODY>" matters, but probably yes.
-- 2. There was no delay previously, thus A had to be created before BODY is processed.
-- Now it's possible to click A with id, but touching working code was avoided.
return Response.Build
(Status_Code => S200,
Content_Type => "text/html; charset=utf-8",
Message_Body => "<HTML><HEAD><SCRIPT>" &
"window.setTimeout (function () {" &
"var A = document.createElement (""a"");" &
"A.setAttribute (""href"", """");" &
"var Body = document.getElementsByTagName (""body"");" &
"if (Body.length > 0) {" &
"Body = Body [0];" &
"} else {" &
"Body = document.createElement (""body"");" &
"document.getElementsByTagName (""html"") [0].appendChild (Body);" &
"}" &
"Body.appendChild (A);" &
" ();" &
"}, 1000);" &
"</SCRIPT>" &
"<STYLE>body { display: none; }</STYLE>" &
Protected_Strings.Reset (Last_CNA_CNS_Peername, Status.Peername (Request)); -- reset if matches
return Response.URL (Config.Get_Target_URL);
end if;
end Service;
end Worker_Echoes.Apple.Captive;
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