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Last active May 27, 2017 10:16
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DRF Serializer
class DynamicFieldsModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
A ModelSerializer that takes an additional `fields` argument that
controls which fields should be displayed.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Don't pass the 'fields' arg up to the superclass
fields = kwargs.pop('fields', None)
# Instantiate the superclass normally
super(DynamicFieldsModelSerializer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if fields is not None:
# Drop any fields that are not specified in the `fields` argument.
allowed = set(fields)
existing = set(self.fields.keys())
for field_name in existing - allowed:
class CustomSerializerMixin(object):
在GenericAPIView的子类中使用的自定义序列化类Mixin,包括APIView ViewSet
serializer_class: 在自定义序列化类字典中如果没有,则选择默认的serializer_class
custom_serializer_classes: 自定义序列化类字典
custom_serializer_classes = {
"list": 列表
"create": 创建
"retrieve": 详情
"update": 更新
"destroy": 删除
serializer_class = None
custom_serializer_classes = {}
def get_serializer_class(self):
""" Return the class to use for serializer w.r.t to the request method."""
if hasattr(self, 'action') and self.action in self.custom_serializer_classes:
return self.custom_serializer_classes[self.action]
return super(CustomSerializerMixin, self).get_serializer_class()
from jsonschema import validate
from jsonschema.exceptions import ValidationError as JSONSchemaValidationError
from rest_framework import serializers
class JsonSchemeSerializer(serializers.BaseSerializer):
用于复杂json schema的验证, 只做反序列化, 不做序列化
def to_internal_value(self, data):
validate(data, self.SCHEMA)
except JSONSchemaValidationError as e:
raise serializers.ValidationError(e.message)
return data
def schema_factory(schema):
schema serializer factory
class Serializer(JsonSchemeSerializer):
SCHEMA = schema
return Serializer
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