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Created April 24, 2016 08:00
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* Copyright (c) 2005, 2014
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
package org.springside.modules.nosql.redis;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springside.modules.nosql.redis.pool.JedisPool;
import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;
import redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline;
import redis.clients.jedis.Tuple;
import redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException;
import redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisDataException;
import redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisException;
* JedisTemplate 提供了一个template方法,负责对Jedis连接的获取与归还。
* JedisAction<T> 和 JedisActionNoResult两种回调接口,适用于有无返回值两种情况。
* PipelineAction 与 PipelineActionResult两种接口,适合于pipeline中批量传输命令的情况。
* 同时提供一些JedisOperation中定义的 最常用函数的封装, 如get/set/zadd等。
public class JedisTemplate {
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JedisTemplate.class);
private JedisPool jedisPool;
public JedisTemplate(JedisPool jedisPool) {
this.jedisPool = jedisPool;
* Callback interface for template.
public interface JedisAction<T> {
T action(Jedis jedis);
* Callback interface for template without result.
public interface JedisActionNoResult {
void action(Jedis jedis);
* Callback interface for template.
public interface PipelineAction {
List<Object> action(Pipeline Pipeline);
* Callback interface for template without result.
public interface PipelineActionNoResult {
void action(Pipeline Pipeline);
* Execute with a call back action with result.
public <T> T execute(JedisAction<T> jedisAction) throws JedisException {
Jedis jedis = null;
boolean broken = false;
try {
jedis = jedisPool.getResource();
return jedisAction.action(jedis);
} catch (JedisException e) {
broken = handleJedisException(e);
throw e;
} finally {
closeResource(jedis, broken);
* Execute with a call back action without result.
public void execute(JedisActionNoResult jedisAction) throws JedisException {
Jedis jedis = null;
boolean broken = false;
try {
jedis = jedisPool.getResource();
} catch (JedisException e) {
broken = handleJedisException(e);
throw e;
} finally {
closeResource(jedis, broken);
* Execute with a call back action with result in pipeline.
public List<Object> execute(PipelineAction pipelineAction) throws JedisException {
Jedis jedis = null;
boolean broken = false;
try {
jedis = jedisPool.getResource();
Pipeline pipeline = jedis.pipelined();
return pipeline.syncAndReturnAll();
} catch (JedisException e) {
broken = handleJedisException(e);
throw e;
} finally {
closeResource(jedis, broken);
* Execute with a call back action without result in pipeline.
public void execute(PipelineActionNoResult pipelineAction) throws JedisException {
Jedis jedis = null;
boolean broken = false;
try {
jedis = jedisPool.getResource();
Pipeline pipeline = jedis.pipelined();
} catch (JedisException e) {
broken = handleJedisException(e);
throw e;
} finally {
closeResource(jedis, broken);
* Return the internal JedisPool.
public JedisPool getJedisPool() {
return jedisPool;
* Handle jedisException, write log and return whether the connection is broken.
protected boolean handleJedisException(JedisException jedisException) {
if (jedisException instanceof JedisConnectionException) {
logger.error("Redis connection " + jedisPool.getAddress() + " lost.", jedisException);
} else if (jedisException instanceof JedisDataException) {
if ((jedisException.getMessage() != null) && (jedisException.getMessage().indexOf("READONLY") != -1)) {
logger.error("Redis connection " + jedisPool.getAddress() + " are read-only slave.", jedisException);
} else {
// dataException, isBroken=false
return false;
} else {
logger.error("Jedis exception happen.", jedisException);
return true;
* Return jedis connection to the pool, call different return methods depends on the conectionBroken status.
protected void closeResource(Jedis jedis, boolean conectionBroken) {
try {
if (conectionBroken) {
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("return back jedis failed, will fore close the jedis.", e);
// / Common Actions ///
* Remove the specified keys. If a given key does not exist no operation is
* performed for this key.
* return false if one of the key is not exist.
public Boolean del(final String... keys) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Boolean>() {
public Boolean action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.del(keys) == keys.length ? true : false;
public void flushDB() {
execute(new JedisActionNoResult() {
public void action(Jedis jedis) {
// / String Actions ///
* Get the value of the specified key. If the key does not exist null is
* returned. If the value stored at key is not a string an error is returned
* because GET can only handle string values.
public String get(final String key) {
return execute(new JedisAction<String>() {
public String action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.get(key);
* Get the value of the specified key as Long.If the key does not exist null is returned.
public Long getAsLong(final String key) {
String result = get(key);
return result != null ? Long.valueOf(result) : null;
* Get the value of the specified key as Integer.If the key does not exist null is returned.
public Integer getAsInt(final String key) {
String result = get(key);
return result != null ? Integer.valueOf(result) : null;
* Get the values of all the specified keys. If one or more keys dont exist
* or is not of type String, a 'nil' value is returned instead of the value
* of the specified key, but the operation never fails.
public List<String> mget(final String... keys) {
return execute(new JedisAction<List<String>>() {
public List<String> action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.mget(keys);
* Set the string value as value of the key.
* The string can't be longer than 1073741824 bytes (1 GB).
public void set(final String key, final String value) {
execute(new JedisActionNoResult() {
public void action(Jedis jedis) {
jedis.set(key, value);
* The command is exactly equivalent to the following group of commands: {@link #set(String, String) SET} +
* {@link #expire(String, int) EXPIRE}.
* The operation is atomic.
public void setex(final String key, final String value, final int seconds) {
execute(new JedisActionNoResult() {
public void action(Jedis jedis) {
jedis.setex(key, seconds, value);
* SETNX works exactly like {@link #setNX(String, String) SET} with the only
* difference that if the key already exists no operation is performed.
* SETNX actually means "SET if Not eXists".
* return true if the key was set.
public Boolean setnx(final String key, final String value) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Boolean>() {
public Boolean action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.setnx(key, value) == 1 ? true : false;
* The command is exactly equivalent to the following group of commands: {@link #setex(String, String, int) SETEX} +
* {@link #sexnx(String, String) SETNX}.
* The operation is atomic.
public Boolean setnxex(final String key, final String value, final int seconds) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Boolean>() {
public Boolean action(Jedis jedis) {
String result = jedis.set(key, value, "NX", "EX", seconds);
return JedisUtils.isStatusOk(result);
* GETSET is an atomic set this value and return the old value command. Set
* key to the string value and return the old value stored at key. The
* string can't be longer than 1073741824 bytes (1 GB).
public String getSet(final String key, final String value) {
return execute(new JedisAction<String>() {
public String action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.getSet(key, value);
* Increment the number stored at key by one. If the key does not exist or
* contains a value of a wrong type, set the key to the value of "0" before
* to perform the increment operation.
* <p>
* INCR commands are limited to 64 bit signed integers.
* <p>
* Note: this is actually a string operation, that is, in Redis there are not "integer" types. Simply the string
* stored at the key is parsed as a base 10 64 bit signed integer, incremented, and then converted back as a string.
* @return Integer reply, this commands will reply with the new value of key
* after the increment.
public Long incr(final String key) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Long>() {
public Long action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.incr(key);
public Long incrBy(final String key, final long increment) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Long>() {
public Long action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.incrBy(key, increment);
public Double incrByFloat(final String key, final double increment) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Double>() {
public Double action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.incrByFloat(key, increment);
* Decrement the number stored at key by one. If the key does not exist or
* contains a value of a wrong type, set the key to the value of "0" before
* to perform the decrement operation.
public Long decr(final String key) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Long>() {
public Long action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.decr(key);
public Long decrBy(final String key, final long decrement) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Long>() {
public Long action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.decrBy(key, decrement);
// / Hash Actions ///
* If key holds a hash, retrieve the value associated to the specified
* field.
* <p>
* If the field is not found or the key does not exist, a special 'nil' value is returned.
public String hget(final String key, final String fieldName) {
return execute(new JedisAction<String>() {
public String action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.hget(key, fieldName);
public List<String> hmget(final String key, final String... fieldsNames) {
return execute(new JedisAction<List<String>>() {
public List<String> action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.hmget(key, fieldsNames);
public Map<String, String> hgetAll(final String key) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Map<String, String>>() {
public Map<String, String> action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.hgetAll(key);
public void hset(final String key, final String fieldName, final String value) {
execute(new JedisActionNoResult() {
public void action(Jedis jedis) {
jedis.hset(key, fieldName, value);
public void hmset(final String key, final Map<String, String> map) {
execute(new JedisActionNoResult() {
public void action(Jedis jedis) {
jedis.hmset(key, map);
public Boolean hsetnx(final String key, final String fieldName, final String value) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Boolean>() {
public Boolean action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.hsetnx(key, fieldName, value) == 1 ? true : false;
public Long hincrBy(final String key, final String fieldName, final long increment) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Long>() {
public Long action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.hincrBy(key, fieldName, increment);
public Double hincrByFloat(final String key, final String fieldName, final double increment) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Double>() {
public Double action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.hincrByFloat(key, fieldName, increment);
public Long hdel(final String key, final String... fieldsNames) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Long>() {
public Long action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.hdel(key, fieldsNames);
public Boolean hexists(final String key, final String fieldName) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Boolean>() {
public Boolean action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.hexists(key, fieldName);
public Set<String> hkeys(final String key) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Set<String>>() {
public Set<String> action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.hkeys(key);
public Long hlen(final String key) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Long>() {
public Long action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.hlen(key);
// / List Actions ///
public Long lpush(final String key, final String... values) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Long>() {
public Long action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.lpush(key, values);
public String rpop(final String key) {
return execute(new JedisAction<String>() {
public String action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.rpop(key);
public String brpop(final String key) {
return execute(new JedisAction<String>() {
public String action(Jedis jedis) {
List<String> nameValuePair = jedis.brpop(key);
if (nameValuePair != null) {
return nameValuePair.get(1);
} else {
return null;
public String brpop(final int timeout, final String key) {
return execute(new JedisAction<String>() {
public String action(Jedis jedis) {
List<String> nameValuePair = jedis.brpop(timeout, key);
if (nameValuePair != null) {
return nameValuePair.get(1);
} else {
return null;
* Not support for sharding.
public String rpoplpush(final String sourceKey, final String destinationKey) {
return execute(new JedisAction<String>() {
public String action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.rpoplpush(sourceKey, destinationKey);
* Not support for sharding.
public String brpoplpush(final String source, final String destination, final int timeout) {
return execute(new JedisAction<String>() {
public String action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.brpoplpush(source, destination, timeout);
public Long llen(final String key) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Long>() {
public Long action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.llen(key);
public String lindex(final String key, final long index) {
return execute(new JedisAction<String>() {
public String action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.lindex(key, index);
public List<String> lrange(final String key, final int start, final int end) {
return execute(new JedisAction<List<String>>() {
public List<String> action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.lrange(key, start, end);
public void ltrim(final String key, final int start, final int end) {
execute(new JedisActionNoResult() {
public void action(Jedis jedis) {
jedis.ltrim(key, start, end);
public void ltrimFromLeft(final String key, final int size) {
execute(new JedisActionNoResult() {
public void action(Jedis jedis) {
jedis.ltrim(key, 0, size - 1);
public Boolean lremFirst(final String key, final String value) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Boolean>() {
public Boolean action(Jedis jedis) {
Long count = jedis.lrem(key, 1, value);
return (count == 1);
public Boolean lremAll(final String key, final String value) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Boolean>() {
public Boolean action(Jedis jedis) {
Long count = jedis.lrem(key, 0, value);
return (count > 0);
// / Set Actions ///
public Boolean sadd(final String key, final String member) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Boolean>() {
public Boolean action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.sadd(key, member) == 1 ? true : false;
public Set<String> smembers(final String key) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Set<String>>() {
public Set<String> action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.smembers(key);
// / Ordered Set Actions ///
* return true for add new element, false for only update the score.
public Boolean zadd(final String key, final double score, final String member) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Boolean>() {
public Boolean action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.zadd(key, score, member) == 1 ? true : false;
public Double zscore(final String key, final String member) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Double>() {
public Double action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.zscore(key, member);
public Long zrank(final String key, final String member) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Long>() {
public Long action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.zrank(key, member);
public Long zrevrank(final String key, final String member) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Long>() {
public Long action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.zrevrank(key, member);
public Long zcount(final String key, final double min, final double max) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Long>() {
public Long action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.zcount(key, min, max);
public Set<String> zrange(final String key, final int start, final int end) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Set<String>>() {
public Set<String> action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.zrange(key, start, end);
public Set<Tuple> zrangeWithScores(final String key, final int start, final int end) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Set<Tuple>>() {
public Set<Tuple> action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.zrangeWithScores(key, start, end);
public Set<String> zrevrange(final String key, final int start, final int end) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Set<String>>() {
public Set<String> action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.zrevrange(key, start, end);
public Set<Tuple> zrevrangeWithScores(final String key, final int start, final int end) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Set<Tuple>>() {
public Set<Tuple> action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.zrevrangeWithScores(key, start, end);
public Set<String> zrangeByScore(final String key, final double min, final double max) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Set<String>>() {
public Set<String> action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.zrangeByScore(key, min, max);
public Set<Tuple> zrangeByScoreWithScores(final String key, final double min, final double max) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Set<Tuple>>() {
public Set<Tuple> action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.zrangeByScoreWithScores(key, min, max);
public Set<String> zrevrangeByScore(final String key, final double max, final double min) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Set<String>>() {
public Set<String> action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.zrevrangeByScore(key, max, min);
public Set<Tuple> zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(final String key, final double max, final double min) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Set<Tuple>>() {
public Set<Tuple> action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(key, max, min);
public Boolean zrem(final String key, final String member) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Boolean>() {
public Boolean action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.zrem(key, member) == 1 ? true : false;
public Long zremByScore(final String key, final double start, final double end) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Long>() {
public Long action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.zremrangeByScore(key, start, end);
public Long zremByRank(final String key, final long start, final long end) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Long>() {
public Long action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.zremrangeByRank(key, start, end);
public Long zcard(final String key) {
return execute(new JedisAction<Long>() {
public Long action(Jedis jedis) {
return jedis.zcard(key);
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