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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Amazon Windows bootstrapping script
# AWS EC2 Windows Bootstrapping Script
# Supported OS:
# - Windows 2008 Server R2 SP1 (TESTED)
# - Windows 2008 Server (TO BE TESTED)
# - Windows 2012 Server (TO BE TESTED)
# Image Transformation Target Cloud
# - VMWare vSphere & VCD
# Coppyright (c) 2014, CliQr Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
$log = 'c:\Bootstrap.txt'
$systemPath = [Environment]::GetFolderPath([Environment+SpecialFolder]::System)
$sysNative = [IO.Path]::Combine($env:windir, "sysnative")
$Is32Bit = (($Env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq 'x86') -and ($Env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 -eq $null))
Add-Content $log -value "Is 32-bit [$Is32Bit]"
$coreEditions = @(0x0c,0x27,0x0e,0x29,0x2a,0x0d,0x28,0x1d)
$IsCore = $coreEditions -contains (Get-WmiObject -Query "Select OperatingSystemSKU from Win32_OperatingSystem" | Select -ExpandProperty OperatingSystemSKU)
Add-Content $log -value "Is Core [$IsCore]"
Set-Location -Path $Env:USERPROFILE
[Environment]::CurrentDirectory=(Get-Location -PSProvider FileSystem).ProviderPath
Add-Content $log -value "Changed Administrator password"
net user Administrator $AdminPass
$client = new-object System.Net.WebClient 4
if ((Test-Path "${Env:windir}\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319") -eq $false)
$netUrl = if ($IsCore) {'' } `
else { '' }
$client.DownloadFile( $netUrl, 'C:\Users\Administrator\dotNetFx40_Full.exe')
Start-Process -FilePath 'C:\Users\Administrator\dotNetFx40_Full.exe' -ArgumentList '/norestart /q /ChainingPackage ADMINDEPLOYMENT' -Wait -NoNewWindow
Add-Content $log -value "Found that .NET4 was not installed and downloaded / installed"
#configure powershell to use .net 4
$config = @'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!-- -->
<startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" />
<supportedRuntime version="v2.0.50727" />
if (Test-Path "${Env:windir}\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe")
$config | Set-Content "${Env:windir}\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe.config"
Add-Content $log -value "Configured 32-bit Powershell on x64 OS to use .NET 4"
if (Test-Path "${Env:windir}\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe")
$config | Set-Content "${Env:windir}\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe.config"
Add-Content $log -value "Configured host OS specific Powershell at ${Env:windir}\system32\ to use .NET 4"
#enable powershell servermanager cmdlets (only for 2008 r2 + above)
if ($IsCore)
DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:MicrosoftWindowsPowerShell /FeatureName:ServerManager-PSH-Cmdlets /FeatureName:BestPractices-PSH-Cmdlets
Add-Content $log -value "Enabled ServerManager and BestPractices Cmdlets"
#enable .NET flavors - on server core only -- errors on regular 2008
DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx2-ServerCore /FeatureName:NetFx2-ServerCore-WOW64 /FeatureName:NetFx3-ServerCore /FeatureName:NetFx3-ServerCore-WOW64
Add-Content $log -value "Enabled .NET frameworks 2 and 3 for x86 and x64"
$7zUri = if ($Is32Bit) { '' } `
else { '' }
$client.DownloadFile( $7zUri, 'C:\Users\Administrator\7z922.msi')
Start-Process -FilePath "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList '/i "C:\Users\Administrator\7z922.msi" /norestart /q INSTALLDIR="c:\program files\7-zip"' -Wait
SetX Path "${Env:Path};C:\Program Files\7-zip" /m
$Env:Path += ';C:\Program Files\7-Zip'
Add-Content $log -value "Installed 7-zip from $7zUri and updated path"
#vc 2010 redstributable
$vcredist = if ($Is32Bit) { ''} `
else { '' }
$client.DownloadFile( $vcredist, 'C:\Users\Administrator\vcredist.exe')
Start-Process -FilePath 'C:\Users\Administrator\vcredist.exe' -ArgumentList '/norestart /q' -Wait
del 'C:\Users\Administrator\vcredist.exe'
Add-Content $log -value "Installed VC++ 2010 Redistributable from $vcredist and updated path"
#vc 2008 redstributable
$vcredist = if ($Is32Bit) { ''} `
else { '' }
$client.DownloadFile( $vcredist, 'C:\Users\Administrator\vcredist.exe')
Start-Process -FilePath 'C:\Users\Administrator\vcredist.exe' -ArgumentList '/norestart /q' -Wait
del C:\Users\Administrator\vcredist.exe
Add-Content $log -value "Installed VC++ 2008 Redistributable from $vcredist and updated path"
Add-Content $log -value "Start to install toolchain"
#$client.DownloadFile('', 'VMware-converter-en-5.5.2-1890136.exe')
#Start-Process -FilePath 'C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\VMware-converter-en-5.5.2-1890136.exe' -ArgumentList '/S /v/qn' -Wait
$client.DownloadFile('', 'C:\Users\Administrator\VMware-ovftool-3.5.0-1274719-win.x86_64.msi')
Start-Process -FilePath 'msiexec' -ArgumentList '/quiet /qn /i C:\Users\Administrator\VMware-ovftool-3.5.0-1274719-win.x86_64.msi' -Wait
$client.DownloadFile('', 'C:\Users\Administrator\cliqr_installer.exe')
Start-Process -FilePath 'C:\Users\Administrator\cliqr_installer.exe' -ArgumentList '/CLOUDTYPE=vcd /CLOUDREGION=default /verysilent' -Wait
$client.DownloadFile( "", 'C:\Users\Administrator\')
&7z x 'C:\Users\Administrator\' `-o`"c:\program files`"
SetX Path "${Env:Path};C:\Program Files\qemu;C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool" /m
$Env:Path += ';C:\Program Files\qemu;C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool'
# Disable EC2 agent service
Set-Service -name Ec2Config -startupType Disabled
Set-Service -name xensvc -startupType Disabled
#Set-Service -name 'VM Tools' -startupType Automatic
#Set-Service -name 'AWSLiteAgent' -startupType Disabled
Start-Sleep -s 10
# TODO: Call pre bundle script
# Install product key
if ($ProductKey -eq 'null') {
Add-Content $log -value "No product key provided"
} else {
Add-Content $log -value "A product key is provided"
Set-Content -value "$ProductKey" -path 'C:\temp\product.key'
# Install vmware tools
##$client.DownloadFile('', '')
##&7z x
##Start-Process -FilePath 'msiexec' -ArgumentList '-i "C:\Users\Administrator\vmtools\VMware Tools64.msi" /qn ADDLOCAL=ALL REMOVE="Audio,VMXNet,VMXNet3,Buslogic,VSS,WYSE,VShield,PVSCSI" REBOOT=ReallySuppress /lv c:\install.log' -Wait
# Add vmtools installation script
Remote-Item "C:\Program Files\osmosix\bin\startup.cmd"
$client.DownloadFile('', 'C:\Program Files\osmosix\bin\startup.cmd')
Start-Sleep -s 30
# Bundle
Add-Content $log -value "Creating bundle..."
$client.DownloadFile('', 'C:\Users\Administrator\disk2vhd.exe')
Start-Process -FilePath 'C:\Users\Administrator\disk2vhd.exe' -ArgumentList "c: z:\disk.vhd -accepteula" -Wait
Add-Content $log -value "Done."
# Resignature system disk
$dpCmd = @"
select disk 0
uniqueid disk id=88888888
$dpCmd | diskpart
# Attach vdh
$dpCmd = @"
select vdisk file=z:\disk.vhd
attach vdisk
online disk
$dpCmd | diskpart
# Install VMWare drivers
##$client.DownloadFile('', '')
##&7z x
# Unlock files
##gci -Path C:\Users\Administrator\Drivers -Recurse | Unblock-File
##dism /Image:d:\ /Add-Driver /Driver:C:\Users\Administrator\Drivers\ /Recurse /ForceUnsigned
Start-Sleep -s 10
# Fix registry
reg load 'HKLM\p2v' d:\windows\system32\config\SYSTEM
Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\p2v\ControlSet001\services\LSI_SCSI -Name Start -Value 0
Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\p2v\ControlSet001\services\LSI_SAS -Name Start -Value 0
reg unload 'HKLM\p2v'
Start-Sleep -s 10
# Detach vhd
$dpCmd = @"
select vdisk file=z:\disk.vhd
detach vdisk
$dpCmd | diskpart
# TODO: Call post bundle script
# Convert VHD to VMDK
&qemu-img convert -O vmdk z:\disk.vhd z:\disk.vmdk
# Convert VMDK
#$client.DownloadFile('', 'y:\vm.ovf')
$client.DownloadFile('', 'z:\vm.tmp')
$capacity = (qemu-img info z:\disk.vmdk |select-string '^virtual size:' | foreach { $_.ToString().split(":(")[1]} | foreach { $_.ToString().split("G ")[1]})
Add-Content $log -value "VM capacity: $capacity"
Get-Content 'z:\vm.tmp' | %{$_ -creplace '%VM_CAPACITY%', $capacity} | Set-Content 'z:\vm.ovf'
&ovftool z:\vm.ovf z:\$ImageName.ovf
# Bundle
Add-Content $log -value "Uploading bundle..."
$client.DownloadFile('', 'C:\Users\Administrator\gof3r.exe')
$Env:AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = $AccessId
Start-Process -FilePath 'C:\Users\Administrator\gof3r.exe' -ArgumentList "put /p z:\$ImageName-disk1.vmdk /b osmosixdev-test /k $ImageName-disk1.vmdk /c 20"-Wait
Start-Process -FilePath 'C:\Users\Administrator\gof3r.exe' -ArgumentList "put /p z:\$ImageName.ovf /b osmosixdev-test /k $ImageName.ovf /c 20" -Wait
Add-Content $log -value "Done."
#Start-Sleep -m 300000
Add-Content $log -value "Cleaning up..."
#cd C:\Users\Administrator
#Remove-Item *.*
# shutdown /s /f
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