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Created April 1, 2015 13:36
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SpaceEngine main configuration file for low end computer
// SpaceEngine main configuration file //
// display settings
WindowSizeX 1040 // window width
WindowSizeY 744 // window height
WindowPosX 1592 // window x position
WindowPosY -132 // window y position
Maximized true // start with a maximized window
FullScreen 0 // 0 - window mode, 1 - fullscreen window mode, 2 - hardware fullscreen mode
ChangeMode true // use fullscreen mode with custom display resolution
ScreenResX 1280 // screen resolution (width) in the hardware fullscreen mode
ScreenResY 720 // screen resolution (height) in the hardware fullscreen mode
DisplayRefresh 60 // refresh frequency in the fullscreen mode
AspectRatio 1 // aspect ratio for displays with non-square pixels
// OpenGL settings
InitInShutterMode false // when changing to the hardware shutter stereoscopic mode, the engine should be restarted with this key set to true
VSync 0 // vertical synchronization (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled, 2 - auto)
AnisotropyLevel 0 // anisotropy filtering level (0 - disable anisotropy)
LineWidth 2.0 // lines width
DepthBufferMode 0 // Z-buffer mode (0 - standard, 1 - log in vertex shader, 2 - log in pixel shader) (remove cache to apply changes)
ShipDrawMode 1 // use 1 for DepthBufferMode = 0, and 2 or 3 otherwise
// memory settings
VideoMemoryStartupDetect false // detect size physical video memory (VRAM) at startup
VideoMemoryDynamicDetect false // detect available amount of video memory (VRAM) in runtime
VideoMemorySize 1024 // video memory size to use if VideoMemoryStartupDetect = false
VideoMemoryMaxPercent 100 // max video memory consumption (percent)
CacheSizeLandNode 10000 // limit on the number of terrain nodes in the memory (0 for auto, at least 4000 for LOD 0, 10000 for LOD 2)
CacheSizeStarNode 50000 // limit on the number of star nodes in the memory (0 for auto, at least 20000 for center regions of the galaxy)
CacheSizeGalNode 10000 // limit on the number of galaxy nodes in the memory (0 for auto, at least 10000 for dense regions of the Universe)
CacheSizeGalaxySysModel 20 // limit on the number of galaxy subsystem models in the memory
CacheSizeClusterStarModel 1000 // limit on the number of star cluster models in the memory
// interface settings
GUIMode 2 // text info mode
GUIMessageTime 2000 // splash message duration (milliseconds)
GUIPlanThumbSize 120 // size of solar system browser thumbnails
GUIHardwareCursor true // use hardware cursor or rendered by engine
GUICursorSize 16 // textured cursor size
GUIJournalSize 100 // maximum size of autopilot journal
GUIBottomInfoHUD false // draw bottom HUD
// texture rendering settings
TRMaxImpostors 16 // max number of impostors
TRMaxSkyBoxes 1 // max number of skyboxes
TRFloat true // use floating-point impostors (for HDR)
TRImpResolution 0.500 // impostor resolution (fraction of window width)
TRSkyResolution 0.750 // skybox resolution (fraction of window width)
TRImpUpdateThreshold 0.005 // impostor update threshold
TRSkyUpdateThreshold 0.0006 // skybox update threshold
TRSkyMinFOV 20.0 // skybox min FOV
TRSkyMaxStep 1e-7 // skybox max velocity (normalized on object's radius)
TRFishEyeFaceResolution 1024 // fish eye skybox resolution
TRLensFlareConvRadius 3 // "super" lens flare convolution radius
// atmosphere settings
AtmoAnalyticTransm true // use analytic transmittance calculations (remove cache to apply changes)
AtmoFixHorizon true // fixes artifacts at horizon (remove cache to apply changes)
AtmoBottomOffset 0.0 // shift atmosphere down to fix artifacts at horizon (in units of atmosphere height)
// planets settings
PlanetMipmaps true // use mipmapping for landscape textures
PlanetTextureRes 128 // texture resolution (use only power of 2!)
PlanetTextureBorder 1 // texture border
PlanetSphereMeshLOD 5 // spherical mesh detail
PlanetCubeMeshLOD 5 // landscape mesh detail
PlanetRingsSubdiv 16 // planetary rings detail
PlanetCloudsTerra 3 // max number of cloud layers for terrestrial planets
PlanetCloudsGasGiant 7 // max number of cloud layers for gas giant planets
PlanetDetailCraters 3.0 // approx. min radius of craters on terrestrial planets (kilometers)
PlanetDetailTerra 0.01 // approx. per vertex detail on terrestrial planets (kilometers)
PlanetDetailAsteroid 0.001 // approx. per vertex detail on asteroids (kilometers)
PlanetDetailClouds 0.1 // approx. per vertex detail on clouds (kilometers)
PlanetDetailGasGiant 1.0 // approx. per vertex detail on gas giant planets (kilometers)
PlanetDetailSun 1.0 // approx. per vertex detail on stars surface (kilometers)
PlanetDetailTexScale 16384 // scale of detail textures
PlanetDetailTextures true // use detail noise textures (remove cache to apply changes)
// stars settings
StarColorShift 0.0 // color shift ("+" red, "-" blue)
StarColorSaturation 1.5 // color saturation
StarFrustumClipFOV 30.0 // max frustum clipping FOV
StarSolTexBright 2.1 // surface texture brightness (temperature) multiplier
// magnitude limit settings
PlanetMagnLimit 7.0 // planets limiting magnitude
StarMagnLimit 7.0 // stars limiting magnitude
GalaxyMagnLimit 7.0 // galaxies, nebulae and clusters limiting magnitude
GlowMagnLimit 4.0 // galaxies and nebulae sprites limiting magnitude
PlanetBrightMin 0.03 // planets cutoff pixel brightness
StarBrightMin 0.03 // stars cutoff pixel brightness
GalaxyBrightMin 0.03 // galaxies, nebulae and clusters cutoff pixel brightness
GlowBrightMin 0.006 // galaxies and nebulae sprites cutoff pixel brightness
// physics settings
PhysicsTick 0.015 // physics iteration time (seconds)
// screenshots and other settings
ScreenshotFormat "png" // screenshot format (jpg, png, dds, tga, tif)
SkyBoxFormat "tga" // skybox export format (jpg, png, dds, tga, tif)
JpegQuality 95 // jpeg compression quality
RealTime true // use RealTime mode (velocity not depend on FPS)
RealTimeFPS 24.0 // RealTime mode velocity calibration (FPS for video capture)
ConvertRGBAtoPNG false // if true, any loaded RGBA or Grayscale images are saved in PNG format in the same directory
NSplashImages 20 // number of splash window textures (data\textures\common\splash*.*)
// debug settings
ShowGalaxiesOctree false // show catalog galaxies octree
ShowCatStarsOctree false // show catalog stars octree
ShowGalSysOctree false // show galaxy subsystems octree
ShowPlanetsQuadtree false // show planets bounding boxes
ShowGalaxiesBBoxes false // show galaxy model bounding boxes
ShowNebulaeBBoxes false // show nebula model bounding boxes
// solution of the compatibility issues
IgnoreCriticalCheck false // ignore checking of OpenGL version and support of critical extensions
IgnoreShaderBinary true // disable binary shader cache
IgnoreSyncObjects false // disable GL_ARB_sync
PlanetHeightmapFormat 13 // format of the terrain heightmap textures: 13 - R32F, 16 - RGBA32F
MipmapsMode 1 // mipmaps generation mode: 0 - disable, 1 - default OpenGL function, 2 - SpaceEngine function
// loading settings
PreloadGalaxies true // preload nearby galaxy models
PreloadShipTextures true // preload ship textures (do not render ship until all its textures get loaded)
PreloadGenShaders 1 // preload procedural generator shaders: 0 - none, 1 - all
PreloadDrawShaders 2 // preload renderer shaders: 0 - none, 1 - all, 2 - some
LoaderBenchmark false // log loading/creating times
LoaderMode 1 // loader mode: 0 - immediate, 1 - interleaved, 2 - asynchronous
LoaderMulticontext true // use miltiple OpenGL contexts
LoaderShadersAsync true // load shaders in asynchronous mode
LoaderQueueSizeGPU 128 // size of loader request queue (landscape tiles)
LoaderQueueSizeCPU 256 // size of loader request queue (all other resources)
LoaderMaxTilesPF 2 // max landscape textures created per frame
LoaderMaxTimePF 20.0 // max loading/creating time per frame (milliseconds)
CleanMaxTimePF 20.0 // max memory cleaning time per frame (milliseconds)
ReplaceDuplicateMat true // for import from OBJ: replace duplicate materials with existing ones
LogTimeStamp false // print time stamp into se.log
LogThreadStamp true // print thread ID into se.log
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