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Last active November 12, 2015 17:12
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  • Save zhuowei/45d1eb080bc36dc34237 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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ELF Header:
Magic: 7f 45 4c 46 01 02 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Class: ELF32
Data: 2's complement, big endian
Version: 1 (current)
OS/ABI: UNIX - System V
ABI Version: 0
Type: DYN (Shared object file)
Machine: PowerPC
Version: 0x1
Entry point address: 0x2cf5000
Start of program headers: 0 (bytes into file)
Start of section headers: 64 (bytes into file)
Flags: 0x0
Size of this header: 52 (bytes)
Size of program headers: 0 (bytes)
Number of program headers: 0
Size of section headers: 40 (bytes)
Number of section headers: 40
Section header string table index: 37
Section Headers:
[Nr] Name Type Addr Off Size ES Flg Lk Inf Al
[ 0] NULL 00000000 000680 000000 00 0 0 0
[ 1] .syscall PROGBITS 02000000 000680 000008 00 AX 0 0 32
[ 2] .text PROGBITS 02000020 000688 d8e400 00 AX 0 0 32
[ 3] .rodata PROGBITS 10000000 d8ea88 1d4f58 00 WA 0 0 256
[ 4] .data PROGBITS 101d4f60 f639e0 00bf4c 00 WA 0 0 32
[ 5] .module_id PROGBITS 101e0ec0 f6f92c 0001e8 00 WA 0 0 32
[ 6] .bss NOBITS 101e2000 f6fb14 08456c 00 WA 0 0 4096
[ 7] .rela.text RELA 00000000 ff4080 37eac8 0c 35 2 4
[ 8] .rela.rodata RELA 00000000 1372b48 14fb74 0c 35 3 4
[ 9] RELA 00000000 14c26bc 006ff0 0c 35 4 4
[10] .fimport_nlibcurl LOUSER+2 c0006780 14c96ac 000018 00 AX 0 0 4
[11] .fimport_nsysnet LOUSER+2 c00067c0 14c96c4 0000d8 00 AX 0 0 4
[12] .fimport_gx2 LOUSER+2 c00068c0 14c979c 000480 00 AX 0 0 4
[13] .fimport_snd_core LOUSER+2 c0006d40 14c9c1c 0001f0 00 AX 0 0 4
[14] .fimport_snd_user LOUSER+2 c0006f40 14c9e0c 000018 00 AX 0 0 4
[15] .fimport_nn_acp LOUSER+2 c0006f80 14c9e24 000018 00 AX 0 0 4
[16] .fimport_nn_save LOUSER+2 c0006fc0 14c9e3c 000060 00 AX 0 0 4
[17] .fimport_vpad LOUSER+2 c0007040 14c9e9c 000068 00 AX 0 0 4
[18] .fimport_vpadbase LOUSER+2 c00070c0 14c9f04 000018 00 AX 0 0 4
[19] .fimport_proc_ui LOUSER+2 c0007100 14c9f1c 000030 00 AX 0 0 4
[20] .fimport_nn_ac LOUSER+2 c0007140 14c9f4c 000040 00 AX 0 0 4
[21] .fimport_padscore LOUSER+2 c0007180 14c9f8c 000100 00 AX 0 0 4
[22] .fimport_coreinit LOUSER+2 c0007280 14ca08c 0004e8 00 AX 0 0 4
[23] .dimport_coreinit LOUSER+2 c0007780 14ca574 000048 00 A 0 0 4
[24] .fimport_sysapp LOUSER+2 c0007800 14ca5bc 000038 00 AX 0 0 4
[25] .fimport_zlib125 LOUSER+2 c0007840 14ca5f4 000048 00 AX 0 0 4
[26] .fimport_mic LOUSER+2 c00078c0 14ca63c 000038 00 AX 0 0 4
[27] .fimport_nn_act LOUSER+2 c0007900 14ca674 0000b0 00 AX 0 0 4
[28] .dimport_nn_act LOUSER+2 c00079c0 14ca724 000010 00 A 0 0 4
[29] .fimport_nn_olv.rpl LOUSER+2 c0007a00 14ca734 000148 00 AX 0 0 4
[30] .fimport_nn_boss LOUSER+2 c0007b80 14ca87c 000178 00 AX 0 0 4
[31] .dimport_nn_boss LOUSER+2 c0007d00 14ca9f4 000010 00 A 0 0 4
[32] .fimport_nn_fp LOUSER+2 c0007d40 14caa04 000090 00 AX 0 0 4
[33] .fimport_nn_ndm LOUSER+2 c0007e00 14caa94 000028 00 AX 0 0 4
[34] .fimport_nn_nfp LOUSER+2 c0007e40 14caabc 000060 00 AX 0 0 4
[35] .symtab SYMTAB c0000000 14cab1c 002960 10 A 36 0 4
[36] .strtab STRTAB c0002960 14cd47c 003c02 00 A 0 0 1
[37] .shstrtab STRTAB c0006562 14d107e 000209 00 A 0 0 1
[38] LOUSER+3 00000000 14d1287 0000a0 04 0 0 4
[39] LOUSER+4 00000000 14d1327 0000dd 00 0 0 4
Key to Flags:
W (write), A (alloc), X (execute), M (merge), S (strings)
I (info), L (link order), G (group), T (TLS), E (exclude), x (unknown)
O (extra OS processing required) o (OS specific), p (processor specific)
There are no program headers in this file.
Symbol table '.symtab' contains 662 entries:
Num: Value Size Type Bind Vis Ndx Name
4: 02000000 8 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 1 .syscall
5: 02000020 0xd8e400 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 2 .text
6: 10000000 0x1d4f58 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 3 .rodata
7: 101d4f60 48972 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 4 .data
8: 101e0ec0 488 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 5 .module_id
9: 101e2000 0x8456c SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 6 .bss
10: 00000000 0x37eac8 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 7 .rela.text
11: 00000000 0x14fb74 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 8 .rela.rodata
12: 00000000 28656 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 9
13: c0006780 456 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 10 .fimport_nlibcurl
14: c00067c0 1376 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 11 .fimport_nsysnet
15: c00068c0 2944 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 12 .fimport_gx2
16: c0006d40 2160 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 13 .fimport_snd_core
17: c0006f40 3016 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 14 .fimport_snd_user
18: c0006f80 1264 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 15 .fimport_nn_acp
19: c0006fc0 536 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 16 .fimport_nn_save
20: c0007040 624 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 17 .fimport_vpad
21: c00070c0 352 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 18 .fimport_vpadbase
22: c0007100 160 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 19 .fimport_proc_ui
23: c0007140 1760 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 20 .fimport_nn_ac
24: c0007180 2208 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 21 .fimport_padscore
25: c0007280 9752 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 22 .fimport_coreinit
26: c0007780 144 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 23 .dimport_coreinit
27: c0007800 808 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 24 .fimport_sysapp
28: c0007840 288 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 25 .fimport_zlib125
29: c00078c0 72 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 26 .fimport_mic
30: c0007900 1464 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 27 .fimport_nn_act
31: c00079c0 64 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 28 .dimport_nn_act
32: c0007a00 3080 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 29 .fimport_nn_olv.rpl
33: c0007b80 2896 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 30 .fimport_nn_boss
34: c0007d00 16 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 31 .dimport_nn_boss
35: c0007d40 744 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 32 .fimport_nn_fp
36: c0007e00 200 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 33 .fimport_nn_ndm
37: c0007e40 400 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 34 .fimport_nn_nfp
38: c0006788 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 10 curl_global_cleanup
39: c0006790 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 10 curl_global_init_mem
40: c00067c8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 NSSLInit
41: c00067d0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 bind
42: c00067d8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 freeaddrinfo
43: c00067e0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 getaddrinfo
44: c00067e8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 gethostbyname
45: c00067f0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 getsockname
46: c00067f8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 htonl
47: c0006800 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 htons
48: c0006808 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 inet_ntoa
49: c0006810 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 inet_pton
50: c0006818 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 mw_socket
51: c0006820 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 ntohl
52: c0006828 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 ntohs
53: c0006830 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 recv
54: c0006838 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 recvfrom
55: c0006840 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 recvfrom_ex
56: c0006848 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 select
57: c0006850 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 send
58: c0006858 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 sendto
59: c0006860 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 sendto_multi
60: c0006868 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 set_resolver_allocator
61: c0006870 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 setsockopt
62: c0006878 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 shutdown
63: c0006880 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 socket_lib_init
64: c0006888 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 socketclose
65: c0006890 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 socketlasterr
66: c00068c8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2AllocateTilingApertureEx
67: c00068d0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2BeginDisplayListEx
68: c00068d8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2CalcColorBufferAuxInfo
69: c00068e0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2CalcDRCSize
70: c00068e8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2CalcDepthBufferHiZInfo
71: c00068f0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2CalcFetchShaderSizeEx
72: c00068f8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2CalcGeometryShaderInputRingBufferSize
73: c0006900 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2CalcGeometryShaderOutputRingBufferSize
74: c0006908 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2CalcSurfaceSizeAndAlignment
75: c0006910 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2CalcTVSize
76: c0006918 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2CallDisplayList
77: c0006920 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2ClearBuffersEx
78: c0006928 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2ClearColor
79: c0006930 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2ClearDepthStencilEx
80: c0006938 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2ConvertDepthBufferToTextureSurface
81: c0006940 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2CopyColorBufferToScanBuffer
82: c0006948 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2CopyDisplayList
83: c0006950 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2CopySurface
84: c0006958 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2DebugTagUserString
85: c0006960 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2DebugTagUserStringVA
86: c0006968 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2DirectCallDisplayList
87: c0006970 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2DrawDone
88: c0006978 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2DrawEx
89: c0006980 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2DrawIndexedEx
90: c0006988 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2DrawIndexedEx2
91: c0006990 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2EndDisplayList
92: c0006998 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2ExpandAAColorBuffer
93: c00069a0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2ExpandDepthBuffer
94: c00069a8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2Flush
95: c00069b0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2FreeTilingAperture
96: c00069b8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2GPUTimeToCPUTime
97: c00069c0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2GetContextStateDisplayList
98: c00069c8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2GetCurrentDisplayList
99: c00069d0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2GetGeometryShaderGPRs
100: c00069d8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2GetGeometryShaderStackEntries
101: c00069e0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2GetLastFrame
102: c00069e8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2GetPixelShaderGPRs
103: c00069f0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2GetPixelShaderStackEntries
104: c00069f8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2GetSwapStatus
105: c0006a00 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2GetVertexShaderGPRs
106: c0006a08 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2GetVertexShaderStackEntries
107: c0006a10 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2Init
108: c0006a18 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2InitColorBufferRegs
109: c0006a20 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2InitDepthBufferHiZEnable
110: c0006a28 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2InitDepthBufferRegs
111: c0006a30 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2InitFetchShaderEx
112: c0006a38 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2InitSampler
113: c0006a40 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2InitSamplerBorderType
114: c0006a48 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2InitSamplerClamping
115: c0006a50 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2InitSamplerDepthCompare
116: c0006a58 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2InitSamplerLOD
117: c0006a60 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2InitSamplerXYFilter
118: c0006a68 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2InitSamplerZMFilter
119: c0006a70 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2InitTextureRegs
120: c0006a78 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2Invalidate
121: c0006a80 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2PatchDisplayList
122: c0006a88 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2QueryBegin
123: c0006a90 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2QueryBeginConditionalRender
124: c0006a98 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2QueryEnd
125: c0006aa0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2QueryEndConditionalRender
126: c0006aa8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2QueryGetOcclusionResult
127: c0006ab0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SampleBottomGPUCycle
128: c0006ab8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SampleTopGPUCycle
129: c0006ac0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SaveStreamOutContext
130: c0006ac8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetAAMode
131: c0006ad0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetAlphaTest
132: c0006ad8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetAlphaTestReg
133: c0006ae0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetAlphaToMask
134: c0006ae8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetAttribBuffer
135: c0006af0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetBlendConstantColor
136: c0006af8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetBlendConstantColorReg
137: c0006b00 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetBlendControl
138: c0006b08 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetBlendControlReg
139: c0006b10 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetClearDepth
140: c0006b18 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetClearDepthStencil
141: c0006b20 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetClearStencil
142: c0006b28 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetColorBuffer
143: c0006b30 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetColorControl
144: c0006b38 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetColorControlReg
145: c0006b40 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetComputeShader
146: c0006b48 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetContextState
147: c0006b50 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetCullOnlyControl
148: c0006b58 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetDRCBuffer
149: c0006b60 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetDRCEnable
150: c0006b68 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetDRCGamma
151: c0006b70 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetDRCScale
152: c0006b78 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetDefaultState
153: c0006b80 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetDepthBuffer
154: c0006b88 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetDepthOnlyControl
155: c0006b90 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetDepthStencilControl
156: c0006b98 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetDepthStencilControlReg
157: c0006ba0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetFetchShader
158: c0006ba8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetGeometrySampler
159: c0006bb0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetGeometrySamplerBorderColor
160: c0006bb8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetGeometryShader
161: c0006bc0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetGeometryShaderInputRingBuffer
162: c0006bc8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetGeometryShaderOutputRingBuffer
163: c0006bd0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetGeometryTexture
164: c0006bd8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetGeometryUniformBlock
165: c0006be0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetHiStencilInfo
166: c0006be8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetLineWidth
167: c0006bf0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetMaxTessellationLevel
168: c0006bf8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetMinTessellationLevel
169: c0006c00 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetPixelSampler
170: c0006c08 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetPixelSamplerBorderColor
171: c0006c10 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetPixelShader
172: c0006c18 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetPixelTexture
173: c0006c20 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetPixelUniformBlock
174: c0006c28 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetPixelUniformReg
175: c0006c30 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetPointSize
176: c0006c38 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetPolygonControl
177: c0006c40 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetPolygonControlReg
178: c0006c48 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetPolygonOffsetReg
179: c0006c50 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetPrimitiveRestartIndex
180: c0006c58 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetRasterizerClipControl
181: c0006c60 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetScissor
182: c0006c68 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetShaderModeEx
183: c0006c70 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetSpecialState
184: c0006c78 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetStencilMask
185: c0006c80 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetStencilMaskReg
186: c0006c88 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetStreamOutBuffer
187: c0006c90 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetStreamOutContext
188: c0006c98 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetStreamOutEnable
189: c0006ca0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetSurfaceSwizzle
190: c0006ca8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetSwapInterval
191: c0006cb0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetTVBuffer
192: c0006cb8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetTVEnable
193: c0006cc0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetTVGamma
194: c0006cc8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetTVScale
195: c0006cd0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetTargetChannelMasks
196: c0006cd8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetTargetChannelMasksReg
197: c0006ce0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetTessellation
198: c0006ce8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetVertexSampler
199: c0006cf0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetVertexSamplerBorderColor
200: c0006cf8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetVertexShader
201: c0006d00 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetVertexTexture
202: c0006d08 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetVertexUniformBlock
203: c0006d10 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetVertexUniformReg
204: c0006d18 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetViewport
205: c0006d20 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SetupContextStateEx
206: c0006d28 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2SwapScanBuffers
207: c0006d30 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2TempGetGPUVersion
208: c0006d38 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 12 GX2WaitForVsync
209: c0006d48 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXAcquireVoiceEx
210: c0006d50 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXComputeLpfCoefs
211: c0006d58 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXDecodeAdpcmData
212: c0006d60 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXDeregisterAppFrameCallback
213: c0006d68 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXFreeVoice
214: c0006d70 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXGetAuxCallback
215: c0006d78 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXGetDeviceFinalMixCallback
216: c0006d80 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXGetDeviceMode
217: c0006d88 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXGetDroppedVoiceCount
218: c0006d90 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXGetDspLoad
219: c0006d98 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXGetNumVoices
220: c0006da0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXGetSwapProfile
221: c0006da8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXGetVoiceCurrentOffsetEx
222: c0006db0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXGetVoiceLoopCount
223: c0006db8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXGetVoiceOffsets
224: c0006dc0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXInit
225: c0006dc8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXInitProfile
226: c0006dd0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXQuit
227: c0006dd8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXRegisterAppFrameCallback
228: c0006de0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXRegisterAuxCallback
229: c0006de8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXRegisterDeviceFinalMixCallback
230: c0006df0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXRegisterExceedCallback
231: c0006df8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXRmtAdvancePtr
232: c0006e00 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXRmtGetSamples
233: c0006e08 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXRmtGetSamplesLeft
234: c0006e10 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXSetAuxReturnVolume
235: c0006e18 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXSetDRCVSDownmixBalance
237: c0006e28 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXSetDRCVSMode
238: c0006e30 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXSetDRCVSOutputGain
239: c0006e38 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXSetDRCVSSpeakerPosition
240: c0006e40 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXSetDRCVSSurroundDepth
241: c0006e48 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXSetDRCVSSurroundLevelGain
242: c0006e50 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXSetDefaultMixerSelect
243: c0006e58 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXSetDeviceCompressor
244: c0006e60 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXSetDeviceLinearUpsampler
245: c0006e68 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXSetVoiceAdpcm
246: c0006e70 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXSetVoiceAdpcmLoop
247: c0006e78 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXSetVoiceBiquad
248: c0006e80 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXSetVoiceBiquadCoefs
249: c0006e88 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXSetVoiceDeviceMix
250: c0006e90 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXSetVoiceEndOffsetEx
251: c0006e98 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXSetVoiceLoop
252: c0006ea0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXSetVoiceLoopOffsetEx
253: c0006ea8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXSetVoiceLpf
254: c0006eb0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXSetVoiceLpfCoefs
255: c0006eb8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXSetVoiceMixerSelect
256: c0006ec0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXSetVoiceOffsets
257: c0006ec8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXSetVoicePriority
258: c0006ed0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXSetVoiceRmtIIR
259: c0006ed8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXSetVoiceRmtIIRCoefs
260: c0006ee0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXSetVoiceRmtOn
261: c0006ee8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXSetVoiceSrc
262: c0006ef0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXSetVoiceSrcRatio
263: c0006ef8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXSetVoiceSrcType
264: c0006f00 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXSetVoiceState
265: c0006f08 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXSetVoiceType
266: c0006f10 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXSetVoiceVe
267: c0006f18 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 AXUserIsProtected
268: c0006f20 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 DRCVS_Process
269: c0006f28 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 DRCVS_SetOutputMode
270: c0006f88 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 15 ACPConvertNetworkTimeToOSCalendarTime
271: c0006f90 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 15 ACPGetNetworkTime
272: c0006fc8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 16 SAVEFlushQuota
273: c0006fd0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 16 SAVEGetSharedDataTitlePath
274: c0006fd8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 16 SAVEGetSharedSaveDataPath
275: c0006fe0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 16 SAVEGetStat
276: c0006fe8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 16 SAVEInit
277: c0006ff0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 16 SAVEInitSaveDir
278: c0006ff8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 16 SAVEMakeDir
279: c0007000 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 16 SAVEOpenDir
280: c0007008 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 16 SAVEOpenFile
281: c0007010 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 16 SAVERemove
282: c0007018 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 16 SAVEShutdown
283: c0007048 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 17 VPADControlMotor
284: c0007050 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 17 VPADDisableGyroDirRevise
285: c0007058 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 17 VPADEnableGyroDirRevise
286: c0007060 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 17 VPADGetGyroZeroDriftMode
287: c0007068 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 17 VPADGetTPCalibratedPoint
288: c0007070 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 17 VPADRead
289: c0007078 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 17 VPADSetGyroDirReviseBase
290: c0007080 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 17 VPADSetGyroDirReviseParam
291: c0007088 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 17 VPADSetGyroDirection
292: c0007090 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 17 VPADSetGyroZeroDriftMode
293: c0007098 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 17 VPADSetStickOrigin
294: c00070a0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 17 VPADStopMotor
295: c00070c8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 18 VPADBASEGetHeadphoneStatus
296: c0007108 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 19 ProcUIDrawDoneRelease
297: c0007110 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 19 ProcUIInit
298: c0007118 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 19 ProcUIProcessMessages
299: c0007120 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 19 ProcUIRegisterCallback
300: c0007128 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 19 ProcUIShutdown
301: c0007148 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 20 Close__Q2_2nn2acFv
302: c0007150 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 20 Connect__Q2_2nn2acFv
303: c0007158 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 20 GetAssignedAddress__Q2_2nn2acFPUl
304: c0007160 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 20 GetAssignedSubnet__Q2_2nn2acFPUl
305: c0007168 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 20 GetLastErrorCode__Q2_2nn2acFPUi
306: c0007170 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 20 Initialize__Q2_2nn2acFv
307: c0007178 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 20 IsApplicationConnected__Q2_2nn2acFPb
308: c0007188 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 21 KPADDisableDPD
309: c0007190 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 21 KPADDisableMpls
310: c0007198 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 21 KPADDisableMplsDirRevise
311: c00071a0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 21 KPADDisableMplsDpdRevise
312: c00071a8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 21 KPADEnableDPD
313: c00071b0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 21 KPADEnableMpls
314: c00071b8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 21 KPADEnableMplsDirRevise
315: c00071c0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 21 KPADEnableMplsDpdRevise
316: c00071c8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 21 KPADEnableStickCrossClamp
317: c00071d0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 21 KPADGetMplsWorkSize
318: c00071d8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 21 KPADGetMplsZeroDriftMode
319: c00071e0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 21 KPADInitEx
320: c00071e8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 21 KPADReadEx
321: c00071f0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 21 KPADSetMplsDirReviseBase
322: c00071f8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 21 KPADSetMplsDirReviseParam
323: c0007200 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 21 KPADSetMplsDirection
324: c0007208 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 21 KPADSetMplsDpdReviseParam
325: c0007210 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 21 KPADSetMplsWorkarea
326: c0007218 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 21 KPADSetMplsZeroDriftMode
327: c0007220 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 21 KPADSetPosParam
328: c0007228 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 21 WENCGetEncodeData
329: c0007230 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 21 WPADCanSendStreamData
330: c0007238 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 21 WPADControlMotor
331: c0007240 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 21 WPADControlSpeaker
332: c0007248 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 21 WPADDisconnect
333: c0007250 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 21 WPADEnableURCC
334: c0007258 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 21 WPADGetBatteryLevel
335: c0007260 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 21 WPADIsMotorEnabled
336: c0007268 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 21 WPADIsMplsAttached
337: c0007270 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 21 WPADProbe
338: c0007278 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 21 WPADSendStreamData
339: c0007288 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 COSWarn
340: c0007290 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 DCFlushRange
341: c0007298 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 DCFlushRangeNoSync
342: c00072a0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 DCInvalidateRange
343: c00072a8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 DCStoreRange
344: c00072b0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 DCZeroRange
345: c00072b8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 ENVGetEnvironmentVariable
346: c00072c0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 FSAddClient
347: c00072c8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 FSCloseDir
348: c00072d0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 FSCloseFile
349: c00072d8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 FSDelClient
350: c00072e0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 FSFlushQuota
351: c00072e8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 FSGetCwd
352: c00072f0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 FSGetLastError
353: c00072f8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 FSGetLastErrorCodeForViewer
354: c0007300 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 FSGetStat
355: c0007308 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 FSGetStatFile
356: c0007310 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 FSGetVolumeState
357: c0007318 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 FSInit
358: c0007320 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 FSInitCmdBlock
359: c0007328 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 FSMakeDir
360: c0007330 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 FSOpenDir
361: c0007338 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 FSOpenFile
362: c0007340 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 FSReadDir
363: c0007348 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 FSReadFile
364: c0007350 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 FSReadFileWithPos
365: c0007358 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 FSSetCmdPriority
366: c0007360 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 FSSetPosFile
367: c0007368 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 FSSetStateChangeNotification
368: c0007370 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 FSShutdown
369: c0007378 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 FSWriteFile
370: c0007380 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 LCAlloc
371: c0007388 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 LCDealloc
372: c0007390 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 LCDisableDMA
373: c0007398 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 LCEnableDMA
374: c00073a0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 LCGetUnallocated
375: c00073a8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 LCIsDMAEnabled
376: c00073b0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 LCLoadDMABlocks
377: c00073b8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 LCStoreDMABlocks
378: c00073c0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 LCWaitDMAQueue
379: c00073c8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 MCP_Close
380: c00073d0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 MCP_GetSysProdSettings
381: c00073d8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 MCP_GetTicketViews
382: c00073e0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 MCP_Open
383: c00073e8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 MEMAllocFromExpHeapEx
384: c00073f0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 MEMAllocFromFrmHeapEx
385: c00073f8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 MEMCreateExpHeapEx
386: c0007400 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 MEMCreateFrmHeapEx
387: c0007408 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 MEMDestroyExpHeap
388: c0007410 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 MEMDestroyFrmHeap
389: c0007418 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 MEMFreeToExpHeap
390: c0007420 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 MEMGetAllocatableSizeForExpHeapEx
391: c0007428 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 MEMGetAllocatableSizeForFrmHeapEx
392: c0007430 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 MEMGetBaseHeapHandle
393: c0007438 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSBlockMove
394: c0007440 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSBlockSet
395: c0007448 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSBlockThreadsOnExit
396: c0007450 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSCancelAlarm
397: c0007458 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSCancelAlarms
398: c0007460 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSCoherencyBarrier
399: c0007468 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSConsoleWrite
400: c0007470 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSCreateAlarm
401: c0007478 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSCreateThread
402: c0007480 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSDisableInterrupts
403: c0007488 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSDriver_Register
404: c0007490 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSDynLoad_Acquire
405: c0007498 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSDynLoad_FindExport
406: c00074a0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSDynLoad_GetLoaderHeapStatistics
407: c00074a8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSDynLoad_SetAllocator
408: c00074b0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSEnableHomeButtonMenu
409: c00074b8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSEnableOverlayArena
410: c00074c0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSEnforceInorderIO
411: c00074c8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSExitThread
412: c00074d0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSFastMutex_Init
413: c00074d8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSFastMutex_Lock
414: c00074e0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSFastMutex_TryLock
415: c00074e8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSFastMutex_Unlock
416: c00074f0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSGetAlarmUserData
417: c00074f8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSGetCoreId
418: c0007500 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSGetCurrentThread
419: c0007508 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSGetMainCoreId
420: c0007510 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSGetSecurityLevel
421: c0007518 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSGetSharedData
422: c0007520 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSGetSystemInfo
423: c0007528 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSGetSystemTime
424: c0007530 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSGetThreadPriority
425: c0007538 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSGetThreadSpecific
426: c0007540 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSGetTick
427: c0007548 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSGetTime
428: c0007550 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSInitCond
429: c0007558 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSInitEvent
430: c0007560 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSInitMessageQueue
431: c0007568 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSInitMutex
432: c0007570 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSInitRendezvous
433: c0007578 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSInitSemaphore
434: c0007580 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSInitThreadQueue
435: c0007588 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSIsAddressRangeDCValid
436: c0007590 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSIsDebuggerInitialized
437: c0007598 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSIsDebuggerPresent
438: c00075a0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSIsEnabledOverlayArena
439: c00075a8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSJoinThread
440: c00075b0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSLockMutex
441: c00075b8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSMemoryBarrier
442: c00075c0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSPanic
443: c00075c8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSReadRegister16
444: c00075d0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSReceiveMessage
445: c00075d8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSReport
446: c00075e0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSResetEvent
447: c00075e8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSRestoreInterrupts
448: c00075f0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSResumeThread
449: c00075f8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSSavesDone_ReadyToRelease
450: c0007600 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSSendMessage
451: c0007608 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSSetAlarm
452: c0007610 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSSetAlarmUserData
453: c0007618 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSSetExceptionCallbackEx
454: c0007620 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSSetPeriodicAlarm
455: c0007628 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSSetThreadAffinity
456: c0007630 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSSetThreadName
457: c0007638 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSSetThreadPriority
458: c0007640 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSSetThreadSpecific
459: c0007648 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSSignalCond
460: c0007650 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSSignalEvent
461: c0007658 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSSignalSemaphore
462: c0007660 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSSleepTicks
463: c0007668 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSTicksToCalendarTime
464: c0007670 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSTryLockMutex
465: c0007678 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSUnlockMutex
466: c0007680 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSVReport
467: c0007688 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSWaitCond
468: c0007690 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSWaitEvent
469: c0007698 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSWaitEventWithTimeout
470: c00076a0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSWaitRendezvous
471: c00076a8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSWaitSemaphore
472: c00076b0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSWriteRegister16
473: c00076b8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 OSYieldThread
474: c00076c0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 UCClose
475: c00076c8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 UCOpen
476: c00076d0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 UCReadSysConfig
477: c00076d8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 _Exit
478: c00076e0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 __OSReadRegister32Ex
479: c00076e8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 __OSWriteRegister32Ex
480: c00076f0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 __gh_set_errno
481: c00076f8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 __ghsLock
482: c0007700 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 __ghsUnlock
483: c0007708 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 __ghs_flock_file
484: c0007710 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 __ghs_flock_ptr
485: c0007718 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 __ghs_funlock_file
486: c0007720 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 __ghs_mtx_dst
487: c0007728 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 __ghs_mtx_init
488: c0007730 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 __ghs_mtx_lock
489: c0007738 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 __ghs_mtx_unlock
490: c0007740 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 bspGetHardwareVersion
491: c0007748 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 exit
492: c0007750 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 memcpy
493: c0007758 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 memmove
494: c0007760 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 22 memset
495: c0007788 0 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 23 MEMAllocFromDefaultHeap
496: c0007790 0 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 23 MEMAllocFromDefaultHeapEx
497: c0007798 0 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 23 MEMFreeToDefaultHeap
498: c00077a0 0 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 23 __atexit_cleanup
499: c00077a8 0 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 23 __cpp_exception_cleanup_ptr
500: c00077b0 0 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 23 __cpp_exception_init_ptr
501: c00077b8 0 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 23 __gh_FOPEN_MAX
502: c00077c0 0 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 23 _iob
503: c0007808 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 24 SYSLaunchMenu
504: c0007810 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 24 SYSLaunchSettings
505: c0007818 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 24 SYSRelaunchTitle
506: c0007820 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 24 SYSSwitchToBrowser
507: c0007828 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 24 SYSSwitchToEShop
508: c0007830 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 24 _SYSGetSystemApplicationTitleId
509: c0007848 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 25 deflate
510: c0007850 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 25 deflateBound
511: c0007858 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 25 deflateEnd
512: c0007860 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 25 deflateInit2_
513: c0007868 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 25 inflate
514: c0007870 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 25 inflateEnd
515: c0007878 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 25 inflateInit2_
516: c0007880 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 25 inflateInit_
517: c00078c8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 26 MICClose
518: c00078d0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 26 MICGetState
519: c00078d8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 26 MICInit
520: c00078e0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 26 MICOpen
521: c00078e8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 26 MICSetState
522: c00078f0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 26 MICUninit
523: c0007908 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 27 AcquireNexServiceToken__Q2_2nn3actFP26ACTNexAuthenticationResultUi
524: c0007910 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 27 Finalize__Q2_2nn3actFv
525: c0007918 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 27 GetAccountId__Q2_2nn3actFPc
526: c0007920 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 27 GetCountry__Q2_2nn3actFPc
527: c0007928 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 27 GetErrorCode__Q2_2nn3actFRCQ2_2nn6Result
528: c0007930 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 27 GetHostServerSettings__Q2_2nn3actFPcT1Uc
529: c0007938 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 27 GetMiiEx__Q2_2nn3actFP12FFLStoreDataUc
530: c0007940 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 27 GetMiiName__Q2_2nn3actFPw
531: c0007948 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 27 GetMii__Q2_2nn3actFP12FFLStoreData
532: c0007950 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 27 GetParentalControlSlotNoEx__Q2_2nn3actFPUcUc
533: c0007958 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 27 GetPrincipalId__Q2_2nn3actFv
534: c0007960 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 27 GetSimpleAddressId__Q2_2nn3actFv
535: c0007968 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 27 GetSlotNo__Q2_2nn3actFv
536: c0007970 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 27 GetTransferableIdEx__Q2_2nn3actFPULUiUc
537: c0007978 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 27 GetUtcOffset__Q2_2nn3actFv
538: c0007980 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 27 GetUuidEx__Q2_2nn3actFP7ACTUuidUc
539: c0007988 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 27 GetUuid__Q2_2nn3actFP7ACTUuid
540: c0007990 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 27 HasNfsAccount__Q2_2nn3actFv
541: c0007998 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 27 Initialize__Q2_2nn3actFv
542: c00079a0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 27 IsNetworkAccount__Q2_2nn3actFv
543: c00079a8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 27 IsSlotOccupied__Q2_2nn3actFUc
544: c0007a08 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 DownloadPostDataList__Q2_2nn3olvFPQ3_2nn3olv19DownloadedTopicDataPQ3_2nn3olv18DownloadedPostDataPUiUiPCQ3_2nn3olv25DownloadPostDataListParam
545: c0007a10 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 GetAppData__Q3_2nn3olv16UploadedPostDataCFPUcPUiUi
546: c0007a18 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 GetAppData__Q3_2nn3olv18DownloadedDataBaseCFPUcPUiUi
547: c0007a20 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 GetBodyMemo__Q3_2nn3olv16UploadedPostDataCFPUcPUiUi
548: c0007a28 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 GetBodyMemo__Q3_2nn3olv18DownloadedDataBaseCFPUcPUiUi
549: c0007a30 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 GetBodyText__Q3_2nn3olv18DownloadedDataBaseCFPwUi
550: c0007a38 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 GetEmpathyCount__Q3_2nn3olv18DownloadedPostDataCFv
551: c0007a40 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 GetErrorCode__Q2_2nn3olvFRCQ2_2nn6Result
552: c0007a48 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 GetMiiNickname__Q3_2nn3olv18DownloadedDataBaseCFv
553: c0007a50 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 GetPostDate__Q3_2nn3olv18DownloadedDataBaseCFv
554: c0007a58 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 GetPostId__Q3_2nn3olv16UploadedPostDataCFv
555: c0007a60 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 GetPostId__Q3_2nn3olv18DownloadedPostDataCFv
556: c0007a68 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 GetResultWithUploadedPostDataByPostApp__Q2_2nn3olvFPQ3_2nn3olv16UploadedPostData
557: c0007a70 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 GetUserPid__Q3_2nn3olv18DownloadedDataBaseCFv
558: c0007a78 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 Initialize__Q2_2nn3olvFPCQ3_2nn3olv15InitializeParam
559: c0007a80 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 SetAppData__Q3_2nn3olv15UploadParamBaseFPCUcUi
560: c0007a88 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 SetFlags__Q3_2nn3olv25DownloadPostDataListParamFUi
561: c0007a90 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 SetLanguageId__Q3_2nn3olv25DownloadPostDataListParamFUc
562: c0007a98 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 SetPostDataMaxNum__Q3_2nn3olv25DownloadPostDataListParamFUi
563: c0007aa0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 SetPostId__Q3_2nn3olv28UploadEmpathyToPostDataParamFPCc
564: c0007aa8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 SetReportTypes__Q3_2nn3olv15InitializeParamFUi
565: c0007ab0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 SetSearchKey__Q3_2nn3olv19UploadPostDataParamFPCwUc
566: c0007ab8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 SetSearchKey__Q3_2nn3olv25DownloadPostDataListParamFPCw
567: c0007ac0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 SetTopicTag__Q3_2nn3olv19UploadPostDataParamFPCw
568: c0007ac8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 SetWork__Q3_2nn3olv15InitializeParamFPUcUi
569: c0007ad0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 StartPortalApp__Q2_2nn3olvFPCQ3_2nn3olv19StartPortalAppParam
570: c0007ad8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 TestFlags__Q3_2nn3olv16UploadedPostDataCFUi
571: c0007ae0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 TestFlags__Q3_2nn3olv18DownloadedDataBaseCFUi
572: c0007ae8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 UploadEmpathyToPostData__Q2_2nn3olvFPCQ3_2nn3olv28UploadEmpathyToPostDataParam
573: c0007af0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 UploadPostDataByPostApp__Q2_2nn3olvFPCQ3_2nn3olv28UploadPostDataByPostAppParam
574: c0007af8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 __ct__Q3_2nn3olv15InitializeParamFv
575: c0007b00 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 __ct__Q3_2nn3olv16UploadedPostDataFv
576: c0007b08 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 __ct__Q3_2nn3olv18DownloadedPostDataFv
577: c0007b10 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 __ct__Q3_2nn3olv19DownloadedTopicDataFv
578: c0007b18 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 __ct__Q3_2nn3olv19StartPortalAppParamFv
579: c0007b20 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 __ct__Q3_2nn3olv25DownloadPostDataListParamFv
580: c0007b28 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 __ct__Q3_2nn3olv28UploadEmpathyToPostDataParamFv
581: c0007b30 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 __ct__Q3_2nn3olv28UploadPostDataByPostAppParamFv
582: c0007b38 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 __dt__Q3_2nn3olv16UploadedDataBaseFv
583: c0007b40 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 29 __dt__Q3_2nn3olv28UploadPostDataByPostAppParamFv
584: c0007b88 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 AddInternalCaCert__Q3_2nn4boss14NetTaskSettingFSc
585: c0007b90 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 AddLargeHttpHeader__Q3_2nn4boss16RawUlTaskSettingFPCcT1
586: c0007b98 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 ErrorCode__Q3_2nn4boss10TaskResultCFv
587: c0007ba0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 Exist__Q3_2nn4boss6NsDataCFv
588: c0007ba8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 Exist__Q3_2nn4boss7StorageCFv
589: c0007bb0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 GetContentLength__Q3_2nn4boss4TaskCFPUi
590: c0007bb8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 GetDataList__Q3_2nn4boss7StorageCFPQ3_2nn4boss8DataNameUiPUiT2
591: c0007bc0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 GetHttpStatusCode__Q3_2nn4boss4TaskCFPUi
592: c0007bc8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 GetProcessedLength__Q3_2nn4boss4TaskCFPUi
593: c0007bd0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 GetResult__Q3_2nn4boss4TaskCFPUi
594: c0007bd8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 GetSize__Q3_2nn4boss6NsDataCFv
595: c0007be0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 GetTurnState__Q3_2nn4boss4TaskCFPUi
596: c0007be8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 Initialize__Q2_2nn4bossFv
597: c0007bf0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 Initialize__Q3_2nn4boss15NbdlTaskSettingFPCcLT1
598: c0007bf8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 Initialize__Q3_2nn4boss16RawUlTaskSettingFPCcPCUcL
599: c0007c00 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 Initialize__Q3_2nn4boss17PlayReportSettingFPvUi
600: c0007c08 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 Initialize__Q3_2nn4boss4TaskFPCc
601: c0007c10 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 Initialize__Q3_2nn4boss6NsDataFRCQ3_2nn4boss7StoragePCc
602: c0007c18 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 Initialize__Q3_2nn4boss7StorageFPCcQ3_2nn4boss11StorageKind
603: c0007c20 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 IsRegistered__Q3_2nn4boss4TaskCFv
604: c0007c28 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 Read__Q3_2nn4boss6NsDataFPvUi
605: c0007c30 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 RegisterForImmediateRun__Q3_2nn4boss4TaskFRCQ3_2nn4boss11TaskSetting
606: c0007c38 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 Register__Q3_2nn4boss4TaskFRQ3_2nn4boss11TaskSetting
607: c0007c40 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 Run__Q3_2nn4boss4TaskFb
608: c0007c48 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 SetInternalClientCert__Q3_2nn4boss14NetTaskSettingFSc
609: c0007c50 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 SetNewArrivalFlagOff__Q3_2nn4boss5TitleFv
610: c0007c58 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 Set__Q3_2nn4boss17PlayReportSettingFPCcUi
611: c0007c60 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 StopScheduling__Q3_2nn4boss4TaskFv
612: c0007c68 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 Unregister__Q3_2nn4boss4TaskFv
613: c0007c70 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 Wait__Q3_2nn4boss4TaskFUiQ3_2nn4boss13TaskWaitState
614: c0007c78 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 __ct__Q3_2nn4boss10TaskResultFQ2_2nn6Result
615: c0007c80 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 __ct__Q3_2nn4boss15NbdlTaskSettingFv
616: c0007c88 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 __ct__Q3_2nn4boss16RawUlTaskSettingFv
617: c0007c90 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 __ct__Q3_2nn4boss17PlayReportSettingFv
618: c0007c98 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 __ct__Q3_2nn4boss4TaskFv
619: c0007ca0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 __ct__Q3_2nn4boss5TitleFv
620: c0007ca8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 __ct__Q3_2nn4boss6NsDataFv
621: c0007cb0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 __ct__Q3_2nn4boss7StorageFv
622: c0007cb8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 __ct__Q3_2nn4boss8DataNameFv
623: c0007cc0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 __dt__Q3_2nn4boss15NbdlTaskSettingFv
624: c0007cc8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 __dt__Q3_2nn4boss16RawUlTaskSettingFv
625: c0007cd0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 __dt__Q3_2nn4boss17PlayReportSettingFv
626: c0007cd8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 __dt__Q3_2nn4boss4TaskFv
627: c0007ce0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 __dt__Q3_2nn4boss5TitleFv
628: c0007ce8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 __dt__Q3_2nn4boss6NsDataFv
629: c0007cf0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 30 __dt__Q3_2nn4boss7StorageFv
630: c0007d48 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 32 AddRecentPlayRecord__Q2_2nn2fpFPCQ3_2nn2fp16RecentPlayRecordUi
631: c0007d50 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 32 GetFriendAccountId__Q2_2nn2fpFPA17_cPCUiUi
632: c0007d58 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 32 GetFriendApprovalTime__Q2_2nn2fpFPQ3_2nn2fp8DateTimePCUiUi
633: c0007d60 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 32 GetFriendList__Q2_2nn2fpFPUiT1UiT3
634: c0007d68 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 32 GetFriendMii__Q2_2nn2fpFP12FFLStoreDataPCUiUi
635: c0007d70 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 32 GetFriendPresence__Q2_2nn2fpFPQ3_2nn2fp14FriendPresencePCUiUi
636: c0007d78 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 32 GetFriendProfile__Q2_2nn2fpFPQ3_2nn2fp7ProfilePCUiUi
637: c0007d80 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 32 GetFriendScreenName__Q2_2nn2fpFPA11_wPCUiUibPUc
638: c0007d88 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 32 Initialize__Q2_2nn2fpFv
639: c0007d90 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 32 IsInitialized__Q2_2nn2fpFv
640: c0007d98 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 32 IsOnline__Q2_2nn2fpFv
641: c0007da0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 32 LoginAsync__Q2_2nn2fpFPFQ2_2nn6ResultPv_vPv
642: c0007da8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 32 Logout__Q2_2nn2fpFv
643: c0007db0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 32 RegisterAccountAsync__Q2_2nn2fpFPFQ2_2nn6ResultPv_vPv
644: c0007db8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 32 ResultToErrorCode__Q2_2nn2fpFQ2_2nn6Result
645: c0007dc0 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 32 SetNotificationHandler__Q2_2nn2fpFUiPFQ3_2nn2fp16NotificationTypeUiPv_vPv
646: c0007dc8 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 32 UpdateGameMode__Q2_2nn2fpFPCQ3_2nn2fp8GameModePCwUi
647: c0007e08 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 33 Finalize__Q2_2nn3ndmFv
648: c0007e10 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 33 Initialize__Q2_2nn3ndmFv
649: c0007e18 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 33 ResumeDaemons__Q2_2nn3ndmFUi
650: c0007e20 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 33 SuspendDaemons__Q2_2nn3ndmFUi
651: c0007e48 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 34 GetErrorCode__Q2_2nn3nfpFRCQ2_2nn6Result
652: c0007e50 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 34 GetNfpCommonInfo__Q2_2nn3nfpFPQ3_2nn3nfp10CommonInfo
653: c0007e58 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 34 GetNfpRegisterInfo__Q2_2nn3nfpFPQ3_2nn3nfp12RegisterInfo
654: c0007e60 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 34 GetNfpState__Q2_2nn3nfpFv
655: c0007e68 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 34 GetTagInfo__Q2_2nn3nfpFPQ3_2nn3nfp7TagInfo
656: c0007e70 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 34 InitializeAmiiboSettingsArgsIn__Q2_2nn3nfpFPQ3_2nn3nfp20AmiiboSettingsArgsIn
657: c0007e78 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 34 Initialize__Q2_2nn3nfpFv
658: c0007e80 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 34 Mount__Q2_2nn3nfpFv
659: c0007e88 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 34 StartDetection__Q2_2nn3nfpFv
660: c0007e90 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 34 StopDetection__Q2_2nn3nfpFv
661: c0007e98 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 34 SwitchToAmiiboSettings__Q2_2nn3nfpFRCQ3_2nn3nfp20AmiiboSettingsArgsInPCcUi
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