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Created September 28, 2023 03:05
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Disney+ 訂閱協議(台灣)
台端於Disney+註冊程序中點選「同意及繼續」或其他業界標準機制時,即表示同意Disney+訂閱協議,而台端使用Disney+服務之任何部份時,亦表示認可台端之同意。如 台端不同意Disney+訂閱協議,即不得使用Disney+服務。本公司得修訂本協議,本協議之任何修訂將自本公司通知台端後三十(30)日起生效(本公司亦得於Disney+服務公布修訂詳情)。如台端不同意本協議之任何變更,即須停止使用Disney+服務。本公司客服代表無權以口頭或書面修改本協議任何規定。
1. 使用者資格及註冊
2. 訂閱條款
3. 著作權授權及限制
4. 使用條款
5. 台端資訊之使用及分享
6. 中止及終止
7. 其他規定
1. 使用者資格及註冊
a. 資格及年齡限制。本公司提供Disney+服務之國家(下稱「服務地區」)居民始具有Disney+服務之註冊資格。本Disney+訂閱協議適用於台灣居民。台端必須年滿18歲以上,始得購買Disney+服務。Disney+服務之提供對象為個人,僅供其按私人、非商業目的使用,公司、組織及其他團體不得註冊Disney+帳戶或使用Disney+服務。未滿18歲之個人不具Disney+帳戶資格,亦不得提供個人資訊予Disney+。
b. 註冊。已註冊Disney+帳戶、提供特定資訊(如有效電子郵件地址)並同意Disney+訂閱協議之個人,始具有Disney+服務之使用資格。台端應負責維持台端使用者名稱及密碼之保密性及安全,並應對台端Disney+帳戶內或透過該帳戶所發生之所有活動負責。惟若台端准許他人進入台端Disney+帳戶,則本協議以及台端提供之特定同意亦適用於該人對資訊之存取、使用及揭露。若他人未經授權進入台端Disney+帳戶,台端同意立即通知Disney+。對於台端Disney+帳戶遭他人未經授權使用所生之任何損失,除該未經授權使用之情事係因Disney+之作為或不作為所致外,Disney+概不負責。
c. 通知。Disney+向台端發出之任何通知得以下列方式為之:(i) 按台端提供之最新電子郵件地址以電郵寄送,及(ii)於Disney+服務張貼公告。就本公司發出之通知及其他通訊,台端同意提供並維持準確、最新及完整資訊,包括台端之聯絡資訊。台端同意不得冒充任何人或實體或就台端與任何人或實體之關係作出不實聲明,包括使用他人之使用者名稱、密碼或其他帳戶資訊,或他人姓名/名稱或肖像,亦不得提供虛假詳情。台端同意,本公司得針對台端提供之資訊準確性採取查對措施。
2. 訂閱條款
a. 訂閱及自動續訂。台端對於Disney+服務之訂閱包括參加持續/定期付款計畫。台端之訂閱除依下列取消指示取消外,於公布之計費期間結束時自動續訂。費用按台端確認訂購時選定之付款方法於各期新計費期間開始時計收,經取消者除外。本公司保留更動本公司定價之權利,如更動價格,本公司將於三十(30)日前按台端註冊帳戶時之電子郵件地址以電郵通知台端。如台端不願接受價格更動,台端得依該電子郵件及以下所載之指示取消台端之訂閱。若台端於價格更動生效後、台端之新訂閱期間開始前未取消台端之訂閱,則台端之訂閱無須經台端採取其他行動即按續訂當時有效之價格續訂,且台端授權本公司按台端之付款方法收取上述費用。有關台端對Disney+服務之使用,所有第三方網際網路存取費用概由台端負責。請向台端之網際網路供應商洽詢可能之網路數據使用資費。
b. 免費試用。台端之Disney+服務訂閱開始時,可能提供免費試用。本公司未保證提供免費試用,如提供者,亦僅向未曾免費試用Disney+服務之對象提供。台端之首期費用於免費試用後立即按台端選定之付款方法收取,經依下列取消指示取消者除外。台端於台端免費試用結束前得隨時取消台端之訂閱。本公司將於台端註冊之時告知免費試用條款,但如免費試用即將或業已結束,或台端之付費訂閱已開始,台端不會另獲通知。
c. 取消及退款政策。台端於當期計費期間或免費試用結束前得隨時取消台端之訂閱,自當期計費期間或免費試用結束起生效。如台端欲取消台端之Disney+訂閱,請至網址,點選「全部取消」。如台端係透過第三方(如iTunes、Google Play、Amazon Store或Roku等app商店)訂閱,請前往本公司服務中心頁面詳閱取消指示。訂閱之取消僅於台端當期計費期間結束(或台端免費試用結束)時始生效力,台端當期計費期間結束(或台端免費試用結束)前,台端仍得使用Disney+服務。對於部分使用之計費期間,本公司不予退費或提供抵免。[1]台端確認並同意,台端登入Disney+服務後,即無解除Disney+服務之法定權利。
d. 詳細付款資料。台端之詳細付款資訊,如信用卡卡號及有效期限,由本公司保存歸檔。本公司如經台端於訂購過程中同意,即得與The Walt Disney Family of Companies(如娛樂與體育節目電視網、漫威、皮克斯等)分享台端之付款資訊。台端應負責變更台端帳戶之詳細設定資料,以維持最新之詳細付款資料。如台端詳細資料變更或即將到期,若相關法律准許,本公司得自台端之付款提供者取得或收到更新之詳細付款資料,包括台端信用卡卡號、有效期限及驗證碼(或相當代碼),俾本公司持續提供Disney+服務予台端。台端授權本公司持續以更新資訊從台端信用卡扣款。如因期限屆期、資金不足或其他因素致款項未成功授權,本公司得通知台端中止或終止台端之訂閱。台端另同意,如台端決定重新啟動台端之Disney+訂閱,除台端於啟動台端之訂閱時指定其他付款方法外,本公司得按台端存檔於本公司之付款方法收費。
e. 透過第三方取得之訂閱。如台端透過第三方(如app商店)取得Disney+服務之訂閱,該訂閱應受第三方之條款規範,如本Disney+訂閱協議與該第三方條款有所衝突,本Disney+訂閱協議有關訂購、計費、取消/退費及付款之規定皆不適用透過第三方取得之訂閱。台端就該項訂閱費用之收取屬與該第三方之直接關係,台端Disney+服務訂閱所收取之任何費用均由該第三方按台端向其提供之付款資訊計收。如欲取消透過第三方取得之Disney+服務訂閱,請遵從第三方規定之取消指示。台端得前往服務中心頁面,詳閱透過第三方取得之Disney+服務訂閱之取消指示
f. 組合訂閱選項。本公司得併同其他訂閱服務提供Disney+服務訂閱組合,包括對第三方產品及服務之訂閱。第三方訂閱、產品及服務應受該等第三方發布之使用條款規範。
3. 著作權授權及限制
a. 授權。依本Disney+訂閱協議之條款及條件,Disney+於服務地區授予台端有限、個人使用、不得移轉、不得轉讓、得以撤銷、非專屬及不得轉授權之權利,俾台端憑以辦理下列事項:
i. 安裝Disney+服務並予非商業之個人使用;及
ii. 串流或暫時下載具有著作權之材料,包括但不限於Disney+服務提供予台端之電影、電視演出、其他娛樂或資訊類節目、預告片、附贈材料、影像及美術作品(合稱「Disney+內容」)。
b. 台端對Disney+內容之使用限制。台端同意,依台端之授權條件,台端不得為、亦同意不為下列行為:
i. 規避或解除Disney+服務之任何相關內容保護系統或數位權利管理技術,以控制Disney+內容之存取;
ii. 複製Disney+內容(經本Disney+訂閱協議明確准許除外);
iii. 轉播、傳送或演出透過Disney+服務提供之Disney+內容;
iv. 製作Disney+內容之衍生作品;或
v. 准許第三人違反上述限制。
c. 台端對Disney+服務之使用限制。台端同意,依台端之授權條件,台端不得為、亦同意不為下列行為:
i. 對Disney+服務及/或放影機、其基礎技術、任何數位權利管理機制、裝置或放影機內含之其他內容保護或存取控制措施進行移動、反編輯、逆向工程、反組譯或以其他方式更改為人類可讀取之形式;
ii. 更改Disney+服務,包括但不限於移除Disney+內容或Disney+服務上之標識、著作權或其他專屬權利聲明;
iii. 以暗示台端及/或其他當事人與本公司產品、服務或品牌具有關聯性之方式,存取或使用Disney+服務;
iv. 按任何商業或業務相關用途或於任何商業場所或公共開放區域(如大廳、酒吧、餐廳、餐館、體育場、賭場、俱樂部或夜總會、咖啡廳、劇場或電影院等)使用Disney+服務,亦不得利用Disney+內容或Disney+服務以營利或非營利方式創業;
v. 對Disney+或其關係企業及/或其他授權人所擁有之Disney+服務構件、任何更新服務或其任何部分製作衍生作品,但相關法律就上述限制有所禁止時,則僅於未抵觸範圍實施限制;
vi. 繞過、更改、損毀、干擾或規避Disney+服務之任何功能或保護機制;
vii. 未經本公司明確書面許可,利用機器人、網路蜘蛛、網頁抓取或其他自動化方式或手動程序存取、監控或複製,或准許他人或其他實體存取、監控或複製Disney+服務之任何元素;
viii. 損壞、禁用、過載或妨害Disney+服務;
ix. 以任何非法方式、為任何非法目的、或以任何不符本Disney+訂閱協議之方式使用Disney+服務;
x. 與第三人分享台端之登入憑證;或
xi. 以其他方式准許第三人違反上述限制。
d. 違反情事。如違反以上第3(b)條及第3(c)條所列之限制,即視為違反Disney+及著作權人之權利。
4. 使用條款
a. Disney+相容裝置。台端使用Disney+服務,需備有相容裝置,部分軟體可能需要定期更新,台端對Disney+服務之使用因此可能受該等功能之執行影響。台端得透過幾乎任何與網際網路連線之電腦或部分行動或其他裝置(需與網際網路連線)提供之Disney+應用程式(各稱「「相容裝置」)存取Disney+內容。有關可支援裝置、作業系統、網頁瀏覽器及最佳串流支援之詳細資料,請前往本公司服務中心頁面。台端可藉由將Disney+應用程式下載至相容裝置並透過該應用程式登入台端Disney+帳戶,將相容裝置加入台端Disney+帳戶。
b. 網際網路連線。台端須使用高速網際網路連線,始得存取及使用Disney+服務之部分項目。
c. Disney+內容之串流。Disney+內容可經由可用之網際網路連線透過Disney+服務提供串流,各Disney+帳戶同時間最多開放四(4)個裝置提供串流服務。供同時串流使用之裝置數量得由本公司隨時裁量更改。
d. Disney+內容之下載。Disney+內容得供部分相容裝置臨時下載離線觀看,下載最多以十(10)部相容裝置為限,相容裝置數量達十(10)部上限後,台端即不得下載至額外裝置。台端須至少每三十(30)日將台端之相容裝置連線至互聯網並存取Disney+服務乙次,俾台端之下載內容得持續提供離線觀看。部分臨時下載內容提供離線觀看之時間得不時經本公司裁量更改。
e. 用戶。Disney+提供台端得於一個帳戶下建立一個或多個用戶以使用Disney+服務之個人化選項,台端得將用戶指定為兒童用戶,以限制該用戶僅得觀看部分Disney+內容。有關兒童用戶之進一步資訊,請前往本公司服務中心頁面查詢。
f. Disney+內容之可供性。部分透過Disney+服務訂閱所提供之Disney+內容未必於服務區域之所有國家或地區提供,地理限制將依台端存取Disney+服務之所在位置而實施,本公司得運用不同技術及方法確查台端之地理位置。
g. 不可抗力。Disney+服務及/或部分或全部Disney+內容於任何期間皆可能無法提供串流或下載,包括(i)維護或更新期間,(ii)供電或伺服器中斷期間,(iii)戰爭、內亂、罷工、社會動亂所致,或(iv)本公司或第三方控制範圍以外之其他事宜(下稱「不可抗力」)所致。Disney+將盡合理努力盡早提供台端服務中斷之事先通知。如Disney+服務基於本公司或本公司第三方服務提供者控制範圍以外之原因而無法提供,Disney+對台端概不負責。本公司亦可能須移除部分特色或功能及/或裝置或平台致無法存取Disney+服務及/或Disney+內容,若有上述變動及使用規則與限制,本公司將盡全力通知台端,但台端確認,本公司得不經通知即依本公司單方裁量進行上述移除。
h. Disney+服務之暫停或停止。台端同意,如Disney+服務暫停或停止,本公司對台端概不負責。如台端為訂閱戶而本公司暫停或停止台端對Disney+服務之訂閱,本公司將按台端之暫停或停止存取期間提供台端相應之抵免、退款、折扣或其他形式之對價,但如本公司因台端違反Disney+訂閱協議且情節重大或因不可抗力而終止台端之帳戶或暫停或停止台端對Disney+服務之存取,台端即不具有獲得上述抵免、退款、折扣或其他對價之資格。
i. 促銷及試驗特色。本公司持續評估Disney+服務時,得不時就本公司任何或所有使用者試驗或以其他方式提供Disney+服務之特定特色或其他元素,包括促銷特色、使用者介面、計畫及定價。台端對任何Disney+服務之更新、修改或更換版本之使用應適用本Disney+訂閱協議及台端安裝該等更新、修改或更換版時同意之其他任何條款
5. 台端資訊之使用及分享
Disney+ 將利用台端之資料提供台端Disney+服務之個人化體驗、提升該體驗及向台端寄發Disney+服務之相關資訊 (會先按法律規定取得 台端同意)。台端得隨時更改台端之通訊喜好。本公司得利用本公司隱私權政策或適用台灣之補充隱私權政策所述之台端資料,包括與Walt Disney Family of Companies分享該等資料(會先按法律規定取得台端同意)。
Disney+有權、且台端亦同意Disney+得向系統管理員及執法機關公布台端之詳細資料,以協助其解決安全事件及違法情事。台端確認,如本公司憑誠信認為需按下列目的擷取、保存或揭露台端提供之資訊,Disney+得擷取、保存或揭露台端提供之資訊:(i) 保障或保護Disney+ 、本公司之母公司、子公司或關係企業或渠等員工、代理或承包商之合法權利或財產(包括執行本公司協議);(ii)保護Disney+服務使用者或公眾市民之安全及保安,包括於緊急情況行事;(iii)對抗欺詐,或為管理風險而提供保護;或(iv)遵守法律或法律程序。
6. 中止及終止
a. 台端同意,如Disney+認為,台端目前或過去違反Disney+訂閱協議或相關法規且情節重大或按原定以外之目的及依其他所有相關準則及規定以外之方式使用Disney+服務,Disney+得依其單方裁量於地方法律准許之範圍內限制、中止或終止台端對部分或全部Disney+服務及任何Disney+內容之存取,無須事先通知台端,亦無須對台端負責在不限於以上規定之情形下,Disney+得因以下事由於合理通知台端後限制或中止台端對台端Disney+帳戶之登入,該通知得以電子方式傳達,限制或中止之事由包括:(a)執法或其他政府機關之要求,(b)無法預期之技術問題或難題,或(c)如Disney+合理認為,台端之Disney+帳戶係以詐欺方式建立、台端之Disney+帳戶遭詐用,或任何人利用台端之Disney+帳戶為詐欺行為或按Disney+帳戶原定以外之目的及依其所有相關規定以外之方式使用台端之Disney+帳戶。Disney+另有權在通知台端之後,終止任何連續靜止一年之Disney+帳戶(如未登入台端Disney+帳戶,將構成本Disney+訂閱協議所稱之靜止)。
b. 台端之Disney+帳戶經Disney+或依台端要求(不含台端訂閱取消之情形,於該情形下台端之訂閱將持續至計費期間結束為止)終止後,台端將立即喪失透過Disney+服務存取串流Disney+內容之權利,並且於限定期間內喪失觀看Disney+服務內下載之Disney+內容之權利。
7. 其他規定
a. 台端了解並同意,台端透過Disney+服務接收之Disney+內容僅供資訊及娛樂目的使用,Disney+內容不構成法律、財經、專業、醫療、或保健意見或診斷,亦不得按該等目的使用。
b. Disney+內容之主觀性。Disney+內容於不同人容易產生不同反應,台端可能接觸台端認為冒犯、猥褻、暴露或令人不悅之Disney+內容。另Disney+內容提供之內容評級、種類、類型、類別及/或說明僅屬提議,以利導覽,並僅供資訊目的使用,本公司未保證 台端將同意之。相關風險及台端自負選擇適合台端家庭之Disney+內容之責任,皆經台端確認。
c. 光敏反應。Disney+內容可能包括部分閃光順序或模式,可能影響容易罹患光敏性癲癇或光敏反應之使用者,另4K超高清解像度內容版本提高亮度及色彩飽和度,因此亦可能影響使用者。
d. Disney+內容之品質。本公司利用各種科技提供台端最佳觀看體驗,例如,部分Disney+內容具備高清及4K UHD超高清畫質,然Disney+內容之回放品質,包括解析度,可能受Disney+內容之格式、台端所在位置、台端網際網路服務之速度、頻寬及台端之網際網路服務之特定條款,以及使用之裝置等因素影響。台端開始觀看Disney+內容之所需時間視眾多因素而定,包括台端所在位置、網際網路頻寬、同時連接相同網路之裝置數量、台端選擇之Disney+內容及 台端使用裝置之配置。
e. 第三方服務及Disney+內容。Disney+服務得結合或併入第三方服務及內容或由第三方服務及內容提供之。本公司未控制該等第三方服務及內容。台端應詳閱適用第三方服務及內容之使用條款、協議及隱私權政策。如台端使用第三方服務或裝置(如使用蘋果作業系統、安卓作業系統或微軟視窗作業系統之裝置)取得Disney+服務,則蘋果公司、科高公司或微軟公司或其他提供此類第三方服務或裝置之公司應屬本契約之第三方受益人,但上述第三方受益人非屬本Disney+訂閱協議之簽約人。台端同意,如台端透過上述裝置取得Disney+服務,亦應受相關第三方受益人之服務條款所載之使用條款規範。
f. 行動網路。如台端透過行動網路取得Disney+服務,應適用台端網路或漫遊提供者之簡訊、數據及其他費率及費用。台端之網路提供者可能禁止或限制Disney+服務之下載、安裝或使用,Disney+服務亦未必可使用於台端之網路提供者或裝置。
g. 提送意見及主動提送之意見政策。依本公司政策,本公司不得接受或考慮主動提出之創意、建議或材料。如台端向本公司提送意見,不論該意見係經本公司徵詢與否,台端同意,台端提送之創意、建議或其他材料皆非以保密或信託方式為之,且台端與本公司間無意以任何方式成立保密或信託關係,台端亦不期望任何審查、報酬或對價。Disney+對任何提送之意見、建議或其他材料,概未主張所有權。
h. 聯絡資訊。
i. 免責聲明;責任限制。台端就Disney+服務享有特定法律權利,不受本Disney+訂閱協議之任何規定影響。除法律規定或Disney+明訂外,針對Disney+內容及Disney+服務,其關係企業、授權人、代理及服務提供者(合稱「Disney+當事人」)未提供任何允諾或保證,並明確聲明不承擔任何允諾或保證。對於因Disney+內容及Disney+服務之使用所致之所有必要維修、修理或修正費用,除台端所有之裝置或其他數位內容係因Disney+內容之供應而受損、且如Disney+施予合理注意及技術即不會發生該等損害(該等損害另適用下列限制)之情形外,前述必要費用應全數由台端而非Disney+當事人負擔。無論原因為何,如因使用或無法使用Disney+內容或Disney+服務,導致任何人身傷害或任何種類之間接、特殊、附隨或衍生性損害,包括利益損失及財物毀損,縱本公司已獲通知發生該等損害之可能性,Disney+當事人於相關法律允許之範圍內概不負責。如基於本公司合理控制範圍以外之原因致延遲或未予履約,本公司亦不負責。就所有損害、損失及訴因,本公司對台端之全部責任應以不超出新台幣三萬三千七百五十元(NTD 33,750)為限。縱Disney+當事人已獲通知發生上述損害之可能性,本條所載之責任限制依任何法律理論(侵權、契約、擔保之違反、無過失責任或其他)皆適用之。由於部份州及管轄區未准許責任排除或限制,上述限制未必適用台端。
j. 管轄。台端與華特迪士尼公司或其關係企業間之爭議,應由台灣士林地方法院解決。
k. 準據法。本Disney+訂閱協議及因本Disney+訂閱協議所生或與之相關之任何爭議或主張請求,適用台灣法律並依其規定解釋,台端居住國強制規則之適用不受影響。
l. 分割性。如本Disney+訂閱協議之任何規定屬非法、無效或因故無法執行,該規定視為與本條款分割,不影響其餘規定之有效性及執行性。台端與Disney+應以有效、具有約束力、且依本Disney+訂閱協議之內容及意旨於最大可能之範圍內與該非法、無效或無法執行之部份具有相似效果之規定取代該非法、無效或無法執行之部份。
m. 持續有效。依性質於本Disney+訂閱協議終止後應持續有效之本Disney+訂閱協議規定,於Disney+訂閱協議終止後持續有效。
n. 適用語言: 台端也可查閱本Disney+訂閱協議中文版,台端確認本Disney+訂閱協議英文版和本Disney+訂閱協議中文版之間如有歧意, 則以本Disney+訂閱協議英文版為主。 台端另確認並同意,Disney+服務將來以台端選定之其他語言發出之任何修訂事項或通訊均屬有效,該等修訂事項並具有法律效力。
Disney+ Subscriber Agreement (Taiwan)
Updated: January 4, 2023
The Walt Disney Company (Taiwan) Ltd ("Disney+", "we", "us" "our") welcomes you to the Disney+ Service. The "Disney+ Service" includes the Disney+ website, application and associated content and services.
You agree to the Disney+ Subscriber Agreement by clicking “Agree & Continue” or other industry standard mechanism during the Disney+ registration process and ratify your agreement when you use any aspect of the Disney+ Service. If you do not agree to the Disney+ Subscriber Agreement, you may not use the Disney+ Service. We may amend this Agreement. Any such amendment will be effective thirty (30) days following our dispatch of a notice to you (and we may also post details of the amendment on the Disney+ Service). If you do not agree to any change to this Agreement, you must discontinue using the Disney+ Service. Our customer service representatives are not authorized to modify any provision of this Agreement, either verbally or in writing.
List of Sections:
1. User Eligibility and Registration
2. Subscription Terms
3. Copyright License Grant and Restrictions
4. Usage Terms
5. Use and Sharing of Your Information
6. Suspension and Termination
7. Additional Provisions
a. Eligibility and Age Limitations. Only residents of the countries where we offer the Disney+ Service (collectively, the "Territory") are eligible to register for a Disney+ account. This Disney+ Subscriber Agreement governs for residents of Taiwan. You must be 18 years of age or over to purchase the Disney+ Service. The Disney+ Service is provided to individuals for their personal, non-commercial use only. Companies, associations and other groups may not register for a Disney+ account or use the Disney+ Service. Individuals under the age of 18 are not eligible for a Disney+ account and are not permitted to provide personal information to Disney+.
b. Registration. Only individuals that have registered for a Disney+ account, provided certain information (e.g., a valid email address), and have agreed to the Disney+ Subscriber Agreement are eligible to use the Disney+ Service. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of your username and password and for all activities that occur on or through your Disney+ account. However, if you allow others to access your Disney+ account, this Agreement, as well any specific consents you may have provided, also applies to their access, use, and disclosure of information. You agree to immediately notify Disney+ of any unauthorized access to your Disney+ account. Disney+ will not be responsible for any losses arising from the unauthorized use of your Disney+ account, except where such unauthorized use is due to an act or omission by Disney+.
c. Notices. Any notices Disney+ delivers to you may be made as follows: (i) by email to the last email address provided by you and (ii) by posting a notice on the Disney+ Service. You agree to provide and maintain accurate, current and complete information, including your contact information for notices and other communications from us. You agree not to impersonate or misrepresent your affiliation with any person or entity, including using another person's username, password or other account information, or another person's name or likeness, or provide false details. You agree that we may take steps to verify the accuracy of information you provide.
a. Subscription and Auto-Renewal. Your subscription to the Disney+ Service includes enrolment into an ongoing/recurring payment plan. Your subscription will automatically renew at the end of the disclosed billing period, unless cancelled in accordance with the instructions for cancellation below. Payment will be charged to your chosen payment method at confirmation of purchase and at the start of every new billing period, unless cancelled. We reserve the right to change our pricing and, in the event of a price change, we will notify you thirty (30) days in advance of the change by sending an email to the email address you have registered for your account. If you do not wish to accept a price change, you may cancel your subscription in accordance with the instructions included in that email and below. If you do not cancel your subscription after the price change takes effect and prior to the start of your new subscription period, your subscription will be renewed at the price in effect at the time of the renewal, without any additional action by you, and you authorize us to charge your payment method for these amounts. You are responsible for all third-party Internet access charges in connection with your use of the Disney+ Service. Please check with your Internet provider for information on possible Internet data usage charges.
b. Free Trials. Your Disney+ Service subscription may begin with a free trial. Availability of a free trial is not guaranteed and, if one is available, is only available to those who have not previously used one for the Disney+ Service. Your first payment will be charged to your chosen payment method immediately following the free trial, unless cancelled in accordance with the instructions for cancellation below. You can cancel your subscription at any time before the end of your free trial. We provide notice of the terms of the free trial at the time you register but you will not receive a separate notice that your free trial is about to end or has ended, or that your paid subscription has begun.
c. Cancellation and Refund Policy. You can cancel your subscription at any time before the end of the current billing period or free trial. Cancellation will take effect at the end of the current billing period or free trial. To cancel your Disney+ subscription, navigate to and click "Complete Cancellation." If you subscribed via a third party (e.g. an app store such as iTunes, Google Play, Amazon Store, or Roku), please visit our Help Centre for instructions on how to cancel. Cancellation will only take effect at the end of your current billing period (or end of your free trial), and you will still be able to access the Disney+ Service until then. We do not refund or credit for partially used billing periods. You acknowledge and agree that when you signed up to the Disney+ Service you do not have a statutory right to withdraw from the Disney+ Service.
d. Payment Details. We will keep your detailed payment information, such as credit card number and expiry date, on file. We may share your payment information within The Walt Disney Family of Companies (e.g., ESPN, Marvel, Pixar, etc.), if you consent to such sharing during the purchase process. You are responsible for keeping your payment details up-to-date by changing the details in your account settings. Where your details change or are due to expire, where applicable law allows, we may obtain or receive from your payment provider updated payment details including your card number, expiry date and CVV (or equivalent). This enables us to continue to provide you access to the Disney+ Service. You authorize us to continue to charge your card using the updated information. If a payment is not successfully authorized due to expiration, insufficient funds, or otherwise, we may suspend or terminate your subscription by giving you notice. You also agree that we may charge your payment method on file if you decide to restart your Disney+ subscription, unless you specify an alternative payment method when you restart your subscription.
e. Subscriptions Obtained Through Third Parties. If you obtain a Disney+ Service subscription via a third party (e.g., an app store), that subscription is also subject to the third party’s terms, and the provisions in this Disney+ Subscriber Agreement concerning subscription purchase, billing, cancellation/refunds, and payment do not apply to that subscription to the extent this Disney+ Subscriber Agreement conflicts with the applicable third party’s terms. For subscriptions obtained via a third party, your billing relationship will be directly with the applicable third party. Any fees charged for your Disney+ Service subscription will be billed by the applicable third party using the payment information you have provided to such third party. To cancel a Disney+ Service subscription obtained via a third party, please follow the cancellation instructions set out by the applicable third party. You can visit our Help Centre for instructions on how to cancel a Disney+ Service subscription obtained via a third party.
f. Bundled Subscription Options. We may offer a Disney+ Service subscription bundled with other subscription services, including subscriptions to third-party products and services. Third-party subscriptions, products, and services are governed by terms of use issued by those third parties.
a. License. Within the Territory and subject to the terms and conditions in this Disney+ Subscriber Agreement, Disney+ grants you a limited, personal use, non-transferable, non-assignable, revocable, non-exclusive and non-sublicensable right to do the following:
i. Install and make non-commercial, personal use of the Disney+ Service; and
ii. stream or temporarily download copyrighted materials, including but not limited to movies, television shows, other entertainment or informational programming, trailers, bonus materials, images, and artwork (the "Disney+ Content") that are available to you from the Disney+ Service.
This is a license agreement and not an agreement for sale or assignment of any rights in the Disney+ Content or the Disney+ Service. The purchase of a license to stream or temporarily download any Disney+ Content does not create an ownership interest in the Disney+ Content. Such Disney+ Content, including the copyrights, trademarks, service marks, trade names, trade dress and other intellectual property rights in the Disney+ Content, is owned by Disney+, its affiliates and/or other licensors, and is protected by the copyright laws of the United States, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties.
b. Restrictions on Your Use of the Disney+ Content. You agree that as a condition of your license, you may not and agree not to:
i. circumvent or disable any content protection system or digital rights management technology used in connection with the Disney+ Service to control access to the Disney+ Content;
ii. copy the Disney+ Content (except as expressly permitted by this Disney+ Subscriber Agreement);
iii. rebroadcast, transmit or perform the Disney+ Content available via the Disney+ Service;
iv. create derivative works of the Disney+ Content; or
v. allow third parties to violate the above restrictions.
c. Restrictions on Your Use of the Disney+ Service. You agree that as a condition of your license, you may not and agree not to:
i. move, decompile, reverse-engineer, disassemble, or otherwise reduce to human-readable form the Disney+ Service and/or video player, its underlying technology, any digital rights management mechanism, device, or other content protection or access control measure incorporated into the video player;
ii. modify the Disney+ Service, including, but not limited to, by removing identification, copyright or other proprietary notices from the Disney+ Content or the Disney+ Service;
iii. access or use the Disney+ Service in a manner that suggests an association between you and/or any other party with our products, services or brands;
iv. use the Disney+ Service for any commercial or business related use or in any commercial establishment or area open to the public (e.g., lobby, bar, restaurant, diner, stadium, casino, club, cafe, theatre, etc.) or build a business utilizing the Disney+ Content or Disney+ Service, whether or not for profit;
v. create derivative works of any components of the Disney+ Service owned by Disney+ or any of its affiliates or licensors, any updates, or any part thereof, except as and only to the extent that any foregoing restriction is prohibited by applicable law;
vi. bypass, modify, defeat, tamper with or circumvent any of the functions or protections of the Disney+ Service;
vii. access, monitor or copy, or permit another person or entity to access, monitor or copy, any element of the Disney+ Service using a robot, spider, scraper or other automated means or manual process without our express written permission;
viii. damage, disable, overburden or impair the Disney+ Service;
ix. use the Disney+ Service in any unlawful manner, for any unlawful purpose, or in any manner inconsistent with this Disney+ Subscriber Agreement;
x. share your login credentials with third parties; or
xi. otherwise allow third parties to violate the above restrictions.
d. Violations. Any attempt to perform any of the restrictions listed in Sections 3(b) and 3(c) above is a violation of the rights of Disney+ and the copyright holder.
a. Disney+ Compatible Devices. Use of the Disney+ Service requires compatible devices, and certain software may require periodic updates, and your use of the Disney+ Service may be affected by the performance of these elements. You can access Disney+ Content with almost any Internet-connected computer or through the Disney+ application available for certain mobile or other devices (Internet connection required) (each, a "Compatible Device"). For details concerning supported devices, operating systems, web browsers and optimal streaming support please visit our Help Centre. You can add a Compatible Device to your Disney+ account by downloading the Disney+ application to the Compatible Device and by signing into your Disney+ account through the application.
b. Internet Connection. You must have a high speed Internet connection in order to access and use certain aspects of the Disney+ Service.
c. Streaming Disney+ Content. Disney+ Content can be streamed through the Disney+ Service over an active Internet connection. Up to four (4) concurrent streams are allowed for each Disney+ account at any time. The number of concurrent streams available for use may change from time to time at our discretion.
d. Downloading Disney+ Content. Disney+ Content may be available for temporary download for offline viewing on certain Compatible Devices. Downloads are limited to a maximum of ten (10) Compatible Devices. You will not be permitted to download to an additional device once the maximum of ten (10) Compatible Devices has been reached. You must connect your Compatible Device to the Internet and access the Disney+ Service at least once every thirty (30) days for your downloaded Content to remain available for offline viewing. The length of time that certain temporary downloads remain available to you for offline viewing may change from time to time at our discretion.
e. Profiles. Disney+ offers the option to personalize use of the Disney+ Service through the creation of one or more profiles under one account. You may designate a profile as a Kid profile, which will restrict viewing of certain Disney+ Content from within that profile. Please visit our Help Centre if you would like more information about Kid profiles.
f. Disney+ Content Availability. Certain Disney+ Content available through the Disney+ Service subscription may not be available in all countries or territories within the Territory. Geographic restrictions will be enforced according to the location from which you are accessing the Disney+ Service, and we may use different technologies and methods to verify your geographic location.
g. Force Majeure. It is possible that the Disney+ Service and/or some or all Disney+ Content may not be available for streaming or downloading at any given time including (i) during any maintenance or update periods, (ii) any power or server outages; (iii) as a result of war, riots, strikes, social unrest; or (iv) as a result of other matters beyond the control of us or third parties (“Force Majeure”). Disney+ will take reasonable efforts to provide you with as much prior notice as possible of service interruption. Where the Disney+ Service is unavailable for reasons beyond our control or our third party service providers, Disney+ shall have no liability to you. There may be times when we have to remove certain features or functionality and/or devices or platforms from being able to access the Disney+ Service and/or Disney+ Content. We will do our best to let you know of any of these changes, usage rules and restrictions, but you acknowledge that we may do so in our sole discretion at any time without notice.
h. Suspension and Discontinuance of the Disney+ Service. You agree that we will not be liable to you for any suspension or discontinuance of the Disney+ Service. If you are a subscriber and we suspend or discontinue your subscription to the Disney+ Service, we will provide you with a credit, refund, discount or other form of consideration corresponding to the duration of your suspended or discontinued access. However, if we terminate your account or suspend or discontinue your access to the Disney+ Service due to your material violation of the Disney+ Subscriber Agreement, or as a result of Force Majeure, then you will not be eligible for any such credit, refund, discount or other consideration.
i. Promotional and Experimental Features. In our continued assessment of the Disney+ Service, we may from time to time, with respect to any or all of our users, experiment or otherwise offer certain features or other elements of the Disney+ Service, including promotional features, user interfaces, plans and pricing. Your use of any updates, modifications to, or replacement versions of the Disney+ Service shall be governed by this Disney+ Subscriber Agreement and any additional terms you agree to when you install such update, modification, or replacement version.
You acknowledge that Disney+ is the data controller responsible for the processing of your personal data in order to provide you with the Disney+ Service.
For more information about our collection, use, and sharing of your information please refer to The Walt Disney Company Privacy Policy and the Supplemental Privacy Policy for Taiwan about the use of your information and your rights. Both documents are always available to you in the Disney+ Legal Centre.
Disney+ will use your data to personalize and improve your Disney+ Service experience and to send you information about the Disney+ Service (with your consent if required by applicable law). You can change your communication preferences anytime. We may use your data as described in our Privacy Policy, or our Supplemental Privacy Policy for Taiwan including sharing it with the Walt Disney Family of Companies (with your consent if required by applicable law).
Disney+ reserves the right to, and you agree that Disney+ may, release your details to system administrators and to law enforcement agencies in order to assist them in resolving security incidents and violations of law. You acknowledge that Disney+ may access, preserve or disclose information you provide when we have a good faith belief that such access, preservation or disclosure is necessary in order to: (i) protect or defend the legal rights or property of Disney+, our parents, subsidiaries or affiliates, or their employees, agents and contractors (including enforcement of our agreements); (ii) protect the safety and security of users of the Disney+ Service or members of the public including acting in urgent circumstances; (iii) protect against fraud or for risk management purposes; or (iv) comply with the law or legal process.
a. You agree that Disney+ may, in its sole discretion and without advance notice or liability to you, insofar as possible under local laws, restrict, suspend, or terminate your access to part or all of the Disney+ Service and to any Disney+ Content if Disney+ believes you are using or have used the Disney+ Service in material violation of the Disney+ Subscriber Agreement or applicable law or regulations or in any manner other than for their intended purpose and in accordance with all other guidelines and requirements applicable thereto. Without limiting the foregoing, Disney+ may restrict or suspend your access to your Disney+ account for cause and upon reasonable notice to you, which may be communicated electronically, which cause includes (a) requests from law enforcement or other government authorities, (b) unexpected technical issues or problems, or (c) if Disney+ reasonably believes that your Disney+ account has been created fraudulently, your Disney+ account has been accessed fraudulently, or anyone uses your Disney+ account to commit fraud or for any purpose other than its intended purpose and in accordance with all of the requirements applicable thereto. Disney+ also reserves the right, after notice to you, to terminate any Disney+ account that remains inactive for one year (failure to log in to your Disney+ account will constitute inactivity for purposes of this Disney+ Subscriber Agreement).
b. Upon termination of your Disney+ account, whether terminated by Disney+ or at your request (other than a cancellation of your subscription, in which case your subscription will continue to the end of the billing period), you will immediately lose the right to access streamed Disney+ Content through the Disney+ Service and within a limited period lose the right to view Disney+ Content downloaded within the Disney+ Service.
a. You understand and agree that the Disney+ Content you receive through the Disney+ Service is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. The Disney+ Content does not constitute legal, financial, professional, medical or healthcare advice or diagnosis and cannot be used for such purposes.
b. Disney+ Content Subjectivity. Disney+ Content tends to elicit varying reactions among different people. You may come across Disney+ Content that you find offensive, indecent, explicit or objectionable. Also, content ratings, types, genres, categories, and/or descriptions are provided as suggestions to help with navigation, and for informational purposes. We do not guarantee that you will agree with them. You acknowledge these risks and your responsibility for making your own choices regarding what Disney+ Content is appropriate for your family.
c. Photosensitivities. Disney+ Content may contain some flashing lights sequences or patterns which may affect users who are susceptible to photosensitive epilepsy or other photosensitivities. Additionally, 4K UHD HDR content versions enable greater brightness and colour saturation which may also affect users.
d. Disney+ Content Quality. We use various technologies to provide you with an optimal viewing experience. For example, HD and 4K Ultra HD quality is available for certain Disney+ Content. That said, the playback quality of Disney+ Content, including resolution, may be affected by the format of the Disney+ Content, your location, the speed, bandwidth and specific terms of your Internet service, and the devices used, among other factors. The time it takes you to begin viewing Disney+ Content will vary based on a number of factors, including your location, Internet bandwidth, the number of devices simultaneously connecting to the same network, the Disney+ Content you have selected, and the configuration of the device you are using.
e. Third-Party Services and Disney+ Content. The Disney+ Service may integrate, be integrated into, or be provided in connection with third-party services and content. We do not control those third-party services and content. You should read the terms of use, agreements and privacy policies that apply to such third-party services and content. If you access the Disney+ Service using a third-party service or device (for example, an Apple iOS, Android or Microsoft Windows-powered device), then Apple Inc., Google, Inc. or Microsoft Corporation, respectively, or another such company that offers a third-party service or device, shall be a third-party beneficiary to this Agreement. However, these third-party beneficiaries are not a party to this Disney+ Subscriber Agreement. You agree that your access to the Disney+ Service using these devices also shall be subject to the usage terms set forth in the applicable third-party beneficiary's terms of service.
f. Mobile Networks. When you access the Disney+ Service through a mobile network, your network or roaming provider's messaging, data and other rates and fees will apply. Downloading, installing or using the Disney+ Service may be prohibited or restricted by your network provider and the Disney+ Service may not work with your network provider or device.
g. Submissions and Unsolicited Ideas Policies. Our policy does not allow us to accept or consider unsolicited creative ideas, suggestions or materials. In connection with anything you submit to us, whether or not solicited by us, you agree that creative ideas, suggestions or other materials you submit are not being made in confidence or trust and that no confidential or fiduciary relationship is intended or created between you and us in any way, and that you have no expectation of review, compensation or consideration of any type. Disney+ does not claim ownership over any ideas, suggestions, or other materials submitted.
h. Contact Information.
You may contact Disney+ as follows:
by post: The Walt Disney Company (Taiwan) Ltd., 3F, No. 183, Sec. 2, Tiding Boulevard, Taipei 114, Taiwan.
i. Disclaimers; liability limitation. You have certain legal rights with respect to the Disney+ Service and nothing in this Disney+ Subscriber Agreement affects those rights. Except as required by law or as expressly stated by Disney+, its affiliates, licensors, agents, and service providers (collectively “the Disney+ Parties”) do not offer and expressly disclaim any promises or guarantees in relation to the Disney+ Content and the Disney+ Service. You and not the Disney+ Parties assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction occasioned by use of the Disney+ Content and the Disney+ Service, except where any damage to a device or other digital content belonging to you is as a result of the supply of Disney+ Content and such damage is of a kind that would not have occurred had Disney+ exercised reasonable care and skill (in which case the limitation below shall apply in respect of such damage).To the extent not prohibited by applicable law, in no event shall the Disney+ Parties be liable for any personal injury, or any indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any kind, including lost profits and property damage, even if we were advised of the possibility of such damages, that result from the use of, or inability to use the Disney+ Content or the Disney+ Service, however caused. Nor shall we be held liable for delay or failure in performance resulting from causes beyond our reasonable control. In no event shall our total liability to you for all damages, losses and causes of action exceed thirty three thousand seven hundred and fifty New Taiwan dollars (NTD$33,750). The liability limitations in this section apply under any legal theory (tort, contract, breach of warranty, strict liability or otherwise) and even if the Disney+ Parties have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Because some states and jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability, the above limitation may not apply to you.
j. Jurisdiction. Any dispute between you and The Walt Disney Company or its affiliates shall be settled by Taiwan Shilin District Court.
k. Choice of Law. This Disney+ Subscriber Agreement and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this Disney+ Subscriber Agreement are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Taiwan, without prejudice to the mandatory rules that may apply in your country of residence.
l. Severability. If any provision of this Disney+ Subscriber Agreement shall be unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from these terms and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions. You and Disney+ shall replace the unlawful, void or unenforceable part by provisions which are valid and binding and the effect of which given the contents and purpose of this Disney+ Subscriber Agreement, are, to the greatest extent possible, similar to that of the invalid, void or unenforceable part.
m. Survival. The provisions of this Disney+ Subscriber Agreement which by their nature should survive the termination of this Disney+ Subscriber Agreement shall survive such termination.
n. Prevailing language. The Disney+ Subscriber Agreement may also be available to you in Chinese language. You acknowledge and agree that in the event of discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail. You also acknowledge and agree that if any future amendments or communications are sent by the Disney+ Service in a different language as selected by you, those future amendments and communications shall be valid and in the case of amendments, shall be effective in law.