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Created September 1, 2012 08:14
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尝试用这篇post: 中的方法实现的一个自动中文抽词算法的 C# 程序,大量参考了 @lastland 兄的 Python 实现,速度应该可以快一点。
// 这是一个 CsSC 脚本文件,要使用标准 C#,请去掉 #function 和 #endfunction 这两个指令,并将其余代码放在 Main 函数中,接受 string[] args 为其参数。
// 要直接运行,请移步 ,下载后解压 bin\CsSC.exe 和相关文件。
#reference System.Core.dll
public class WordDetector {
public Action ProcessOver = null;
internal struct CharPos {
public char ThisChar;
public bool PositionOnRight;
public CharPos(char value, bool positionOnRight) {
this.ThisChar = value; this.PositionOnRight = positionOnRight;
public const int MaxWordLength = 5,
MinFreq = 10;
public const double PSvPThreshold = 100,
EntropyThreshold = 1.0;
HashSet<string> finalWords = new HashSet<string>();
Dictionary<string, Dictionary<CharPos, int>> words = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<CharPos, int>>();
Dictionary<string, int> freq = new Dictionary<string, int>();
Dictionary<string, double> ps = new Dictionary<string, double>();
Regex regSplit = new Regex(@"\W+|[a-zA-Z0-9]+", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline);
StreamReader sr = null;
int total = 0;
string _filename = "";
public HashSet<string> FinalWords {
get {
return finalWords;
public Dictionary<string, int> Freq {
get {
return freq;
public WordDetector (string filename)
_filename = filename;
private void renewStreamReader () {
sr = new StreamReader(_filename, CsSC.EncodingType.GetType(_filename));
public void StartProcess ()
System.Threading.Thread thr = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(Process));
private void wordInfoEntropy (string word, out double leftEntropy, out double rightEntropy)
leftEntropy = rightEntropy = 0;
double totalL = 0, totalR = 0;
foreach (KeyValuePair<CharPos, int> pair in words[word]) {
if (pair.Key.PositionOnRight) totalR += pair.Value; else totalL += pair.Value;
if (totalL <= 0) leftEntropy = double.MaxValue;
if (totalR <= 0) rightEntropy = double.MaxValue;
foreach (KeyValuePair<CharPos, int> pair in words[word]) {
double p;
if (pair.Key.PositionOnRight) {
p = (double)pair.Value / totalR;
rightEntropy -= p * Math.Log(p);
} else {
p = (double)pair.Value / totalL;
leftEntropy -= p * Math.Log(p);
public void Process ()
Console.WriteLine("Reading input...");
string line = "";
while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) {
total += addParagraph (line);
finalizeParagraph ();
sr.Close ();
Console.WriteLine("Building candidate word list...");
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, double> pair in ps) {
if (pair.Key.Length < 2 || pair.Key.Length > MaxWordLength)
double p = 0;
for (int i=1; i<pair.Key.Length; ++i) {
double t = ps [pair.Key.Substring (0, i)] * ps [pair.Key.Substring (i)];
p = Math.Max (p, t);
if (freq [pair.Key] >= MinFreq && pair.Value / p > PSvPThreshold)
words.Add (pair.Key, new Dictionary<CharPos, int>());
renewStreamReader ();
Console.WriteLine("Preparing word/adjacent character list...");
foreach(string cword in freq.Keys) {
string wl = cword.Length > 1 ? cword.Substring(1) : "",
wr = cword.Length > 1 ? cword.Substring(0, cword.Length - 1) : "",
wc = cword.Length > 2 ? cword.Substring(1, cword.Length - 1) : "";
CharPos c = new CharPos('a', false); int frq = freq[cword];
if (words.ContainsKey(wl)) {
c = new CharPos(cword[0], false);
if (words[wl].ContainsKey(c)) words[wl][c] += frq; else words[wl].Add(c, frq);
if (words.ContainsKey(wr)) {
c = new CharPos(cword[cword.Length - 1], true);
if (words[wr].ContainsKey(c)) words[wr][c] += frq; else words[wr].Add(c, frq);
if (words.ContainsKey(wc)) {
c = new CharPos(cword[0], false);
if (words[wc].ContainsKey(c)) words[wc][c] += frq; else words[wc].Add(c, frq);
c = new CharPos(cword[cword.Length - 1], true);
if (words[wc].ContainsKey(c)) words[wc][c] += frq; else words[wc].Add(c, frq);
Console.WriteLine("Calculating word information entropy...");
foreach (string word in words.Keys) {
double leftEntropy = 0, rightEntropy = 0;
wordInfoEntropy(word, out leftEntropy, out rightEntropy);
if (leftEntropy < EntropyThreshold || rightEntropy < EntropyThreshold)
Console.WriteLine("Done. Writing results.");
if (ProcessOver != null)
private int addParagraph (string paragraph)
int incr_total = 0;
foreach (string sentence in regSplit.Split(paragraph)) {
if (sentence.Length < 2)
for (int i = 0; i<sentence.Length; ++i) {
for (int j = 1; j<=MaxWordLength+2 && i+j-1<sentence.Length; ++j) {
string word = sentence.Substring (i, j);
if (!freq.ContainsKey(word)) freq.Add(word, 0);
freq [word]++;
return incr_total;
private void finalizeParagraph ()
foreach (string key in freq.Keys)
ps.Add (key, (double)freq [key] / total);
public void Close ()
static WordDetector wordDetector = null;
static StreamWriter sw = null;
private static void PrintResults ()
if (sw == null) return;
foreach (string word in wordDetector.FinalWords) {
sw.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}", word, wordDetector.Freq[word]);
if (args.Length < 2) {
Console.WriteLine("Usage: worddetector <input> <freq output>");
wordDetector = new WordDetector(args[0]);
sw = new StreamWriter(args[1]);
sw.Flush(); sw.Close();
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