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Created May 22, 2012 16:57
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sogou proxy
# modified based on
from struct import unpack
from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer
from httplib import HTTPResponse
from SocketServer import ThreadingMixIn
import socket
import time
x_sogou_auth = "9CD285F1E7ADB0BD403C22AD1D545F40/30/853edc6d49ba4e27"
def calc_sogou_hash(t, host):
s = (t + host + 'SogouExplorerProxy').encode('ascii')
code = len(s)
dwords = len(s) / 4
rest = len(s) % 4
v = unpack(str(dwords) + 'i' + str(rest) + 's', s)
for vv in v:
if type(vv) == type('i'):
rm = vv & 0xFFFF # right most
lm = vv >> 16 # left most
code += rm
code ^= code << 16
code &= 0xffffffff
code ^= lm << 11
code += code >> 11
code &= 0xffffffff
if rest == 3:
code += (ord(s[-2]) << 8) + ord(s[-3])
code ^= code << 16
code ^= ord(s[-1]) << 18
code &= 0xffffffff
code += code >> 11
elif rest == 2:
code += (ord(s[-1]) << 8) + ord(s[-2])
code ^= code << 11
code &= 0xffffffff
code += code >> 17
elif rest == 1:
code += ord(s[-1])
code ^= code << 10
code &= 0xffffffff
code += code >> 1
code ^= code << 3
code &= 0xffffffff
code += code >> 5
code ^= code << 4
code &= 0xffffffff
code += code >> 17
code ^= code << 25
code &= 0xffffffff
code += code >> 6
code &= 0xffffffff
return hex(code)[2:].rstrip('L').zfill(8)
class Handler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
s = 0
def do_proxy(self):
if self.s == 0:
self.s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.s.connect((proxy_host, 80))
self.s.send(self.requestline.encode('ascii') + b"\r\n")
# Add Sogou Verification Tags
self.headers["X-Sogou-Auth"] = x_sogou_auth
t = hex(int(time.time()))[2:].rstrip('L').zfill(8)
self.headers["X-Sogou-Tag"] = \
calc_sogou_hash(t, self.headers['Host'])
self.headers["X-Sogou-Timestamp"] = t
self.s.send(str(self.headers).encode('ascii') + b"\r\n")
# Send Post data
if(self.command == 'POST'):
self.s.send( \['Content-Length'])))
response = HTTPResponse(\
self.s, method=self.command, buffering=True)
# Reply to the browser
status = "HTTP/1.1 " + str(response.status) + " " + response.reason
self.wfile.write(status.encode('ascii') + b'\r\n')
h = ''
for hh, vv in response.getheaders():
if hh.upper() != 'TRANSFER-ENCODING':
h += hh + ': ' + vv + '\r\n'
self.wfile.write(h.encode('ascii') + b'\r\n')
while True:
response_data =
if(len(response_data) == 0):
except socket.error:
print('socket error for ' + self.requestline)
def do_POST(self):
def do_GET(self):
class ThreadingHTTPServer(ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer):
server = ThreadingHTTPServer(("", 1998), Handler)
#print(calc_sogou_hash('4d8cdaed', ''))
#import random
#proxy_host = 'h' + str(random.randint(0, 15)) + ''
#proxy_host = 'h' + str(random.randint(0,3)) + ''
#proxy_host = 'h' + str(random.randint(0,3)) + ''
#proxy_host = 'h' + str(random.randint(0,10)) + ''
proxy_host = 'h15' + ''
print('Proxy over ' + proxy_host)
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