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Created March 18, 2014 12:41
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Django项目中使用的fabfile, 其实也是通用的
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from fabric.colors import green, red
from fabric.contrib.console import confirm
from fabric.api import run, env, cd, put, sudo, abort
# configs
env.user = 'username'
env.hosts = ['IP:PORT',]
## project home path
PROJECT_HOME = '/path/to/project'
## project name in supervisor
PROJECT_NAME_IN_SUPERVISOR = 'project_name_in_supervisor'
## default deploy branch
DEPLOY_BARNCH = 'deploy_branch'
def put_sshkey():
"""push ssh key to server
with cd('/tmp'):
put('', '')
run('cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys')
# git
def git_pull(branch):
ret = run('git pull origin %s' % branch)
if ret.failed and not confirm('Pull from origin %s Failed, Continue anyway ?') % branch:
run('git status')
abort(red('Aborting at pull from origin'))
print(green('Pull from branch %s successfully') % branch)
# service control
def restart_project(project_name):
#if not confirm(green('Do you want to restart project ?')):
sudo('supervisorctl restart %s' % project_name)
print(green('Restart Supervisor project [%s] Successfully !!') % project_name)
def restart_nginx(action="reload"):
sudo('nginx -s %s' % action)
print(green('[%s] Nginx Successfully !!') % action)
# python
def install_require(package=None):
if package:
sudo('pip install %s' % package)
sudo('pip install -r requirements.txt')
print(green('Install Complete !'))
# project custom
def deploy(do='app'):
with cd(PROJECT_HOME):
if 'app' == do:
elif 'db' == do:
if not confirm(red("Are you sure to recreate your database ? this can not be undo !!")):
abort('Do Nothing ... ')
run('rm db/mysite.db')
run('python syncdb')
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