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Forked from helium876/
Created October 5, 2021 16:13
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#Cryptography suite!
import itertools
alphabetLower = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
def encrypt_caesar(plaintext):
Encrypts plaintext using a Caesar cipher.
Add more implementation details here.
result = ""
for letter in plaintext:
if letter in alphabetUpper:
result += alphabetUpper[(alphabetUpper.index(letter) + 3) % 26]
result += alphabetLower[(alphabetLower.index(letter) + 3) % 26]
return result
def decrypt_caesar(ciphertext):
#Decrypts a ciphertext using a Caesar cipher.
#Add more implementation details here.
result = ""
for letter in ciphertext:
if letter in alphabetUpper:
result += alphabetUpper[(alphabetUpper.index(letter) - 3) % 26]
result += alphabetLower[(alphabetLower.index(letter) - 3) % 26]
return result
def encrypt_vigenere(plaintext, keyword):
#Encrypts plaintext using a Vigenere cipher with a keyword.
#Add more implementation details here.
result = ""
cycle = itertools.cycle(keyword)
key = ""
i = 0
for letter in cycle:
i += 1
key += letter.lower()
if i >= len(plaintext):
j = 0
for letter in plaintext:
if letter in alphabetUpper:
result += alphabetUpper[(alphabetUpper.index(letter) + alphabetLower.index(key[j])) % 26]
result += alphabetLower[(alphabetLower.index(letter) + alphabetLower.index(key[j])) % 26]
j = j + 1
return result
def decrypt_vigenere(ciphertext, keyword):
#Decrypts ciphertext using a Vigenere cipher with a keyword.
#Add more implementation details here.
result = ""
cycle = itertools.cycle(keyword)
key = ""
i = 0
for letter in cycle:
i += 1
key += letter.lower()
if i >= len(ciphertext):
j = 0
for letter in ciphertext:
if letter in alphabetUpper:
result += alphabetUpper[(alphabetUpper.index(letter) - alphabetLower.index(key[j])) % 26]
result += alphabetLower[((alphabetLower.index(letter)) - (alphabetLower.index(key[j]))) % 26]
j = j + 1
return result
def encrypt_railfence(plaintext, num_rails):
#Encrypts plaintext using a railfence cipher.
#Add more implementation details here.
result = [None] * len(plaintext)
brextonIsSoCool = 2 * (num_rails - 1)
tracker = 0
counter = 0
while counter < num_rails:
size = brextonIsSoCool - 2 * counter
i = counter
equals = 1
while i < len(plaintext):
result[tracker] = plaintext[i] #switch
if equals == 0 or (size == 0):
i += (brextonIsSoCool - size)
i += size
if counter!= 0:
equals = 0
tracker += 1
counter += 1
return "".join(result)
def decrypt_railfence(ciphertext, num_rails):
#Encrypts plaintext using a railfence cipher.
#Add more implementation details here.
result = [None] * len(ciphertext)
brextonIsSoCool = 2 * (num_rails - 1)
tracker = 0
counter = 0
while counter < num_rails:
size = brextonIsSoCool - 2 * counter
i = counter
equals = 1
while i < len(ciphertext):
result[i] = ciphertext[tracker] #switch
if equals == 0 or (size == 0):
i += (brextonIsSoCool - size)
i += size
if counter!= 0:
equals = 0
tracker += 1
counter += 1
return "".join(result)
def read_from_file(filename):
#Reads and returns content from a file.
#Add more implementation details here.
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
content =
return content
def write_to_file(filename, content):
#Writes content to a file.
#Add more implementation details here.
# Your implementation here
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
def run_suite():
#Runs a single iteration of the cryptography suite.
#Asks the user for input text from a string or file, whether to encrypt
#or decrypt, what tool to use, and where to show the output.
resultText = ""
desiredInput = input("(F)ile or (S)tring? ")
while (desiredInput != "f" and desiredInput != "F" and desiredInput != "s" and desiredInput != "S"):
desiredInput = input("Please input either S for string or F for file! ")
string = ""
if (desiredInput.upper() == "S"):
string = input("Enter the string to de/encrypt: ") # Obtain the user's desired input here
elif (desiredInput.upper() == "F"):
filename = input("Filename: ")
string = read_from_file(filename)
string = string.replace(" ", "")
string = string.replace("!", "")
string = string.replace("@", "")
string = string.replace("#", "")
string = string.replace("$", "")
string = string.replace("%", "")
string = string.replace("^", "")
string = string.replace("&", "")
string = string.replace("*", "")
string = string.replace("(", "")
string = string.replace(")", "")
string = string.replace("-", "")
string = string.replace("+", "")
string = string.replace("=", "")
string = string.replace("-", "")
string = string.replace("[", "")
string = string.replace("]", "")
string = string.replace("{", "")
string = string.replace("}", "")
string = string.replace("|", "")
string = string.replace(";", "")
string = string.replace(":", "")
string = string.replace("<", "")
string = string.replace(">", "")
string = string.replace(".", "")
string = string.replace(",", "")
string = string.replace("/", "")
transform = input("(E)ncrypt or (D)ecrypt? ")
while (transform != "e" and transform != "E" and transform != "d" and transform != "D"):
transform = input("Please input either E for encrypt or D for decrypt! ") # Encrypt or decrypt the input
whichOne = input("(C)aesar, (V)igenere, or (R)ailfence? ")
while (whichOne!= "C" and whichOne != "c" and whichOne != "V" and whichOne != "v" and whichOne != "r" and whichOne != "R"):
whichOne = input("Please input either C for Caesar or V for Vigenere or R for Railfence! ")
if (transform.upper() == "E" and whichOne.upper() == "V"):
passkey = input("Passkey? ")
print("Encrypting using Vigenere cipher!")
resultText = encrypt_vigenere(string, passkey)
elif (transform.upper() == "D" and whichOne.upper() == "V"):
passkey = input("Passkey? ")
print("Decrypting using Vigenere cipher!")
resultText = decrypt_vigenere(string, passkey)
elif (transform.upper() == "E" and whichOne.upper() == "C"):
print("Encrypting using Caesar cipher!")
resultText = encrypt_caesar(string)
elif (transform.upper() == "D" and whichOne.upper() == "C"):
print("Decrypting using Caesar cipher!")
resultText = decrypt_caesar(string)
elif (transform.upper() == "E" and whichOne.upper() == "R"):
rails = input("Please enter a positive integer of rails! ")
print("Encrypting using Railfence cipher!")
resultText = encrypt_railfence(string, int(rails))
elif (transform.upper() == "D" and whichOne.upper() == "R"):
rails = input("Please enter a positive integer of rails! ")
print("Decrypting using Railfence cipher!")
resultText = decrypt_railfence(string, int(rails))
outputChoice = input("(F)ile or (S)tring? ")
while (outputChoice != "f" and outputChoice != "F" and outputChoice != "s" and outputChoice != "S"):
outputChoice = input("Please input either S for string or F for file! ")
end = ""
if (outputChoice.upper() == "F"):
end = input("Filename? ")
print("Writing to file")
write_to_file(end, resultText) # Print or write the transformed output
elif(outputChoice.upper() == "S"):
# Do not modify code beneath this point.
def should_continue():
#Asks the user whether they would like to continue.
#Responses that begin with a `Y` return True. (case-insensitively)
#Responses that begin with a `N` return False. (case-insensitively)
#All other responses (including '') cause a reprompt.
choice = input("Again (Y/N)? ").upper()
while not choice or choice[0] not in ['Y', 'N']:
choice = input("Please enter either 'Y' or 'N'. Again (Y/N)? ").upper()
return choice[0] == 'Y'
#name = input("what is your name?")
def main():
"""Harness for the Cryptography Suite"""
print("Welcome to the Cryptography Suite!")
while should_continue():
if __name__ == '__main__':
"""This block is run if and only if the Python script is invoked from the
command line."""
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