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Last active August 2, 2019 10:35
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OpenStruct and Struct in PHP
class OpenStruct extends ArrayObject
public function __construct($input = array())
parent::__construct($input, static::ARRAY_AS_PROPS);
public function offsetSet($key, $value)
if (is_array($value)) {
parent::offsetSet($key, new static($value));
} else {
parent::offsetSet($key, $value);
public function offsetGet($key)
$raw = parent::offsetGet($key);
if (is_callable($raw)) {
return call_user_func($raw);
return $raw;
public function __call($method, $args)
$raw = parent::offsetGet($method);
if (is_callable($raw)) {
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0', '>=') && $raw instanceof \Closure) {
return call_user_func_array($raw, $args);
static public function fromJson($json)
if (! is_string($json)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Argument must be a string.');
$input = json_decode($json, true);
if (null === $input) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Argument must be a string containing valid JSON.');
return new static($input);
class Struct extends OpenStruct
public function __construct($input)
public function offsetSet($key, $value)
if (! $this->offsetExists($key)) {
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Undefined field "%s"', $key));
parent::offsetSet($key, $value);
public function offsetGet($key)
if (! $this->offsetExists($key)) {
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Undefined field "%s"', $key));
public function offsetUnset($key)
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Cannot unset field "%s"', $key));
// OpenStruct with Constructor Parameters
// Cannot Change Structure
$person = new OpenStruct(array('first' => 'Joe', 'last' => 'Bloggs', 'age' => 20));
// Nested Array becomes OpenStruct
$person->address = array(
'address' => '123 Alphabet Street',
'city' => 'Awesome City',
'postcode' => 'ABC 123',
'country' => 'Awesome Country'
$person->first; // $person['first'];
$person->last; // $person['last'];
$person->age; // $person['age'];
$person->address->city; // $person['address']['city'];
// Nested OpenStruct
$person->hobbies = new OpenStruct(array('Football', 'Ice Hockey', 'Formula 1'));
// Traversable
foreach ($person->hobbies as $hobby) {
echo 'Hobby: ' . $hobby . "\n";
// Convert to JSON
echo 'JSON: ' . $person->toJson() . "\n";
// OpenStruct with no Constructor
$person = new OpenStruct;
$person->name = 'Joe';
$person['name'] = 'John';
// Struct Requires Constructor Parameters
// Cannot Change Structure
try {
$person = new Struct(array('first' => 'Joe', 'last' => 'Bloggs', 'hobbies' => array('Football', 'Ice Hockey', 'Formula 1')));
$person->age = 30;
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
echo 'Cannot change Struct' . "\n";
// OpenStruct from JSON String
// Can Change Structure
$json = OpenStruct::fromJson('{"first":"Joe","last":"Bloggs","age":20,"address":{"address":"123 Alphabet Street","city":"Awesome City","postcode":"ABC 123","country":"Canada"}}');
$json->foo = 'bar';
// Struct from JSON String
// Cannot Change Structure
try {
$json = Struct::fromJson('{"first":"Joe","last":"Bloggs","age":20,"address":{"address":"123 Alphabet Street","city":"Awesome City","postcode":"ABC 123","country":"Canada"}}');
$json->foo = 'bar';
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
echo 'Cannot change Struct' . "\n";
// OpenStructs with Closures
$open = new OpenStruct;
$open->first = 'Joe';
$open->last = 'Bloggs';
$open->fullName = function() use ($open) {
return $open->first . ' ' . $open->last;
// PHP 5.4 Style
$open->fullName = function() {
return $this->first . ' ' . $this->last;
$open->last = 'Smith';
// OpenStruct from Object
$object = new StdClass;
$object->first = 'Joe';
$object->last = 'Bloggs';
$open = new OpenStruct($object);
// Struct from Object
$object = new StdClass;
$object->first = 'Joe';
$object->last = 'Bloggs';
try {
$open = new Struct($object);
$open->age = 30;
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
echo 'Cannot change Struct' . "\n";
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