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Last active May 21, 2020 05:48
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A WIP Armory3D Character Controller
package arm;
import kha.graphics4.hxsl.Types.Vec;
import kha.FastFloat;
import iron.math.Quat;
import iron.math.Vec4;
import haxe.Log;
import armory.trait.physics.PhysicsWorld;
import iron.system.Input;
import armory.trait.physics.bullet.RigidBody;
class CharacterController2 extends iron.Trait {
#if arm_bullet
/**The rigid body of the character object**/
var body:RigidBody;
var keyboard = Input.getKeyboard();
var phys =;
// State variables
/**Whether or not the player is touching the ground ( or any other object below it )**/
var onGround = false;
/**Whether or not the player is touching the ceiling ( or any other object above it )**/
var onCeiling = false;
/**The slope of the ground in radians that the character is standing on**/
var groundSlope:FastFloat = 0;
/**The normal of the ground surface the character is standing on**/
var groundNorm:Vec4 = new Vec4();
/**Whether or not the player is rising due to a jump**/
var isJumping = false;
/**Whether or not the player is falling due to a jump**/
var isJumpFalling = false;
/**The world Z location of the player when last jump was started**/
private var jumpInitialZ:FastFloat = 0;
private var lastDirection:Vec4 = new Vec4();
// Movement parameters
/**The speed that the characters falls**/
var fallSpeed:FastFloat = 5;
var strafeSpeed:FastFloat = 3;
var walkSpeed:FastFloat = 5.5;
var sprintSpeed:FastFloat = 10;
var stepHeight:FastFloat = 0.4;
var jumpHeight:FastFloat = 1;
var jumpSpeed:FastFloat = 5;
/**The maximum slope in radians that the player can walk up without sliding.**/
var maxSlope:FastFloat = 1.05; // 60 degrees
var offGroundFrames = 0;
public function new() {
* Called on object initialization.
private function init() {
body = object.getTrait(RigidBody);
if (body == null) return;
// Set body physics properties
body.setGravity(new Vec4(0, 0, 0));
body.setAngularFactor(0, 0, 0);
// body.setFriction(1);
// notifyOnLateUpdate(stickToFloor);
private function stickToFloor() {
if (!isJumping && !onGround) {
// Make object "stick" to the ground within a threshold
final stickyThreshold = 0.05;
var rayFrom =;
rayFrom.z -= object.transform.dim.z / 2;
var rayTo = rayFrom.clone();
rayTo.z -= stickyThreshold;
// Cast ray to get ground distance
phys.rayCast(rayFrom, rayTo);
var hitPoint = phys.hitPointWorld;
var normal = phys.hitNormalWorld;
var slope = Math.abs(Math.asin(Math.abs(normal.z) / normal.length()) - Math.PI / 2);
// Move object to the ground
var distance = hitPoint.z - rayFrom.z;
groundNorm = normal;
if (Math.abs(distance) <= stickyThreshold && normal.z > 0) {
// Move object down
object.transform.loc.z += distance;
// Force another check for contacts
@:privateAccess phys.updateContacts();
// Un-penatrate objects
var contacts = phys.getContactPairs(body);
var normal;
if (contacts != null) {
for (contact in contacts) {
// If the character is object a
if (body == phys.rbMap.get(contact.a)) {
// Normal is the normal on object b
normal = contact.normOnB.clone();
// If the character is object b
} else {
// Normal is the opposite of the normal on object b AKA the normal on object a
normal = contact.normOnB.clone().mult(-1);
// If contact is within threshhold
if (contact.distance < 0) {
// Move object backup up to avoid penatration
object.transform.loc.sub(normal.clone().mult(contact.distance * 0.9));
private function preUpdate() {
private function update() {
// Update state variables
// Get user input direction
var up = keyboard.down('w');
var down = keyboard.down('s');
var right = keyboard.down('d');
var left = keyboard.down('a');
var sprint = keyboard.down('alt');
// Build velocity
var velocity = new Vec4();
// Add user input directions
if (sprint && up && ! (down || left || right) && onGround) {
velocity.add(new Vec4(0, -sprintSpeed, 0));
} else {
if (up) velocity.add(new Vec4(0, -walkSpeed, 0));
if (down) velocity.add(new Vec4(0, walkSpeed, 0));
if (right) velocity.add(new Vec4(-strafeSpeed, 0, 0));
if (left) velocity.add(new Vec4(strafeSpeed, 0, 0));
// Make sure you can't walk faster by walking diagonal
var maxSpeed = if (sprint) sprintSpeed + walkSpeed else walkSpeed;
if (velocity.length() > maxSpeed) {
// Align velocity with object transform
velocity.applyQuat(new Quat().fromMat(;
if (!isJumping) {
// Set the movement vector to be parallel to ground surface
var speed = velocity.length();
var t =;
var t2 = new Vec4(
t * groundNorm.x,
t * groundNorm.y,
t * groundNorm.z
if (!onGround) {
// Add gravity vector if not on the ground
velocity.z -= fallSpeed;
// isJumping
} else {
var jumpDistLeft = jumpHeight - ( - jumpInitialZ);
// Move object until it reaches jump height or hits the ceiling
if (jumpDistLeft > 0 && !onCeiling) {
velocity.add(new Vec4(0, 0, jumpSpeed));
} else {
isJumping = false;
isJumpFalling = true;
// Set body velocity
body.setLinearVelocity(velocity.x, velocity.y, velocity.z);
private function updateState() {
// Reset contact states
onGround = false;
onCeiling = false;
// Determine state of contacts
final contactThreshold = 0.01;
var contacts = phys.getContactPairs(body);
var normal;
var slope;
if (contacts != null) {
for (contact in contacts) {
// If the character is object a
if (body == phys.rbMap.get(contact.a)) {
// Normal is the normal on object b
normal = contact.normOnB.clone();
// If the character is object b
} else {
// Normal is the opposite of the normal on object b AKA the normal on object a
normal = contact.normOnB.clone().mult(-1);
slope = Math.abs(Math.asin(Math.abs(normal.z) / normal.length()) - Math.PI / 2);
// If contact is within threshhold
if (contact.distance <= contactThreshold) {
// If the normal is facing up and the slope is not greater than the max slope
if (normal.z > 0 && slope <= maxSlope) {
onGround = true;
offGroundFrames = 0;
groundSlope = slope;
// If the normal is facing down and the slope is not greater than a slope threshhold
// ( Math.Pi / 2.5 represents a slope slightly less than 90 degrees )
} else if (normal.z < 0 && slope <= (Math.PI / 2.5)) {
onCeiling = true;
// Check jump state
if (keyboard.started("space") && onGround) {
isJumping = true;
jumpInitialZ =;
// Check jump falling state
if (isJumpFalling && onGround) {
// We are no longer falling from the jump
isJumpFalling = false;
// Update ground Normal
groundNorm = new Vec4(0, 0, 1);
final groundDetectDistance = 0.1;
var rayFrom =;
rayFrom.z -= object.transform.dim.z / 2;
var rayTo = rayFrom.clone();
rayTo.z -= groundDetectDistance;
phys.rayCast(rayFrom, rayTo);
groundNorm = phys.hitNormalWorld;
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