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Created March 16, 2015 23:44
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Store array integers using smallest possible amount of memory. Uses a lot C++ template metaprogramming.
#include <array>
#include <tuple>
typedef unsigned int _uint;
template <_uint _shift, _uint _size>
struct _FieldDescription {
static const _uint shift = _shift;
static const _uint size = _size;
#define DEBUG(name) //std::cout << #name << ": " << name << std::endl
template <int fields, typename Field>
class _PackedAccessor {
std::array<uint8_t, fields>& arr;
static const _uint firstItem = Field::shift / 8;
static const _uint lastItem = (Field::shift + Field::size - 1) / 8;
static const _uint firstBit = Field::shift % 8;
static const _uint firstEndBit = (lastItem == firstItem) ? (Field::shift + Field::size) : 8;
static const _uint firstSize = firstEndBit - firstBit;
static const _uint lastItemEndBit = uint((int(Field::size - firstSize) - 1) % 8 + 1);
static const _uint middleBitCount = (Field::size - firstSize - lastItemEndBit);
static_assert((middleBitCount % 8) == 0, "");
static const _uint middleCount = middleBitCount / 8;
_PackedAccessor(std::array<uint8_t, fields>& arr): arr(arr) {}
inline _PackedAccessor& operator=(uint32_t v) {
arr[firstItem] &= ~(((uint32_t(1)<<firstSize)-1) << firstBit);
arr[firstItem] |= ((v & ((uint32_t(1)<<firstSize)-1)) << firstBit);
for(_uint i=1; i < lastItem - firstItem; i++)
arr[firstItem + i] = (v >> (firstSize + i * 8 - 8)) & 0xFF;
if(lastItem != firstItem) {
arr[lastItem] &= ~((uint32_t(1)<<lastItemEndBit)-1);
arr[lastItem] |= (v >> (firstSize + middleBitCount)) & ((uint32_t(1)<<lastItemEndBit)-1);
return *this;
inline operator uint32_t() const {
uint32_t result = 0;
result = (uint32_t(arr[firstItem]) >> firstBit) & ((uint32_t(1)<<firstSize)-1);
for(_uint i=1; i < lastItem - firstItem; i++)
result |= (uint32_t(arr[firstItem + i]) << _uint(firstSize + 8 * i - 8));
if(lastItem != firstItem)
result |= (uint32_t(arr[lastItem]) & ((uint32_t(1)<<lastItemEndBit)-1))
<< _uint(firstSize + middleBitCount);
return result;
template <int i, int size, typename Fields>
inline _PackedAccessor<size, typename std::tuple_element<i, Fields>::type >
_packed_get(std::array<uint8_t, size>& arr) {
return _PackedAccessor<size, typename std::tuple_element<i, Fields>::type >(arr);
template <int Size, typename Fields>
class _PackedTuple {
std::array<uint8_t, Size> storage;
static const int size = Size;
template <int i>
_PackedAccessor<size, typename std::tuple_element<i, Fields>::type> get() {
return _packed_get<i, size, Fields>(storage);
template <typename First, typename Rest>
struct _TupleCar {
template <typename First, typename... RestTypes>
struct _TupleCar<First, std::tuple<RestTypes...> > {
using Type = std::tuple<First, RestTypes...>;
template <int shift, int... args>
struct _PackedTupleCalc {};
template <int shift, int size, int... rest>
struct _PackedTupleCalc<shift, size, rest...> {
using Next = _PackedTupleCalc<shift + size, rest...>;
using Fields = typename _TupleCar<_FieldDescription<shift, size>, typename Next::Fields>::Type;
static const int byte_size = Next::byte_size;
template <int shift>
struct _PackedTupleCalc<shift> {
using Fields = std::tuple<>;
static const int byte_size = (shift + 7) / 8;
template <typename Calc>
using _AutosizedPackedTuple = _PackedTuple<Calc::byte_size, typename Calc::Fields>;
template <int... args>
using PackedTuple = _AutosizedPackedTuple<_PackedTupleCalc<0, args...> >;
template <int n>
struct DownLog2 {
static const int value = DownLog2<n / 2>::value + 1;
static const int valueFor = DownLog2<n / 2>::valueFor * 2;
template <>
struct DownLog2<1> {
static const int value = 0;
static const int valueFor = 1;
template <int n>
struct Log2 {
using Down = DownLog2<n>;
static const int value = (Down::valueFor == n) ? Down::value : (Down::value + 1);
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