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Last active July 16, 2018 09:18
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function my_mb_strlen($value)
// 计算单字节.
preg_match_all('/[a-zA-Z0-9_]/', $value, $single);
$single = count($single[0]) / 2;
// 多子节长度.
$double = str_word_count(preg_replace('([a-zA-Z0-9_])', '', $value));
// 得出最终计算字符的长度
$length = $single + $double;
return $length;
public static function mb_strlen($string)
$n = $tn = $noc = 0;
$length = strlen($string);
while($n < strlen($string)) {
$t = ord($string[$n]);
if($t == 9 || $t == 10 || (32 <= $t && $t <= 126)) {
$tn = 1; $n++; $noc += 0.5;
} elseif(194 <= $t && $t <= 223) {
$tn = 2; $n += 2; $noc += 1;
} elseif(224 <= $t && $t <= 239) {
$tn = 3; $n += 3; $noc += 1;
} elseif(240 <= $t && $t <= 247) {
$tn = 4; $n += 4; $noc += 1;
} elseif(248 <= $t && $t <= 251) {
$tn = 5; $n += 5; $noc += 1;
} elseif($t == 252 || $t == 253) {
$tn = 6; $n += 6; $noc += 1;
} else {
if($noc >= $length) {
return intval(ceil($noc));
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