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Adding Anoncoin to Coinomi

Usecase - Integrating Anoncoin to Coinomi

A simple usecase of a Bitcoin compatible coin integration. Not all coins are created equal, so it is possible that extra work must be done to successfully integrate a new cryptocurrency.

  1. Start the Anoncoin daemon and in the anoncoin.conf file add the option "txindex=1"


We start the daemon with the -datadir parameter:

anoncoind -datadir=/coinomi/coind/anoncoin &
  1. Use preferably this electrum server with a configuration file similar to the following. You need to find the values pubkey_address and script_address from the Anoncoin source code and for the genesis_hash you can execute the rpc command: getblockhash 0.
host =
electrum_rpc_port = 2022
#report_host =
stratum_tcp_port = 5022
stratum_http_port = 4022
stratum_tcp_ssl_port =
stratum_http_ssl_port =
#report_stratum_tcp_port = 50001
#report_stratum_http_port = 80
#report_stratum_tcp_ssl_port = 50002
#report_stratum_http_ssl_port = 443
password = secret
banner = Welcome to Electrum!
#irc = no
#irc_nick = <yournickname>
#ssl_certfile = /path/to/electrum-server.crt
#ssl_keyfile = /path/to/electrum-server.key
logfile = /coinomi/logs/elect-monacoin.log

# default backend is leveldb (pruning server)
backend = leveldb

## Change the following to enable testnet
pubkey_address = 50
script_address = 5
genesis_hash = ff9f1c0116d19de7c9963845e129f9ed1bfc0b376eb54fd7afa42e0d418c8bb6

#fulltree is the new UTXO tree, required for Electrum 2.0 clients
path = /coinomi/electrum/anoncoin/data
# for each address, history will be pruned if it is longer than this limit
pruning_limit = 100

bitcoind_host = localhost
bitcoind_port = 8022
# user and password from bitcoin.conf
bitcoind_user = anoncoinrpc
bitcoind_password = MFfySYp9o9qQi0mYbQmxOdE1pEHVS1DQuhhHssOzkO3

From the electrum folder you can start the electrum daemon like this:

./run_electrum_server --conf /coinomi/electrum/monacoin/conf.txt

NOTICE: If you get errors, check x11hash, peercoin-family, blackcoin branches for specific fixes for various coins. There is a case in some coins where the getrawtransaction does not return the coinbase (or coinstake in PoS coins) transaction of a orphaned block. One fix can be seen here. So try to observe a blockchain reorg to verify that Electrum server runs without an issue.

After the Electrum server finishes syncronizing, test it by connecting first:

nc localhost 5022

and then pasting the following:

{"id": 1, "method": "blockchain.address.get_history", "params": ["A USED ADDRESS FROM YOUR QT WALLET"]}

You should see all the past transactions of the A USED ADDRESS FROM YOUR QT WALLET address. Then paste this:

{"id": 2, "method": "blockchain.address.subscribe", "params": ["A USED ADDRESS FROM YOUR QT WALLET"]}

After you send some coins to the A USED ADDRESS FROM YOUR QT WALLET address, you should see the server replying something after some seconds.

  1. Create a new subclass of CoinType called MonacoinMain in the coinomi-android/core/coins/ path and set the correct values (the bip44Index must be registered here). Add MonacoinMain to the com.coinomi.core.coins.CoinID class.
public class AnoncoinMain extends CoinType {
    private AnoncoinMain() {
        id = "anoncoin.main";

        addressHeader = 50;
        p2shHeader = 5;
        acceptableAddressCodes = new int[] { addressHeader, p2shHeader };
        spendableCoinbaseDepth = 100;

        family = BitFamily.get();
        name = "Anoncoin";
        symbol = "ANC";
        uriScheme = "anoncoin";
        bip44Index = 22;
        unitExponent = 8;
        feePerKb = value(100000);
        minNonDust = value(1000); // 0.00001 MNC mininput
        softDustLimit = value(100000); // 0.001 ANC
        softDustPolicy = SoftDustPolicy.BASE_FEE_FOR_EACH_SOFT_DUST_TXO;

    private static AnoncoinMain instance = new AnoncoinMain();
    public static synchronized AnoncoinMain get() {
        return instance;
  1. Create a new flat-style icon that harmonically matches the existing icon set

  2. Add this coin to the com.coinomi.wallet.Constants class (check the DEFAULT_COINS_SERVERS, COINS_ICONS, SUPPORTED_COINS)

After you compile the android app the coin will appear in the list of the new coins.

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