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Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
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Erasure monad vs. forced patterns
module Er
%default total
{- module Erasure; inlined for convenience -}
data Erased : Type -> Type where
E : a -> Erased a
instance Functor Erased where
map f (E x) = E (f x)
instance Applicative Erased where
pure = E
(<$>) (E f) (E x) = E (f x)
instance Monad Erased where
(>>=) (E x) f = f x
liftEq : {a : Type} -> {x, y : a} -> x = y -> E x = E y
liftEq refl = refl
E_inj : {a : Type} -> {x, y : a} -> E x = E y -> x = y
E_inj refl = refl
{- module Main -}
f : Nat -> Nat
f n = n + 1
data T : Nat -> Type where
C : (n : Nat) -> T (f n)
g : (n : Nat) -> T n -> ()
g (f n) (C n) = ()
data ET : Erased Nat -> Type where
EC : (en : Erased Nat) -> ET [| f en |]
eg : (n : Nat) -> ET (pure n) -> ()
eg _ (EC en) = ()
Type checking ./er.idr
er.idr:41:4:When elaborating left hand side of eg:
When elaborating an application of
Can't unify
ET (Erased instance of Prelude.Applicative.Applicative, method <$> (E f)
ET (pure n)
Can't unify
Erased instance of Prelude.Applicative.Applicative, method <$> (E f)
E n
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