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Created April 10, 2014 09:01
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Erasure monad vs. forced patterns, in Agda
module er where
data Erased (A : Set) : Set where
E : A -> Erased A
pure : {A : Set} -> A -> Erased A
pure = E
infixl 3 _<$>_
_<$>_ : {A B : Set} -> (A -> B) -> Erased A -> Erased B
f <$> E x = E (f x)
infixl 3 _<*>_
_<*>_ : {A B : Set} -> Erased (A -> B) -> Erased A -> Erased B
E f <*> E x = E (f x)
data Unit : Set where
tt : Unit
data Nat : Set where
Z : Nat
S : Nat -> Nat
inc : Nat -> Nat
inc Z = S Z
inc (S n) = S (inc n)
data T : Nat -> Set where
C : (n : Nat) -> T (inc n)
g : (n : Nat) -> T n -> Unit
g .(inc n) (C n) = tt
data ET : Erased Nat -> Set where
EC : (en : Erased Nat) -> ET (inc <$> en)
eg : (n : Nat) -> ET (pure n) -> Unit
eg n et = {!!}
Cannot decide whether there should be a case for the constructor
EC, since the unification gets stuck on unifying the inferred
indices [inc <$> en] with the expected indices [E Z]
when checking that the expression ? has type Unit
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