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Last active August 9, 2023 13:40
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A simple dynamic RWX allocation scanner. Used to find system libraries that alloc RWX regions on load.
import winim
import std/strutils, os
proc lpwstrc(bytes: array[MAX_PATH, WCHAR]): string =
result = newString(bytes.len)
for i in bytes:
result &= cast[char](i)
result = strip(result, chars = {cast[char](0)})
var pages = newSeq[int](0)
proc showrwx(trustedDll: string) =
var offset: LPVOID
var process: HANDLE = GetCurrentProcess()
var processEntry: PROCESSENTRY32
processEntry.dwSize = cast[DWORD](sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32))
var module_base: LPVOID
var module_name: array[MAX_PATH, WCHAR]
while VirtualQueryEx(process, offset, addr(mbi), sizeof(mbi)) != 0:
offset = cast[LPVOID](cast[DWORD_PTR](mbi.BaseAddress) + mbi.RegionSize)
if mbi.AllocationProtect == PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE and mbi.State == MEM_COMMIT and mbi.Type == MEM_PRIVATE:
RtlPcToFileHeader(mbi.BaseAddress, &module_base);
GetModuleFileNameEx(GetCurrentProcess(), cast[HMODULE](module_base), &module_name[0], cast[DWORD](sizeof(module_name)));
if cast[int](mbi.BaseAddress) notin pages:
echo " ! RWX: 0x", toHex(cast[int](mbi.BaseAddress)), " ", lpwstrc(module_name), " | size: ", mbi.RegionSize
zeromem(&module_name[0], sizeof(module_name))
let blacklist = [
for trustedDll in walkDirRec("C:\\Windows\\System32", yieldFilter = {pcFile}, ):
if not endsWith(trustedDll, ".dll"):
echo "with ", trustedDll
if trustedDll in blacklist:
echo "skipping..."
var hanDll = LoadLibraryA(trustedDll)
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