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zimt28/app.riot Secret

Last active May 9, 2019 20:02
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Multipage Invoice
each={ page in state.pages }
items={ page.items }
currentPage={ page.pageNumber }
pageCount={ state.pages.length }
removeItemFromPage={ removeItemFromPage }></page>
export default {
onBeforeMount(props, state) {
this.state = {
pages: [{pageNumber: 1, items: props.invoiceItems}]
removeItemFromPage(pageNumber) {
const nextPageNumber = pageNumber + 1
const pages = [...this.state.pages]
const lastItem = pages[pageNumber - 1].items.pop()
if (nextPageNumber > this.state.pages.length) {
pages.push({pageNumber: nextPageNumber, items: []})
var _this = this;
setTimeout(() => { _this.update({ pages: pages} ) }, 0);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Riot App</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/style.css">
<body class="A4">
<script src="/app.riot" type="riot"></script>
<script src="/page.riot" type="riot"></script>
<script src=""></script>
(async function main() {
await riot.compile()
const props = {
invoiceItems: [
{ title: "Item 1", price: "1,00" },
{ title: "Item 2", price: "2,00" },
{ title: "Item 3", price: "3,00" },
{ title: "Item 4", price: "4,00" },
{ title: "Item 5", price: "5,00" },
{ title: "Item 6", price: "6,00" },
{ title: "Item 7", price: "7,00" },
{ title: "Item 8", price: "8,00" },
{ title: "Item 9", price: "9,00" },
{ title: "Item 10", price: "10,00" },
{ title: "Item 11", price: "11,00" },
{ title: "Item 12", price: "12,00" },
{ title: "Item 13", price: "13,00" },
{ title: "Item 14", price: "14,00" },
{ title: "Item 15", price: "15,00" },
{ title: "Item 16", price: "16,00" },
{ title: "Item 17", price: "17,00" },
{ title: "Item 18", price: "18,00" },
{ title: "Item 19", price: "19,00" },
{ title: "Item 20", price: "20,00" },
{ title: "Item 21", price: "21,00" },
{ title: "Item 22", price: "22,00" },
{ title: "Item 23", price: "23,00" },
{ title: "Item 24", price: "24,00" },
{ title: "Item 25", price: "25,00" },
{ title: "Item 26", price: "26,00" },
{ title: "Item 27", price: "27,00" },
{ title: "Item 28", price: "28,00" }
riot.mount('app', props)
<section class="sheet padding-10mm">
<article>This is an invoice.</article>
<div class="content-frame" data-content-frame>
<div if={ props.currentPage == 1 } class="address">
Address goes here
<div each={ item in props.items} class="invoice-item">
{ item.title }
<label>{ item.amount} €</label>
<div if={ props.currentPage != props.pageCount }>
Continuing on next page.
(Next page is no. { props.currentPage + 1 })
Page { props.currentPage } of { props.pageCount }
const checkOverflow = (el) => {
var curOverflow =;
if (!curOverflow || curOverflow === "visible") = "hidden";
var isOverflowing = el.clientWidth < el.scrollWidth || el.clientHeight < el.scrollHeight; = curOverflow;
return isOverflowing;
export default {
onMounted(props, state) {
if (checkOverflow(this.$("[data-content-frame]"))) {
onUpdated(props, state) {
if (checkOverflow(this.$("[data-content-frame]"))) {
@page {
size: A4;
.content-frame {
border: 1px solid grey;
margin-top: 50px;
max-height: 800px;
overflow: hidden;
.address {
background-color: #f3f3f3;
height: 200px;
margin-bottom: 100px;
.invoice-item {
border-bottom: 1px solid blue;
height: 30px;
padding-bottom: 20px;
padding-top: 20px;
width: 100%;
.invoice-item label {
float: right;
footer {
background-color: green;
bottom: 50px;
position: absolute;
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