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Created October 9, 2014 06:57
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// ========================
// = Plugin settings page =
// ========================
class ABC_Settings extends ABC_Core {
public function __construct()
function settings_panel()
if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) {
wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.'));
$abc = $this->default_setting_values();
<div class="wrap abc-settings">
<h2><?php _e('Advanced Browser Check'); ?></h2>
<form method="post" action="options.php">
<?php wp_nonce_field('update-options'); ?>
<table class="form-table abc-settings">
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">
<label for="abc_title"><?php _e('Title'); ?></label>
<input type="text" class="large-text" id="abc_title" name="abc_title" value="<?php echo $abc['title']; ?>">
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">
<label for="abc_message"><?php _e('Message'); ?></label>
<textarea class="large-text" id="abc_message" name="abc_message" cols="50" rows="8"><?php echo $abc['msg']; ?></textarea>
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">
<?php _e('Let user hide the popup'); ?>
<p class="description"><?php _e('Let the user hide the popup and use your site. The popup will be hidden for 24h only, this is set by a cookie'); ?></p>
<label for="hide">
<input type="checkbox" id="abc_hide" name="abc_hide" value="yes" <?php echo !empty($abc['hide']) ? 'checked="checked"' : '' ?> /> <?php _e('Yes'); ?>
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">
<?php _e('Choose browsers to link'); ?>
<p class="description"><?php _e('This is the browsers that you can display a link to and tell ypur visitor to use'); ?></p>
<label for="ie">
<input type="checkbox" id="ie" name="abc_show[ie]" value="" <?php echo !empty($abc['show_browser']['ie']) ? 'checked="checked"' : '' ?> /> <?php _e('Internet Explorer'); ?>
<label for="ff">
<input type="checkbox" id="ff" name="abc_show[ff]" value="" <?php echo !empty($abc['show_browser']['ff']) ? 'checked="checked"' : '' ?> /> <?php _e('Firefox'); ?>
<label for="safari">
<input type="checkbox" id="safari" name="abc_show[safari]" value="" <?php echo !empty($abc['show_browser']['safari']) ? 'checked="checked"' : '' ?> /> <?php _e('Safari'); ?>
<label for="opera">
<input type="checkbox" id="opera" name="abc_show[opera]" value="" <?php echo !empty($abc['show_browser']['opera']) ? 'checked="checked"' : '' ?> /> <?php _e('Opera'); ?>
<label for="chrome">
<input type="checkbox" id="chrome" name="abc_show[chrome]" value="" <?php echo !empty($abc['show_browser']['chrome']) ? 'checked="checked"' : '' ?> /> <?php _e('Chrome'); ?>
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">
<?php _e('Browsers and versions to check'); ?>
<?php $browsers = $this->default_browsers(); ?>
<?php $browser_selects = ''; ?>
<?php foreach($browsers as $key => $browser) : ?>
<?php $browser_selects .= $key.','; ?>
<select name="abc_check[<?php echo $key; ?>]">
switch($key) {
case $key == 'ff' :
$browser_name = 'Firefox';
case $key == 'ie' :
$browser_name = 'Internet Explorer';
case $key == 'safari' :
$browser_name = 'Safari';
case $key == 'opera' :
$browser_name = 'Opera';
case $key == 'chrome' :
$browser_name = 'Chrome';
<option value="-1" <?php echo $abc['check_browser'][$key] == '-1' ? 'selected="selected"' : '' ?>>
<?php _e('Do not block ').$browser_name; ?>
<?php foreach($browser as $b) : ?>
<?php if ($b == '0') : ?>
<option value="<?php echo $b; ?>" <?php echo $abc['check_browser'][$key] == $b ? 'selected="selected"' : '' ?>>
<?php echo $browser_name . ' ' . __('unrecognized version'); ?>
<?php else : ?>
<option value="<?php echo $b; ?>" <?php echo $abc['check_browser'][$key] == $b ? 'selected="selected"' : '' ?>>
<?php echo $browser_name .' '. $b; ?> <?php _e(' or lower'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">
<?php _e('Debug'); ?>
<p class="description"><?php _e('Having problems. Activate debug and see what information the plugin detects about your browser. Debug is only visible for administrators!'); ?></p>
$debug_on = $debug_off = null;
if (!empty($abc['debug'])) {
$debug_on = $abc['debug'] === 'on' ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
$debug_off = $abc['debug'] === 'off' ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
<label for="hide">
<input type="radio" id="abc_debug" name="abc_debug" value="on" <?php echo $debug_on; ?> /> <?php _e('On'); ?>
<input type="radio" id="abc_debug" name="abc_debug" value="off" <?php echo $debug_off; ?> /> <?php _e('Off'); ?>
<div class="form-row">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="update" />
<input type="hidden" name="page_options" value="abc_title,abc_message,abc_hide,abc_show,abc_check,abc_debug" />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Save" class="button-primary save" />
function abc_settings()
$settings_panel = new ABC_Settings;
return $settings_panel->settings_panel();
function abc_adminmenu()
add_submenu_page('options-general.php', 'Advanced Browser Check', 'Advanced Browser Check', 'manage_options', 'advanced-browser-check', 'abc_settings');
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