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Created March 10, 2022 16:58
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This piece of PowerShell code helps to setup authentication info to Azure Artifact npm feed.
param (
$SampleRegistry = 'For example: //'
function Validate-Registry {
param (
if (-Not($Registry.StartsWith('//'))) {
Write-Error "Registry config must start with //. `n$sampleRegistry" -ErrorAction Stop
If (-Not($Registry.EndsWith('/'))) {
Write-Error "Registry config must end with /. `n$sampleRegistry" -ErrorAction Stop
function Encode-ToBase64 {
param (
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 5) {
# PowerShell Core 7's method
$bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($($Token | ConvertFrom-SecureString -AsPlainText))
$encodedToken = [Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes) | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText
else {
# PowerShell 5's method
$bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($(New-Object PSCredential "user", $Token).GetNetworkCredential().Password)
$encodedToken = [Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes) | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
function Run-NpmCommands {
param (
if (!(Get-Command npm)) {
Write-Error "npm command line is required to proceed. Please install npm cli:" -ErrorAction Stop
npm config set "$Registry`:username" "bearer"
$OverallExitCode1 = 0 -bor $LASTEXITCODE
npm config set "$Registry`:email" ""
$OverallExitCode2 = $OverallExitCode1 -bor $LASTEXITCODE
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 5) {
# PowerShell Core 7's method
npm config set "$Registry`:_password" $($Base64Token | ConvertFrom-SecureString -AsPlainText)
else {
# PowerShell 5's method
npm config set "$Registry`:_password" $(New-Object PSCredential "user", $Base64Token).GetNetworkCredential().Password
$OverallExitCode3 = $OverallExitCode2 -bor $LASTEXITCODE
if ($OverallExitCode3 -ne 0) {
Write-Error "npm config set commands did not exit correctly." -ErrorAction Stop
if (!$Registry) {
$RegistryInput = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter registry config. $SampleRegistry"
else {
$RegistryInput = $Registry
Validate-Registry -Registry $RegistryInput
if (!$Token) {
$TokenInput = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter non-base64 encoded token" -AsSecureString
$Base64SecureToken = Encode-ToBase64 -Token $TokenInput
Run-NpmCommands -Registry $RegistryInput -Base64Token $Base64SecureToken
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