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Created March 25, 2024 23:08
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import hashlib
\State Initialize an empty string $key$
\For{$i = 1$ to $5$}
\State Initialize an empty string $subkey_i$
\For{$j = 1$ to $7$}
\If{$i = 1$}
\State $str_j \gets \Call{sha512}{B[j]}$ \Comment{$B[j]$ is solution to $jth$ block in chain}
\State $str_j \gets \Call{sha512}{subkey_{i-1} \Vert B[j]}$ \Comment{$\Vert$ denotes concatenation}
\State $subkey_i \gets subkey_i \Vert str_j$
\State $key \gets key \Vert subkey_i$
\State \textbf{return} $key$
def doSha(inputStr):
return hashlib.sha512(inputStr.encode()).hexdigest()
def doSha3(inputStr):
return hashlib.sha3_512(inputStr.encode()).hexdigest()
def generateKey(B):
key = ""
subkey = ["","","","","",""]
for i in range(0, 5):
for j in range(0, 7):
if i == 0:
str_j = doSha(B[j])
str_j = doSha(subkey[i-1] + B[j])
key += subkey[i]
return key
BlockchainSolutions = [
key = generateKey(BlockchainSolutions)
# alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789()_+-={}|,>?!$[]:/\\"
# cipher: Vigenere, Strict case (e.g. A not equal to a), Include foreign characters (include in output, but they do not influence key index)"
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