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Last active May 2, 2020 07:13
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Check Nim's implementation of the Complex64 types by computing Julia sets
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Check different implementations of the algorithm to determine if a
# point z ∈ ℂ belongs to Julia set J_c
import complex
import math
import strformat
import times
JuliaProc = proc(z: Complex64, c: Complex64, maxiter: int): int
# First implementation, the simplest
func julia1(z: Complex64, c: Complex64, maxiter: int = 256): int =
var iteridx = 0
var cur_z = z
while (abs2(cur_z) < 4) and (iteridx < maxiter):
cur_z = cur_z * cur_z + c
iteridx += 1
result = if iteridx == maxiter:
# Second implementation, use incremental operators
func julia2(z: Complex64, c: Complex64, maxiter: int = 256): int =
var iteridx = 0
var cur_z = z
while (abs2(cur_z) < 4) and (iteridx < maxiter):
cur_z *= cur_z
cur_z += c
iteridx += 1
result = if iteridx == maxiter:
# Third implementation, spell out the calculations for the real and
# imaginary parts
func julia3(z: Complex64, c: Complex64, maxiter: int = 256): int =
var iteridx = 0
var cur_z = z
while ( * + * < 4) and (iteridx < maxiter):
let tmp = * - * = 2 * * + = tmp +
iteridx += 1
result = if iteridx == maxiter:
# Basic interpolation: return out_min if val = 0, out_max if val =
# (max-1), and apply linear interpolation if 0 < val < max - 1
func linspace(val: int, max: int, out_min: float, out_max: float): float {.inline.} =
result = out_min + (float(val) * (out_max - out_min)) / float(max - 1)
# Run either "julia1", "julia2", or "julia3" on a square grid on the
# complex plane
func juliaset(fn: JuliaProc): seq[int] =
const num_of_rows = 800
const num_of_cols = 800
const c = complex64(re = 0.2, im = 0.55)
result = newSeq[int](num_of_rows * num_of_cols)
var idx = 0
for row in 1..num_of_rows:
for col in 1..num_of_cols:
let z = complex64(re = linspace(col, num_of_cols, -1.5, 1.5),
im = linspace(row, num_of_rows, -1.5, 1.5))
result[idx] = fn(z, c, 10000)
idx += 1
# Call "juliaset", passing an arbitrary "julia?" function and
# measuring the elapsed time
proc benchmark(fn: JuliaProc, title: string) =
let start = now()
let image = juliaset(fn)
let stop = now()
let duration = stop - start
# To be sure that all the functions "julia?" are the same, compute
# the sum of the pixels
let pixel_sum = sum(image)
echo fmt"{title}: {duration.inMilliseconds} ms (sum of pixels: {pixel_sum})"
benchmark(julia1, "julia1")
benchmark(julia2, "julia2")
benchmark(julia3, "julia3")
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