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Unity hierarchy tools
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
/// <summary>
/// A collection of useful shortcuts for manipulating the hierarchy in Unity.
/// Some of this was written by me (@adamgryu), some of it was collected from random Unity forums and StackOverflow.
/// Feel free to use any of this code freely, without any restrictions or references.
/// Tested with Unity 5.3.3.
/// </summary>
public class CustomHierarchyMenuItems {
[MenuItem("GameObject/Hierarchy/Collapse All [Alt+Q] &q", false, 0)]
private static void CollapseAll() {
foreach (GameObject obj in SceneRoots()) {
SetExpandedRecursive(obj, false);
[MenuItem("GameObject/Hierarchy/Un-Parent And Collapse All [Ctrl+Q] %q", false, 0)]
private static void UnparentAndCollapse() {
foreach (GameObject obj in Selection.gameObjects) {
obj.transform.parent = null;
[MenuItem("GameObject/Hierarchy/Place Selection In New Container [Shift+Ctrl+Q] #%q", false, 0)]
private static void PlaceInNewContainer() {
if (Selection.gameObjects.Length <= 0) {
GameObject container = new GameObject("GameObject");
foreach (GameObject obj in Selection.gameObjects) {
Transform nextParent = obj.transform.parent;
bool dontMove = false;
while (nextParent != null) {
if (Selection.gameObjects.Any(o => o.gameObject == nextParent.gameObject)) {
dontMove = true;
nextParent = nextParent.transform.parent;
if (!dontMove) {
obj.transform.parent = container.transform;
Selection.objects = new Object[] { };
#region CodeFromWeb
[MenuItem("GameObject/Hierarchy/Sort Children By Name [Alt+Shift+Ctrl+Q] &#%q", false, -1)]
public static void SortGameObjectsByName(MenuCommand menuCommand) {
if (menuCommand.context == null || menuCommand.context.GetType() != typeof(GameObject)) {
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Error", "You must select an item to sort in the frame", "Okay");
GameObject parentObject = (GameObject)menuCommand.context;
// Build a list of all the Transforms in this player's hierarchy
Transform[] objectTransforms = new Transform[parentObject.transform.childCount];
for (int i = 0; i < objectTransforms.Length; i++)
objectTransforms[i] = parentObject.transform.GetChild(i);
int sortTime = System.Environment.TickCount;
bool sorted = false;
// Perform a bubble sort on the objects
while (sorted == false) {
sorted = true;
for (int i = 0; i < objectTransforms.Length - 1; i++) {
// Compare the two strings to see which is sooner
int comparison = objectTransforms[i].name.CompareTo(objectTransforms[i + 1].name);
if (comparison > 0) // 1 means that the current value is larger than the last value
objectTransforms[i].transform.SetSiblingIndex(objectTransforms[i + 1].GetSiblingIndex());
sorted = false;
// resort the list to get the new layout
for (int i = 0; i < objectTransforms.Length; i++)
objectTransforms[i] = parentObject.transform.GetChild(i);
Debug.Log("Sort took " + (System.Environment.TickCount - sortTime) + " milliseconds");
public static IEnumerable<GameObject> SceneRoots() {
var prop = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.GameObjects);
var expanded = new int[0];
while (prop.Next(expanded)) {
yield return prop.pptrValue as GameObject;
public static void Collapse(GameObject gameObject, bool collapse = true) {
// Bail out immediately if the go doesn't have children.
if (gameObject.transform.childCount == 0) return;
// Get a reference to the hierarchy window.
var hierarchy = GetFocusedWindow("Hierarchy");
// Select our GameObject.
// Create a new key event (RightArrow for collapsing, LeftArrow for folding)
var key = new Event { keyCode = collapse ? KeyCode.RightArrow : KeyCode.LeftArrow, type = EventType.keyDown };
// Finally, send the window the event.
public static void SetExpandedRecursive(GameObject go, bool expand) {
var type = typeof(EditorWindow).Assembly.GetType("UnityEditor.SceneHierarchyWindow");
var methodInfo = type.GetMethod("SetExpandedRecursive");
var window = EditorWindow.focusedWindow;
methodInfo.Invoke(window, new object[] { go.GetInstanceID(), expand });
public static void SelectObject(Object obj) {
Selection.activeObject = obj;
public static EditorWindow GetFocusedWindow(string window) {
return EditorWindow.focusedWindow;
public static void FocusOnWindow(string window) {
EditorApplication.ExecuteMenuItem("Window/" + window);
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