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Created September 21, 2015 05:10
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Binary Tree in Scala
exec scala -savecompiled "$0" "$@"
# Output
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Node(1,Node(2,Leaf(4),Leaf(5)),Node(3,Leaf(6),Leaf(7)))
# ========================================================
# size 7
# height 3
# leafCount 4
# leaves List(4, 5, 6, 7)
# inOrder List(4, 2, 5, 1, 6, 3, 7)
# preOrder List(1, 2, 4, 5, 3, 6, 7)
# postOrder List(4, 5, 2, 6, 7, 3, 1)
# levelOrder List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Node('F,Node('B,Leaf('A),Node('D,Leaf('C),Leaf('E))),Node('G,Empty,Node('I,Leaf('H),Empty)))
# ========================================================
# size 9
# height 4
# leafCount 4
# leaves List('A, 'C, 'E, 'H)
# inOrder List('A, 'B, 'C, 'D, 'E, 'F, 'G, 'H, 'I)
# preOrder List('F, 'B, 'A, 'D, 'C, 'E, 'G, 'I, 'H)
# postOrder List('A, 'C, 'E, 'D, 'B, 'H, 'I, 'G, 'F)
# levelOrder List('F, 'B, 'G, 'A, 'D, 'I, 'C, 'E, 'H)
import annotation.tailrec
trait Tree[+A] {
private def fold[A, B](t: Tree[A], z: B)(f: (B, A) => B)(g: (B, B, B) => B): B = t match {
case Empty => z
case Leaf(v) => f(z, v)
case Node(v, l, r) => g(f(z, v), fold(l, z)(f)(g), fold(r, z)(f)(g))
def size: Int = fold(this, 0)((z, v) => 1)((_, l, r) => l + r + 1)
def leafCount: Int = fold(this, 0)((z, v) => 1)((_, l, r) => l + r)
def height: Int = fold(this, 0)((z, v) => 1)((_, l, r) => (l max r) + 1)
def leaves: List[A] = fold(this, List[A]())((z, v) => v :: z)((v, l, r) => l ::: r)
def inOrder: List[A] = fold(this, List[A]())((z, v) => v :: z)((v, l, r) => l ::: v ::: r)
def preOrder: List[A] = fold(this, List[A]())((z, v) => v :: z)((v, l, r) => v ::: l ::: r)
def postOrder: List[A] = fold(this, List[A]())((z, v) => v :: z)((v, l, r) => l ::: r ::: v)
def levelOrder: List[A] = {
def next(tree: Tree[A]): List[Tree[A]] = tree match {
case Node(_, l, r) => List(l, r)
case _ => Nil
def flatten(tree: List[Tree[A]]): List[A] = tree flatMap {
case Empty => None
case Leaf(v) => Some(v)
case Node(v, _, _) => Some(v)
def loop(tree: List[Tree[A]], acc: List[A]): List[A] = tree match {
case Nil => List[A]()
case _ =>
val child = for { t <- tree; child <- next(t) } yield child
val values: List[A] = acc ::: flatten(tree)
if(child != Nil) loop(child, values) else values
loop(List(this), List[A]())
case class Leaf[A](value: A) extends Tree[A]
case class Node[A](value: A, left: Tree[A], right: Tree[A]) extends Tree[A]
case object Empty extends Tree[Nothing]
object Demo extends App {
val t1 = Node(1, Node(2, Leaf(4), Leaf(5)), Node(3, Leaf(6), Leaf(7))) // Int Tree
val t2 = Node('F, Node('B, Leaf('A), Node('D, Leaf('C), Leaf('E))), Node('G, Empty, Node('I, Leaf('H), Empty))) //'Symbol Tree
def print[T](t: Tree[T]) = {
println(s"inOrder \t${t.inOrder}")
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