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Created September 15, 2012 07:14
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Save zixaphir/3726726 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
ThemeTools =
init: (key) ->
editMode = true
unless newTheme
Style.addStyle userThemes[key]
if newTheme
editTheme = {}
editTheme["Theme"] = "Untitled"
editTheme["Author"] = "Author"
editTheme["Author Tripcode"] = "Unknown"
editTheme = userThemes[key]
editTheme["Theme"] = key
layout = ["Background Image", "Background Attachment", "Background Position", "Background Repeat", "Background Color", "Thread Wrapper Background", "Thread Wrapper Border", "Dialog Background", "Dialog Border", "Reply Background", "Reply Border", "Highlighted Reply Background", "Highlighted Reply Border", "Backlinked Reply Outline", "Input Background", "Input Border", "Checkbox Background", "Checkbox Border", "Checkbox Checked Background", "Buttons Background", "Buttons Border", "Focused Input Background", "Focused Input Border", "Hovered Input Background", "Hovered Input Border", "Navigation Background", "Navigation Border", "Quotelinks", "Backlinks", "Links", "Hovered Links", "Navigation Links", "Hovered Navigation Links", "Names", "Tripcodes", "Emails", "Subjects", "Text", "Inputs", "Post Numbers", "Greentext", "Sage", "Board Title", "Timestamps", "Warnings", "Shadow Color", "Dark Theme", "Custom CSS"]
dialog = $.el "div",
id: "themeConf"
className: "reply dialog"
innerHTML: "
<div id=themebar>
<div id=themecontent>
<div id=save>
<a href='javascript:;'>Save Theme</a>
<div id=cancel>
<a href='javascript:;'>Cancel</a>
header = $.el "div",
innerHTML: "
<input class='field subject' name='Theme' placeholder='Theme' value='#{key}'> by
<input class='field name' name='Author' placeholder='Author' value='#{editTheme['Author']}'>
<input class='field postertrip' name='Author Tripcode' placeholder='Author Tripcode' value='#{editTheme['Author Tripcode']}'>"
for input in $$("input", header)
$.on input, 'blur', ->
editTheme[@name] = @value
$.add $("#themebar", dialog), header
if newTheme
for item in layout
editTheme[item] = ""
div = $.el "div",
className: "themevar"
innerHTML: "<div class=optionname>#{item}</div><div class=option><input class=field name='#{item}' placeholder='#{item}' value='#{editTheme[item]}'>"
$.on $('input', div), 'blur', ->
editTheme[@name] = @value
$.add $("#themecontent", dialog), div
for item in layout
div = $.el "div",
className: "themevar"
innerHTML: "<div class=optionname>#{item}</div><div class=option><input class=field name='#{item}' placeholder='#{item}' value='#{editTheme[item]}'>"
$.on $('input', div), 'blur', ->
for i in [0..@value.length - 1]
if @value[i] == '(' then depth++
else if @value[i] == ')' then depth--
if depth > 0 then
for i in [0..depth]
@value += ')'
editTheme[@name] = @value
$.add $("#themecontent", dialog), div
$.on $('#save > a', dialog), 'click', -> editTheme
$.on $('#cancel > a', dialog), 'click', ThemeTools.close
if newTheme then Style.addStyle(editTheme)
$.add d.body, dialog
save: (theme) ->
name = theme["Theme"]
delete theme["Theme"]
if userThemes[name] and not userThemes[name]["Deleted"]
if confirm "A theme with this name already exists. Would you like to over-write?"
delete userThemes[name]
userThemes[name] = theme
$.set 'userThemes', userThemes
$.set "Style", name
Conf["Style"] = name
alert "Theme \"#{name}\" saved."
close: ->
newTheme = false
Conf['Edit Mode'] = false
$.rm $("#themeConf", d.body)
Style.addStyle Conf["Style"]
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