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Created October 18, 2013 23:55
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Save zixaphir/7049997 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Starting on Infinite Scrolling (shh, don't tell)
InfiniScroll =
init: ->
return unless g.VIEW is 'index' and Conf['Infinite Scroll']
@threads = g.threads
$.on d, '4chanXInitFinished', @ready
ready: ->
$.off d, '4chanXInitFinished', InfiniScroll.ready
$.on d, 'scroll', InfiniScroll.scroll
scroll: ->
return if InfiniScroll.isFetching or (window.scrollTop <= d.height - window.innerHeight)
InfiniScroll.isFetching = true
url = "//{g.board}/res/catalog.json"
InfiniScroll.req = $.ajax url, onloadend: InfiniScroll.cb.load,
whenModified: true
parse: (response) ->
threads = InfiniScroll.parsePages response
for thread in threads
posts = []
{omitted_posts, omitted_images, no} = thread
el = $.el 'div'
className: 'thread'
id: "t#{no}"
op = Build.postFromObject thread
posts.push op
if omitted_posts
summary = $.el 'span',
className: 'summary desktop'
innerHTML: """
#{omitted_posts} posts #{if omitted_images then "and " + omitted_images + " image replies"} omitted. Click <a class="replylink" href="res/#{no}">here</a> to view.
mobileSummary =
for post in thread.last_replies
posts.push Build.postFromObject post
parsePages: (response) ->
newThreads = []
for number, page of pages
{threads} = page
for thread in threads
continue if g.threads["#{g.BOARD}.#{}"]
newThreads.push thread
return newThreads if newThreads.length is 15
return newThreads
load: ->
InfiniScroll.isFetching = false
{req} = InfiniScroll
switch req.status
when 200
InfiniScroll.parse JSON.parse req.response
when 404
return # WIP
pages = JSON.parse @response
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