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Last active July 26, 2024 18:59
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I'm not busy today, but I'm not good at idle in the firm. Watched videos after went home. I always want to do lots of things but don't take action, cuz I think I should focus on one thing. I should find the thing or change my mind.


I'm still a little influenced by the interview. Maybe if I passed, I'll not think too much about interview. Thanks to the fail, I'll think what should improve for a long time.

  1. Find a second and third interview prepare website. There's a website help me improve first interview, but it don't support second and third interview. I want to make a website about this. It will be fun, cuz I can practice various Web API in it.
  2. Be calm, don't think you must answer immediately. To achieve this, I need lots of practice.
  3. Is there some AI chatbot to practice my spoken English?

Learning English:

Daily Dictation 81:

  • Olives are the gold in Andalusia.
  • Spain is the world's biggest olive oil producer.
  • The pronunciation gonna be tough.


I was told not pass the interview after I had applied for the job cut quota. If there's no job cut I'll still work as usual, otherwise I'll get the payment and find other opportunities. Maybe there are some other reject reasons, but I know I didn't perform great enough. Selection is everywhere, so what should I do is recovery and go ahead.


Took the interview today. I found I always think better answers after the interview. What should I improve this? Practice understand questions better and speak my thought more construct. E.g. When we meet a question like how to make sure logic correct when refactor code. We can answer methods to make sure logic correct and then up one level answer methods to ensure quality.


I wrote a configuration plan and discussed it with colleagues, today. I took a day off tomorrow to prepare and take the interview.


I prepared for the interview and coded the Vue lazy loading component.


The new magic keyboard I had bought arrived today, but I return it back. Because it's with no numeric keypad. Then I bought a new one with numeric keypad. The keyboard I bought before looks like have the numeric keypad in the detail page, and its price is similar too. Be careful of traps.


Today, HR told that I pass the second interview and arrange the third interview in the next week. It's really a supersize news, because I thought I only have 50% possibility to pass the second interview after several days waiting.

Our company start a job cut today, two colleagues from our team were laid off. Although I didn't get offer, I want to tell my leader If there still have some quota I want to get one, because fired will get redundancy payment, but voluntary turnover will get nothing. But I didn't find a chance today, so I'll talk about this next Monday.

Tomorrow, I'll prepare for the interview and write the Vue lazy loading component.


I found there was already an issue about the bug I had found last week, so I provided a minimal reproduction instead of open a new issue.


I fixed the door lock today because it broke yesterday. I fixed it with glue and baking soda. I tried to adjust the keyboard, but made the space key more terrible.


Today the magic keyboard, I bought the day before yesterday, arrived. It is a little bit different from my current using keyboard in company, the key is harder. I need some time to adjust the keyboard and adapt it. OMG, I broke some clips when I adjust the keyboard. Lucky, the keyboard can work. One lesson: for something not emergency first learn the right way then start is better.

Learning English:

  • ject = throw: reject, project, projection, projector, eject, subject, inject, object, objective, objection, interject


I took the interview today and found that interviewer didn't ask any question about technical but ask about project. I don't know whether I perform great enough, cuz I almost didn't prepare for talk about projects. During the interview, the connection isn't stable, so we change talk from online meeting to call. It's a great lesson that the key is communication and when change method will get better communication, we should change the method.

Learning English:

  • voc/nounce/dict = speak: vocal, vocalize, vocalization, provoke, advocate, evoke, invoke, pronounce, announce, announcement, denounce, diction, dictate, addict, predict, prediction, contradict
  • work addict = workaholic


I also prepared for the interview and wrote some blogs today.


I prepared for the interview and wrote some blogs.


After at the company for about 60 hours, I went home. I created a scheme to lazy loading components and make the system using it faster more than 10 times. Before we need to render a table with about 1200 (30*40) complex items, after lazy loading components we only need to render about 50 (5*10) items others will render when needed. It's very easy to use and easy to implement, so I want to make a common open source version when I have time. I have an interview in the next Monday, so although there are many things I want to do, preparing for the interview is the main task will occupy the main thread. Cuz I really want to join Byte Dance.


Today also worked over time and slept in the firm. But today I focused on performance optimize. CUZ after we bump vue 2 to vue 3 it slows several times. Although in ideal the performance should better, but the library the project using are slower too much. I need to make the system faster like before. Good news, I got it.


Today worked over time and slept in the company to locate a bug happen when using qiankun, single spa, vite and video.js together.


Took interview today. It's regret that the last algorithm problem I had been seen, but I did not prepare the smart way to solve it. So there aren't enough time to AC. Another lesson, if something is hard to express, showcase will be a good way to start.


I worked overtime today, and after when home prepared for the tomorrow's interview.


Today I went to work overtime. I prepared for the interview and added a feature to VS Code Snippets Manager when I went home.


Sliding window technique is really an amazing way to solve the problems of finding sequence values or substring.


I practiced algorithm today, and tomorrow I'll practice data analysis and interview questions.


I got off work on time today, but I'm tired. I'll practice some algorithm, then rest.


The yesterday interviewer is kind, we briefly chatted via email today. I found a bug in Chromium about the hover element is wrong when drag and move elements. I'll submit it when I have time. Another interview is coming, it's Chinese interview. Go ahead.


The quick chat ended. I found that it's seam as my expect, the quick chat is short interview. I prepared for interview but didn't perform good enough. I even can call it terrible. Just recite is better than what I do. The good news is that there are very high possibility that the next perform is better than this.


Raining all day. I prepared for the interview. Fighting tomorrow.


Today I prepared for the interview. I practice setup VPN and proxy for setup another VPN as plan B in the day after tomorrow. I also practiced spoken English. In the evening, I called my parent, and chatted about my sister. I remember I accidentally injured a girl in a fun sports meeting, I never forget it. I regretted that I didn't give her red pack when she got marry. I'll take the next opportunity to give her best wishes red pack. I think that's what can I do to make me feel better and make others feel happy. Is this selfish? According to positive psychology it's yes, but make me happy and make others happy, it's a great thing. Selfish isn't totally a bad thing.


I did housework, wrote blogs and had dinner with my sister today. I chatted with another colleague classmate and knew that he also landed money to him, and he didn't return the money to him. He couldn't get in touch with him. He told me lots of things had happened to him. He lost his job and injured, so it's hard to ask him to return money now. It's so bad. I'll practice interview tomorrow. Go ahead.


This morning was rain cats and dogs, so I wore a raincoat to work (I went to work wearing a raincoat).

Learning English:

  • vers, vert = turn: universe, universal, reverse, diverse, diversity, diversify, divert, advertise, advertisement, advertiser, convert, converse, controversial, controversy


I decided not to watch the various interesting video and focus on studying. So I learned English after went home and I'll walk around to relax. I'm going to prepare for the interview on the weekend.

Learning English:

  • ven, vent = come: advent, adventure, adventurous, convention, conventional, prevent, prevention, intervene, intervention, contravene, contravention, circumvent


Learning English:

spir = breath: spirit, inspire, respire, respiration, respiratory, conspire, aspire, aspiration, expire, expiration

inverted sentence:

  • Plastic shopping bags should not be banned.
  • By no means should plastic shopping bags be banned.


I scheduled the interview of yesterday applied company in the week after next and scheduled a short meetting with a company in U.S. in the next week. This will be my first time chatting with a foreigner face by face. I should practice interview and spoken English. Go ahead.


One of my upperclassmen recommended me to apply for a job in the company he's working in, so I updated my resume today.


Today is Sunday, but I worked overtime for a long time. We tested the upgrade from Vue 2 to Vue 3. There are many changes.


I called the classmate borrowed me money today, but he didn't answer the call. I asked another classmate who also lent him money and known he didn't reply him too. And his game account was online several hours ago, we can make sure he's avoiding us. So sad and anger.

Learning English:

  • spect, vis, vid, view = see: spectator, prospect, respect, expect, inspect, introspection, specimen, speculate, conspicuous, visit, visual, revise, supervise, evident, envisage


Today, I worked over time for a long time. When I on the way went home, there rained heavily. After went home, I watched video. Go to sleep and don't anxious about the not learning day.


One of my college classmate borrowed me some money several years ago. Today, I tried to ask him to return the money, but he didn't reply my greet message. I hope he hadn't noticed the message, rather than ignored the message. We all change a lot after graduate and keep the core character. I had thought that don't let him pay back, but I changed now. It isn't little quantity that I can ignore. I know it goes long time, it'll hard to let him pay back. I'll be more careful about lending money.

Learning English:

  • sist/st/stitut = stand: insist, persist, exist, existence, existing, coexist, resist, consist, constitute, institute, stable, establish, contrast, obstacle, circumstance
  • can't stop/resist doing sth


I feel kind of pressure and anxious, because when I practiced in an App, I find that It's hard for me to speak simple thought in English after learned long time. I should practice express step by step, otherwise I will can't escape current situation.

Learning English:

  • scribe = script = write: describe, description, ascribe, subscribe, circumscribe, prescribe

Daily Dictation 79:

  • Call Jeff and tell him about this. 10:00 is cut off time. You don't call people after 10:00.

Daily Dictation 80:

  • Stand firm for what you believe in until and unless logic and experience prove you wrong. Remember when the emperor looks naked the Emperor is naked. The truth and a lie are not sort of the same thing.


By practicing not thinking about work when I get home, I separate work and life more and more.

Learning English:

  • miss, mit, mis = send: missile, dismiss, promise, emit, admit, admission, commit, commitment, omit, submit
  • The net profit was up 16.3% last month. The company report a net loss of $56 million last year.
  • A man who committed a mistake and doesn't correct it, is committing another mistake.


Learning English:

  • fer: offer, refer, interfere, defer, preferential, differ, suffer, infer, transfer
  • The speaker imply and the listener infer.


I finished watch Dr. Stone series 3.

Learning English:

  • take = ceive, cept, cip, capt: receive, reception, receptive, perceive, deceive, conceive, capture
  • None but the best is good for my child.
  • If students are addicted to PC games, the computer is nothing but a time-filler.
  • Internet is more than a big information provider.

Daily Dictation 77:

  • 24-hour access to cupcakes, it's a nightmare for dieters, but this vending concept is an advantage for sSprinkles when it comes to cupcake competition.
  • when it comes to = regarding

Daily Dictation 78:

  • Next we entered a white desert where from a distance the limestone looks like snow and rock piles like icebergs.

Vei ULTED at the Airport. Ulted: used ultimate move


Learning English:

  • ment: development, entertainment, advertisement
  • ion: action, communication, description
  • age: marriage, shortage, package
  • ship: friendship, relationship, scholarship
  • ary/ery/ory/: factory, dictionary, bakery, gallery
  • um/ium: museum, auditorium, millennium, aluminum
  • albe/ible: reasonable, acceptable, incredible, quantifiable
  • ive: creative, impressive, massive
  • ant/ent: significant, different, confident
  • ic/ical/al: economic, economical, historic, historical, natural
  • ous: famous, dangerous, enormous
  • ate: graduate, create, circulate
  • ize/ise: realize, modernize, globalize
  • fy/ify: purify, clarify, gratify
  • en: deepen, widen, lengthen, weaken

Daily Dictation 75:

  • Children are being used to mine with their bare hands.

Daily Dictation 76:

  • See you at the Seahawks, 12k, 5k run/walk and Kids Dash April 1.


I finished watch Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead and start watching Dr. Stone.


Learning English:

  • er/or/ar: singer, actor, scholar, radar, cooker, ruler, consumer, elevator
  • an/ian/ist/ant: American, magician, librarian, dentist, scientist, tourist, assistant, servant, applicant
  • ance/ancy/ency/ence/cy: appearance, emergency, emergence, privacy
  • ity/ty: ability, safety, security

Daily Dictation 74:

I've accomplished more in my life than I've ever thought possible.


Learning English:

  • un: unfair, unfortunate, unlock
  • dis: disappear, disclose, disadvantage. The advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
  • con: consist, concentrate, consumption, combat, collaborate, corroborate
    measures to combat crime/inflation/disease

Daily Dictation 72:

  • to opt out: to choose not to do sth.

Daily Dictation 73:

  • You have the perfect life.
  • They go hand in hand -- books and chocolate. Coding and talking don't go hand in hand.
  • Yeah, you know what, we do, we really do.
  • Some of my hair is gone, but I have lots of hair.


Today, we were told that our lunch break will be shortened. It will more tired and busy in the future.

Learning English:

  • pre: president, prejudice, prescription
  • pro: prolong, proliferate, prominent, eminent
  • fore: forecast, foretell, foresee, unforeseen benefits
  • post: post-war, postgraduate, postpone
  • re: return, reject, reduce. My weight was reduced to 58kg. My weight was reduced by 2kg.
  • rocket, soar, surge, boom, creep up, plummet, slump, subside, ebb, creep down
  • inter: interact, interval, interfere
  • mid: midday, midnight, immediately


Today, two volunteers knocked my door and want me to vote owner committee candidate. I didn't know about candidates, so I want to abstain from voting. But they really want me to vote, so I voted one. Great, practice how to handle things like this.

Learning English:

  • Diction + Syntax + Rhetorical devices
  • comedy, tragedy
  • super/sur: surface, surmount, superior, superb, supreme
    Life affords no higher pleasure than that of surmounting difficulties.
  • over: overall, overcome, overlook
  • de: decline, decrease, depend
  • sub/suc/suf/sus: subway, suburb, subtropical, succeed, suffer, sustain, sustainable
  • under: underground, underline
  • in/im: include, income, interior, innermost, inject, import, immigrate, imprison
  • e/ex: exit, express, exploit, elect, emigrate


I found my VPN works fine when using cellular, but can't work when using broadband. Maybe the operator banned some foregin IPs. I tried some other IPs also very slow when using Wi-Fi. Wait a few days to see if it work fine.

Learning English:

  • prefix + root + suffix
    conclusion: clus - bound root
    unlucky: luck - free root

  • anarchy, monarchy, matriarchy, patriarchy


Played game all day. In the evening, I found my VPN was banned. So I'll create a new one tomorrow.


Played game all night.


I watched videos about PUBG(PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds) after went home.


I played DNF mobile game today. It's too boring.

Learning English:

daily dictation 70:

  • 50-day moving average
  • $40.28 = 40 dollars and 28 cents

daily dictation 71:

  • People born on February 29 also known as (AKA) "leaplings".
  • plastic surgery


Today I am a little tired, because yesterday I slept too late. Several new tasks crop up in my current work. I should have rejected them. But it will be discussed long time and not conducive to teamwork, so it seems to do them is better.

The Beatles - In My Life lyrics

There are places I remember
All my life though some have changed
Some forever not for better
Some have gone and some remain
All these places have their moments
With lovers and friends I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life I've loved them all
But of all these friends and lovers
There is no one compares with you
And these memories lose their meaning
When I think of love as something new
Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life I love you more
Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life I love you more
In my life I love you more

Learning English:

daily dictation 68:

  • History is amazing. Mexico took a flash to change.

daily dictation 69:

  • Stop it. = Don't do that. = Cut it out.
  • Person who invent the Morse code.
  • Joke's on you 'cuz I know Morse code. (You think you are teasing me, but actually you are not.)


I bought a second hand iPhone 13 the day before yesterday, and a postman delivered it to me today. I am currently using the iPhone 8. It's a bit slow and can't play some games.

Learning English:

daily dictation 66:

  • February
  • one of the great American novels
  • Chose Huckleberry as your English name people will die laughing

daily dictation 67:

  • 86% of all doctor visits and illness, statistically, are based on stress.
  • They have a lot of burden.


Today I chatted a lot and helped a previous colleague implement an animate. I found that we all urged to get marry by our parents. I also played a game today for a long time.

Learning English:

daily dictation 63:

  • BMI: Body Mass Index
  • the trend(/trend/) towards unhealthy habits

daily dictation 64:

  • I've loved them all.

daily dictation 65:

  • Would you please pass the catsup?
  • The what?


I called to my mom today. We didn't talk about find a girlfriend, but other daily things. I found that I haven't enough energy to do things. Watch anime, watch videos and read posts can't recovery my mood. It's too hard.

Learning English:

  • the poverty line, take drastic measures, without being overtly critical
  • YouTube analytics, GitHub analytics
  • To paraphrase: to say a word or an idea in another way.
  • I actually listened to five episodes.
  • Approximately, we use 1 idiom per minute.
  • A busman's holiday. - Free time spent doing what you usually do for work. e.g.: A busman's holiday for me is coding in free time.
  • I got caught up in some work. - I became involved in a task or job, for longer than expected.
  • You really know you staff/onions. - You are very knowledgeable in particular subject.
  • All your hard work has really paid off. - The effect put into a task has resulted in a successful outcome.
  • It turned out great. - It was successful, better than expected.
  • Don't worry. I'm on top of it. - I'm fully in control of the situation or task.
  • I don't want to pull rank, but ... - Said to assert your authority or seniority in a situation to take control.
  • I handed in my notice. - I resigned from my job.


I'm very depressed today. Ruminated what happened yesterday and some regrets cause by my shy character. I'll do better next time. I learned a lot from those things. I want to think like this, but am I changed? First, I need to find out the wrong thought. Then change them. It's a lofty probably impossible goal?

Learning English, revise daily dictation to 62:

  • I'm about to be pulled by eight dogs in a toboggan.
  • February 9th 1964 Beetle Mania hits prime time in the United States.


Today I chatted with a girl introduced by my parent several weeks ago, but I mess up all thing. Because I decided to run away to another country to get rid of my parent urge me get marry. I can't image that who marry with me will happy. It seems I'll alone forever because of my thought.


I asked a question about why our company VPN can't connect in a large chat group in the evening. Then I ruminate about it. I knew spotlight effect but can't stop ruminate. If we experience more, we'll ruminate less.

Learning English, revise daily dictation to 60:

  • sorry for the holdup
  • This iceberg here, there are outcroppings under the water


I'm very busy today. Wrote documents, attended meetings and fixed bugs. I searched how to go to an English-speaking country to work. It seems that English is a very important part. I often thought that whether we will needn't mast English to go to another country, along with technical improve we can use translator to talk with others fluently. What I learned is useless. Um, We will make a Babel.

Learning English, revise daily dictation to 58:

  • In 2012, the country has seen three attacks already and January isn't even finished, yet.
  • The enthusiasts attached to their sleek sports cars.


Learning English, revise daily dictation to 54:

  • spearhead the drive to desegregated public bus
  • SOPA: Stop Online Piracy Act
  • PIPA: Protect Intellectual Property Act
  • Anti-piracy legislation under consideration in Washington has (made) some websites in a tizzy (angry).
  • They'll have none of it (disagree about this thing).


I recorded a video about scope of snippets, and published it on YouTube and Bilibili.

Learning English, revise daily dictation to 50:

  • that goes without saying
  • creature conforts
  • mind the gap


Today, the wash machine my sister bought for me is arrived. A postman delivered it to me in the morning, and a recycler took off my old one in the noon. In the evening, an after-sales staff installed it. The postman and recycler are very nice person. But the after-sales staff annoyed me. Maybe because he asked me to spend 70 yuan to help me install the dryer on the wash machine, but I think it's too expensive, and I want to spend 50 yuan. Maybe he accepted without satisfy. We'll meet various people. It seems everyone is same to different. Don't think too much. We can't make all include ourselves happy all the time.

I also implemented languages scope tag input for my extension. I'll record a video to introduce it. Both for promotion of this extension and practice my spoken English.


I finished my short video and posted it on YouTube and Bilibili.


Write code intensively all day. It's really tired.

Learning English:

  • beam: a line of light, electric waves or particles. Miku Miku BEAM~~~


Our team had dinner together today. We were chatting long time about various things during the dinner. Maybe all of us have same to different opinions.

Learning English:

  • And now, it's time for the moment you've been waiting for.
  • That's not on my contract.
  • Is there something you need from my end to get this done.


It's really very busy today. Several colleagues asked me for help. I need to learn to say NO, otherwise things may get out of my control.

Learning English, revise daily dictation to 46:

  • flew like the down of a thistle, sprang to his sleigh, drove out of sight
  • You are a punk kid. You were sweating and panting. I'm a damn fine actor.


Today we found a bug that some icons didn't show. This bug cause by last deploy, both our code review and QA test didn't find it. I also have a code review of a big new feature, it will take a long time. This week, it's my turn to solve daily bugs. Oh, I'll very busy this week.

Learning English:

  • There is no 'correct' tense for any answer. It really depends on what you want to say.
  • Talking about present, past and future.
    • I live / am living / have lived / have been living in Wuhan.
    • I lived / was living / used to live in Baotou. We had moved to there long time ago. I would ride every day to school.
    • I will / am going to / might / may / change my job. I am starting a new job.


I read books and comics, and revise daily dictation I learned before to 42.

Learning English:

  • The unanswered questions and fears of more dead spurring firefighters and growing numbers of volunteers to dig through the remains of homes. Authorities say more than 700 are left homeless.


I called to my parent today but didn't have enough topic to chat.

Learning English:

  • Most prepositions begin with a vowel sound: in, on, off, away, about, over, around and under.
  • You should hand in homework today.


I want to get rid of this situation. I want to go somewhere far. I want to make this journey fun. But it's hard, I need to balance all things. Don't think too much, and focus on what you want just now.

Learning English:

  • Compared to this time last year, filling up your tank costs nearly 50% more and heating your home nearly 60% more. It's really crazy. I spend $350 a month on gas. And it's a necessity. $350 of money -- it's like a car payment.

  • If you open this up to ice fishing. While on the surface it sounds good. Then what happens next year? Does someone come back and say I want an ice shanty on Hudson Springs Park for X amount of time? And if you allowed ice fishing with shanties, then that leads to another problem. Prostitution.


Today I'm very busy, because there are many new features and bugs produced during the group review process, that conduct smoke testing with PM and QA, before testing. I thought I've been adapting to this, but I still anxious when it happened.


We spent lots of time to discuss and compare image generation through browser. In the evening, I fixed bugs and help colleagues analyzed bugs, so worked over time for a long time.


Learning English:

  • Every winter, communities the world over prepare for months of icy roads and snowstorms. But in the United States. We fight back against the cold and damp with a massive amount of road salt. How much? Try 22 million tons.
  • In Garment Center there was 200000 people working in the 60s. And the 400000 in the 70s at its peak. And it's currently 22000 people working in the Garment Center. Right 8%, 8% is left. (It's) An industry, possibly that's on the brink of collapse.


I worked over time today. After went home, I helped my friend to prefect resume.


Today, I promoted the VS Code Snippets Manager extension. I continued feeling guilty today and watched some anime to ease. In the evening, I called my parent, and knew some annoyed things. The only thing I can do is go to sleep and recover.


We found images didn't save bug today. This bug is caused by my previous bug fix last month. I changed some code, but it affected the result data. This made above one hundred thousand images didn't save, luckily those images is not important. I knew I shouldn't so ruminate and feel guilty about this that not in the mood for such a long time, but I can't stop to do this, maybe because this's a really stupid bug. I need some time to recover.

Analysis: I combine a bug fix and an optimization and handle it together, I focus on test the bug fix, so haven't noticed the optimization lead to a more serious bug.

One lesson: We only have limited attention. We should solve one thing one time. Solve all things one time is hard.


I'm very busy today. I replaced the dependencies finding library to a simple library I created in the evening, and coded all day for work.

Learning English:

  • I think the evidence is all around us. Birds sit on power lines. We believe they are charging on power lines. Um, we believe that bird pop is, you know, a liquid tracing apparatus.

  • The whole country is sick to their stomach.
    Now you know you are supposed to take these things before you get sick?
    What's this, a bit?
    Cuz I'm not in the mood.

  • Do you know ...? : Care answer
    Did you know ...? : Don't care answer. I think you don't know.

  • I was mesmerized by the view of the ocean and ended up spending most of my vocation at the beach.


Took long time to locate a bug about wrong dependency.


I found that my leg not straight, so I learned how to right walk and how to improve today.


I chatted with a girl introduce by my parents for a long time after went home. Think less will chat more fluent, but I can't stop thinking too much.

Learning English about teamwork:

  • We collaborate/cooperate on a new project.
  • I need to coordinate my staff so they can work more effectively.
  • Our team's synergy led to an innovative solution that none of us could have developed alone.
  • The team dynamic is good, let's not change anything for the moment.


Learning English about artificial intelligence:

  • Where can you see A.I. in your everyday life?
    Searching the Internet. Creating content. Virtual assistants. Algorithms for recommendation services. Language translate.

  • How to use ChatGPT to learn English?
    Ask for essential vocabulary. Ask an IELTS question. Ask for ideas.

  • Artificial intelligence can help us to reduce working hours.

  • Algorithms are used widely in social media.


Perfected my information on remote jobs finding platform. Be patient. Tomorrow I'll go to work, keep fighting.


I continued finding remote jobs today. I prepare to complete my information on 3 platform tomorrow. There are 3 small cats out of my window today. It seemed no one was adopting them, so I bought some food for them. In the afternoon, there left 2 kitties, may be one of them has been adopted.


I bought some strawberries for my friend. I start finding remote jobs today. This is the first step for tomorrow.


Today I bought a second hand dryer. I called a moving company to bring it to my house, but the worker didn't know how to separate it from the washing machine. We tried a few moments and separate them. I know calm will handle it faster, but I'm unable currently. It's enough the result is great.


I had lunch and bought clothes with my sister. I found we become more and more different. Maybe my lots of thought is wrong, but I don't want to change now.


I chatted with a girl colleague when having dinner, I always upset when chatting with girl. On top of that, I often ruminate after have a chat. I should reduce Spotlight effect.


Got off work on time today and coded after went home.


I worked today and watched anime after I went home.


I'm coding all day and published a new version of dependents finding extension. In the evening, I watched anime. Great day.


I watched The Great Jahy Will Not Be Defeated with English subtitle, it's harder than Chinese subtitle. I plan to perfect the dependent finding extension, that I was made before, tomorrow.


Paid lots of time on social media APP after went home. Read posts from various strangers.


Attended lots of meeting today. I felt I'm closing to realize what I really want.


Learned English. Describing an event:

It happened about several hours ago. I was working in the company. Then a colleague walks to me and asks me some questions. It was so emergency, so I answered.


I found that my house depreciated out of my expect. It's really painful. I'll get used to this.


Published video about drag and drop manage snippets.


Watched anime all day. I feel anxious and pressure recently. Maybe because my point of view about finding girlfriend, and our company ask us response quickly all time even out of work. I need to adjust to fit this situation or make some change. Otherwise, it'll worse.


It's great we got off work on time. I'm angry in the evening. I help others because I want to help them, and I'll don't help others because I don't like to help people who didn't try anything, only rely on others help.


Chatting with a stranger is hard for me, but I'll more and more good at it. Keep fighting. I found that there are often some chores crop up in my work. I really ache for focusing on one thing at the same time.

Haha, learned two phrasal verbs.


Today I chatted for a long time after went home. Maybe I'm close to know what I really want.


My friend will get marry, and I gave him a red packet. In the evening, I rested. I'm really happy someone gave a good review to my extension.


Also worked overtime. In the evening, we found that a host name can't use, so we'll apply a new. It's really uncomfortable. Too busy to check and easy to forget check this.


Today we worked overtime. A PM leader bought crayfish for us, it's delicious.


Continued reading the Intimate Relationships and maintained bike. I implement drag and drop snippets, and will publish a video to introduce this. What a full day. Tomorrow I will go to work to fix bugs QA found.


We moved working seat to another place today. In the evening, I rested and read posts.


I went home at time today, but I'm a little anxiety. Learning English, coding, making friends and reading books. What should I do? Although I've already known I should be patient, but it's hard to do. Accept this and turn away another way to be where what you really want to go.


Worked overtime for a long time today. In the evening, when I rode to home, a man chatted with me about my bike. I'm not good at chat with stranger, and ruminated this for a while. I'll more adapt to it and do better next time.


Congratulation, I finished work before deadline. It's really busy because of the fixed deadline. In the evening, I start using friend making APP, maybe I start feeling lonely, because I met some people recently but not continue. Something in my heart was activated.


A little busy today. Watched videos after went home.


Worked overtime today. Keep fighting tomorrow.


Continued reading the Intimate Relationships. Replaced the chain of my bike, it's to hard to cut off the chain. I also wrote some blogs today.

I found that if I read more book, I'll more unhappy. Books tell me what the world running, although I have known some of this before. But when it shows clearly, I feel a little uncomfortable.


Published the video, got photos took before from the photo studio and watched film The boy and the Heron.


I recorded and edited an English video today.


I'm busy and tired today. I thought a lot about relationship and what should I do.


I was in meetings and coding all day. In the evening, I was a little angry, I don't like people who take help from others for granted and want more without thanks.


Today is busy. In the evening, when I on the way went home, a meeting about deployment invited me. I should have joined, but I thought there's may enough time to went home before it's my turn. After I went home, unfortunately, the meeting had already ended, so I had to introduce my deployment separately.


I installed the sliding door today and found we should put the door into the top track, then using a lever to lift the door into the bottom track. Lever is awesome. I also created a VS Code extension to edit HTML tree quickly called vscode-html-tree.


Today is Saturday, but I went to work because we need to finish a requirement before the fixed deadline.


Worked overtime for a long time to location a bug about poster generation. I found the reason, but can't deploy the fix, because today is forbidden deployment.


The glass delivery arrived today. I tried to install the glass. I can put the glass in the door, but can't put the door in the frame, it's too heavy. So I will try it again on the weekend.


Called long time with my sister and maintained a plugin.


Today, I researched performance improvement, and added some hooks to my open source library.


My mom continued urging me to find a girlfriend. I find that lots of parents in China didn't care whether their children happy, but care whether they are going according to parents plan. I'm tired of this, but haven't enough energy to argue this.

Last weekend was good, although the girl seems didn't interest in me. We ate dinner together. In the evening, when I walk around a girl begged me to give her some food, I bought some for her. I know there was a high probability that I met a cheater, but I hope it had some help. Help others also made me happy.

On Sunday we eat lunch together, then watched a movie, then went to game center, then chatted in coffee shop. But there weren't many things to chat. She is a good person, I would want to this an interesting dating for her, but it seems not. This made me sad.

When I went home, I meet a wonderful taxi driver, he's so outgoing and let me recover a little. I'll be positive too, both for me and for recover others.


Continue blind date with the girl. I will return to my city in the midnight, so I write this early.


Learned a little about wear makeup and have dinner with a girl.


Had lots of long meetings today. Maintained bike and continued preparing to go to another city.


Prepared to go to another city on this weekend.


Feel tired today. Experience various things.


Fixed some bugs, filled out some tables and researched function about open wecom chat and audio call.


Today, did some work about OKR. In the evening, chatted with another girl and thought about various things about myself.


I wrote some blogs today. The quilt post, my grandparent sent, arrived, so I took it and called them to tell them I received it.


My parent will go home, so we took them to the train station today. In the afternoon, I replaced many LED lamps, because the heating table delivery arrived, and it's easy to replace using it. The song I really want to stay at your house is amazing.

I couldn't wait for you to come and clear the cupboard
But now you're gone and leaving nothing but a sign
Another evening I'll be sitting reading in between your lines
Because I miss you all the time

So, get away
Another way to feel what you didn't want yourself to know
And let yourself go
You know you didn't lose your self-control
Let's start at the rainbow
Turn away
Another way to be where you didn't want yourself to go
And let yourself go
Is that a compromise?

So, what do you wanna do, what's your point of view?
There's a party, screw it, do you wanna go?
A handshake with you, what's your point of view?
I'm on top of you, I don't wanna go
'Cause I really wanna stay at your house
And I hope it all works out
But you know how much you broke me apart
I'm done with you, I'm ignoring you
I don't wanna know, ahh

And I'm awarе that you were lying in the gutter
'Cause I did everything to be there by your side-ide
So when you tell me I'm the reason, I just can't believe the lies
And why do I still wanna call you (call you, call you, call you)

So, what do you wanna do, what's your point of view?
There's a party, screw it, do you wanna go?
A handshake with you, what's your point of view?
I'm on top of you, I don't wanna go
'Cause I really wanna stay at your house
And I hope it all works out
But you know how much you broke me apart
I'm done with you, I'm ignoring you
I don't wanna know

Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
I don't know why I'm no one

So, get away
Another way to feel what you didn't want yourself to know
And let yourself go
You know you didn't lose your self-control
Let's start at the rainbow
Turn away
Another way to be where you didn't want yourself to go
And let yourself go
Is that a compromise?

So what do you wanna do, what's your point of view?
There's a party, screw it, do you wanna go?
A handshake with you, what's your point of view?
I'm on top of you, I don't wanna go
'Cause I really wanna stay at your house
And I hope it all works out
But you know how much you broke me apart
I'm done with you, I'm ignoring you
I don't wanna know


I put mock data in image and deployed in the test environment. In the evening, I prepared development the design to code function. I chatted with a girl introduced by elder, whose job is live.


Our team had dinner together. We drank some wine. I coded little today, because I needed to attend three meets and fill some tables.


Today, I got off work on time. After I went home, my parent urged me to find a girlfriend.


Practiced many discussions today. Tired.


Fixed lots of bugs today. Go to bed early and recover.


We found the glass is smaller than border and checked the chat record. I sent the right size, but the merchant sent the wrong size to me to confirm, and I confirmed. The good news is that the merchant will give me a new one. One lesson: be careful before confirm.


I wrote some blogs and requested to return money for lost expresses today. The glass arrived today, the postman carried the heavy glass to the gate alone. It's out of my thought that he didn't ask me help, because there are two uphills on the way to building, so I gave him a bottle of water and tips.


I spent lots of time to search log data today. I continued preparing the VSCode peek CSS class tool.


I met a very complex bug today. It took me several hours to fix. When I fixed it, I found it's simple, just hard locating where was wrong. It will only happen when a switch is open. Great that we found this before deploy. In the evening, I prepare to make a tool to peek CSS class in VSCode.


Today I worked overtime for a long time, and took a taxi home. I bought the train taxi tomorrow and planned to go to work by train tomorrow. I made a mistake that didn't urge upstream colleague prepare deploy. Next time I will do better.


Also had busy work today. In the evening took express deliveries, replace LED driver and watched various short videos.


Today I tried to discuss with a retoucher to adjust a patch of hair of photos, but it seems retouchers will hasty and careless when online. Maybe we should discuss more times to close to normal. Everything looks like assembly line, we always harry to the next things. I think too much today, regret but can't stop various think. ****, accept and enjoy the moment.


I wrote some blogs today. In the afternoon, I took a TV table from my sister home to my home. More and more furniture here.


I took photos today. It's a bit expensive. I had prepared to go to a cheap photo studio, but it would take long time to wait here, so I went to an expensive one. I should have prepared some posture to take photos, so it can use my favorite posture not common posture, and been patient when selecting photos. I always dislike taking others time, even though it's normal work of them. This time is great enough, and I'll do better next time.


Today is almost perfect. Work was busy, but everything were in control, and I got off work on time. When I went home, I repaired the LED lamp, but when I was using the electric soldering iron, I scalded my finger. What made me angry is not injured, but my mother went to bed early, I can only install the lamp tomorrow. I know it's a little thing, and I always dislike delay. Improve patience and delay is important. BTW, it's interesting that the scald is heart shape.


Today is very busy. I solved two big problems. One is an iframe in App can't init the SDK of App, other is incorrect refuse to submit. The solution and reason are simple, but spend my lots of time to find and fix for various condition. The page in iframe can use parent SDK, but we should handle domain and interface for browser security. Date or time problem need to check system time carefully first. Great experience and I need to reduce rumination and anxiety about various things.


My leader discussed OKR with me today. We discussed long time about what will our team do, what should I do and the return on investment. In my opinion, we should focus on business and improve the quality of business requirement code, although I have known this not right for a long time. In almost all big company, we need to build some only team used platforms to provide our value. Most of them are poor quality because of lack of investment. Many cyclic projects.


I handled many chores today. Too many thought made me tired.


I fixed bugs and completed the demonstration of the request I finished before.


I rode the mountain bike around the community several times on the road with ice. It's interesting. In the noon, our family eat lunch together. In the afternoon I watched A.I.C.O.. I have being nervous and anxious recently, and I almost knew why, but it's hard to fix. I observe it that the proof of living. Go ahead.


Today I maintained my bike. I adjusted brakes and spokes. In the evening, I assembled a mountain bike with my father. Anime A.I.C.O. seems interesting, I'll watch is later.


Today I went to work by bus and metro.


It snows a lot here today. It was too slippery to ride, so I ride half of the way and walk others. About working, I found a bug about compatibility. Handle others code need patient.


Unreproducible bugs are difficult to handle. We need to add logging, but the deployment is also strict. The things I can do is change my thoughts and don't care so mach about them.


I felt tired these days. Today my posts arrived and I took them to home. I bought some TOEFL practice book, but I haven't enough energy to practice. I'll read them few days later.


Today was busy. In the evening we went through the test case long time.


Today, my bottom bracket is loose because I put grease on the screw threads. I brought my bike to home and fixed it. I found I'm not good at cooperation. My father wanted to help me fix, but I felt it more complex than do by myself. It's really a great lesson of cooperation and grease usage. The lamp in the bathroom also broken today. It's really a hard day.


Today I learned English and felt anxious and pressure about various things. I can't find what I really want and what should I do with my free time. Go to bed early and recovery. It seems working is an easy way to spend the day.


Learned A positive environment changes people - positive psychology 4:

  • The problem is not lower these high expectations, that doesn't matter. The problem is right versus wrong expectations.
  • Painful emotions are as much as part of human nature as the law of gravity is part of physical nature. And "nature to be commanded must be obeyed".


Today I searched TOEFL prep resource and registered ETS account. In the afternoon I received some messages and attended to some meetings of a problem that, happened in our company, a resource couldn't load. In our company this should IT or OP to solve, but need programmer to locate and push solve it.


We washed pendant lamp today. I read comics and read the latest capture at night.


Read comic all day. We talked and walked around in the evening.


We went to yellow crane tower today. There was very crowd.


Today I wrote some blogs and searched about remote works.


Today we went to a large supermarket and temple. In the evening, my parent and sister settled the quarrel they had yesterday. My parent urged me to find a girlfriend. It's time to take on that pressure. I have been giving them money at the new year, but it seems better to give them money per month. Later will let them happy many more times, and I'll change this year.


Today was chaos. My mother and my sister were angry and sad. Both of them had good start, but misunderstood others. Things will be better because they finally understood each other. To be known rather than to be validated. I also should learn and practice this in the feature.


Today got off work early because tomorrow is lunar new year. I was reading The Demon Girl Next Door recently. It's fascinating.


Today worked very effective and almost finished the big request. Before got off work, I chatted with a colleague about what's the core of our work, and it's seems we need to change some thought. In the evening taked long time with parents.


Today I asked for leave and went to have lunch with my sister, my parents and brother-in-law's family. In the afternoon I tried to fix the lamp in the bedroom and maintained my bike.


Today was also hard. Some colleagues asked for leave today, but I needed to discuss with them about some work. I really hate to do this. I'll do better in the next time. Patient and not perfectionism.


Worked overtime to 22 o'clock, then I waited for taxi almost two hours. It's almost turn to me, but I decided to give up wait because nearly 30 minutes I from 3 to 2 in the queue, and I was not sure people front me succeeded or just canceled too. I rode to home. Great, ice disappeared now. In the morning there were too much ice to ride. My current work is a great challenge for me, lots of undetermined things and my state is bad. I can overcome it, because everything will over, and others will come. Enjoy it.


I relaxed almost all day and updated info in the matchmaking App. Must work hard tomorrow.


Today was busy too. I decided to make some change. I'll learn to get rid of ruminate in free time, say no in the work, how to handle varies things in the work instead of do everything by myself, battle for good and right things and work in professional and normal way. I've been working more than five years, but I'm rarely thought about what the core of my work just accepted all the request and make me more and more busy. After resign and change a corporation, repeat this again. It's really time to make some change and enjoy the journey.


Yesterday my deployment was rejected because of update a dependeny. Today we found that the last deployment created by my colleague updated lots of dependence and cause a bug. It's so coincidence that two things happen on two adjacent days and in the same module. We should have been careful before yesterday. Although I think that my deployment was rejected because that there are some bugs recently and we always careful only after something bad happens.


My leader told me that I got a low performance last half year and I accepted it. Because I've known in most company just try our best to do product require and help others complete their projects will get low performance, and only the person lead a project will get high performance. In the afternoon, we discussed test cases for a long time, and found that lots of logic need added. In the evening I worked overtime, but it seems it's hard to completed in time. So I plan to withdraw my leave request before the new year to completed it in time. It's like a chain effect, things one by one become bad. How to stop this and return to grow spiral? Change world or change myself?


Through a bad day again. Busy and chaos work. In the afternoon, I tried to deploy code but rejected because it hadn't tested by a QA. When the QA asked me whether this should be tested by a QA, I said not need. Because similar request didn't need before, and I thought QAs are busy too. We could make this easy. But I was wrong. We shouldn't do like this because that's work. In the evening, I take packages from express station. One package broken and has noting. I didn't know what should I do, so I asked the online seller. But a station worker let me take it away. I hadn't energy to argue with him, so I take it away. Then I learned that it's more complex to return the package after take it away. Meet various people. That's normal. That's life. There's negative.


Coded all day. In the evening, I repaired one spoke of my bike, and bought a spoke wrench to adjust it.


I wrote some blogs today. In the noon, we visited my -in-law and ate together. In the afternoon, we went to my sister home and my parents stayed in here. My brother-in-law and I go back together and talked about art and aesthetics for a long time.


I found that fully control scroll and drag is difficult, so I made a drawer without drag control in the Repeat Miracle. In the afternoon my brother introduced a girl to me. I added her as my friend and had a brief chat. Tomorrow, my parents and I are going to visit my sister and eat together.


In the morning, I was very angry. I was busy, but many colleagues asked me for help without trying before. I wasn't so angry for a long time. I already know what I should do to deal with it. Meditation, don't try to solve it just observe it, permit to be a human, change perspective to positive, etc. But it's still hard. In the evening, there are many chores also. It's a bad day, but there's a good news: There is a high probability that tomorrow will better than today. Life is interesting, practice how to live with unhappy things from work.


A PM complained to me about our company is chaos and busy recently. It seems everyone has lots of jobs to do. I prepared to buy glass and practiced comparing price. Before, I was rarely ask price and compare. But I should get used to it, although I don't like to do this. In the evening, I learned how to test LED lamp beads and bought a heat gun and LED lamp beads to repair broken ones.


I've found, from a long time ago, that programmers have to do lots of chores in addition to completing product requirements. Today I fixed bugs, helped colleague search logic, prepared technical plans, discussed requirement and coded.


Coded all day. In the evening I tried to discuss product requirements with the PM, but he was in another meeting. He is so busy. We are all busy and should be careful about TBD ^_^.


I felt little depressed after calculated my house current price. In positive way it's great to live in personal house, my parent feel happy to live here, and it's a great lesson for me to make decision. I was also busy today because I don't want to write bad code, even I know here don't care code very much.


Today we had lunch toghter and I took my parents for a walk around my house.


My parents came to my house today. We picked them up at the train station.


I prepare to take TOEFL and read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Continued learning Why study positive psychology? - positive psychology 2:

  • We shouldn't take for granted our virtues, our successes.
  • Appreciate has a second meaning, which is to grow. Money appreciates in the bank.
  • Narcissism is not about self-confidence, about self-esteem. It's exactly the opposite.
  • No one is coming, you are responsible for your life.


Continued learning Why study positive psychology? - positive psychology 2:

  • Focusing on what works.
  • Resilience: a class of phenomena characterized by patterns of positive adaptation in the context of significant adversity or risk.
  • Questions create reality.


Learned Why study positive psychology? - positive psychology 2.


I spend two hours to using PCR532 copied my card. It seems I spend more time and money to get copied card, maybe I should find a professional to do this, not bought tools and do it myself.


My bike crank fell off halfway, so I rode a shared bike to work. After end of work I used one hand to control share bike and the other hand control my bike to brought my bike to home and repaired it.


I did lots of stuffs and watched some animations today. Learned What is positive psychology - positive psychology 1 again:

  • Common sense is not that common.
  • Asking right questions is important.
  • Peoples are many more similarities than differents.


Today I rested and prepared to create a drawer component.


Worked overtime today. Tired.


Worked and watched video about how to survive in the war.


I finished my OKR review meeting today. Seem as my predict: very normal and medium.


Watched Why Signals Are Better Than React Hooks. This seems like Vue and a comment says like Knockout.js. It's cycle.


Practice positive psychology, calmed down and meditate. I really don't like some people. Accept this and change perspective. Learned Harvest and communicate - positive psychology 23.


Today I had a bad headache and felt uncomfortable, so I slept for a long time. In the afternoon, I helped my parent publish service info on 58. Then I continued learing Love and self-esteem - positive psychology 21:

dependent self-esteem -> independent self-esteem -> unconditional self-esteem


Today I went to dental clinic to have my tooth extracted and all went well. One mistake I made is put my bag on the nurse's chair, I should have put it on other place. After went home, I replace the bottom bracket of my bike. Oh, my HP and energy is almost empty, so I rest and learned some Love and self-esteem - positive psychology 21:

Ideal friend: beautiful enemy. 2x2 boxes: Positive constructive response is great. Negitive destructive response is terrible.


Continued learning Happiness and Humor - positive psychology 20.

Humor is important.

Improve humor:

  1. Find funny things when writing diary.
  2. Observe funny people.
  3. Permission become a non-human. Make hell joke.


Today we had a team dinner, but I was busy so I was late. Learned Happiness and Humor - positive psychology 20.


Continued learning How to make love last forever - positive psychology 19.

  • Positive perception. If we don't appreciate, the good depreciate.


Learned How to make love last forever - positive psychology 19.

  • Changing finding mindset to cultivating mindset.
  • Doing things together help fix conflict.
  • To be known rather than to be validated.


Rest and learned The importance of Sleep, Touch, and Love - positive psychology 18

An introvert has higher optimal level of arousal. An extrovert has lower optimal level of arousal. Alcohol reduces our level of arousal.

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