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Created November 26, 2017 16:10
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Viterbi Algorithm for Decoding HMM
An implementation of Viterbi Algorithm
for decoding Hideen Markov Models.
(C) Jiayao Zhang 2017
from __future__ import (print_function, division)
import numpy as np
class Viterbi:
Viterbi Class
Used for decoding HMM.
def __init__(self, T, E):
__init__(T, E)
:param T
Transition Matrix
:param E
Emission Matrix
self.T = T
self.E = E
def decode(self, seq, init=None):
decode(seq, init=None)
Used for decoding the HMM specified
when at initiation.
:param seq
Sequence as 1-based integers for decoding.
:param init
Initial probabilities, if not specified,
each state is assigned equal probability.
:returns prob
The probability of most likely decoding sequence.
:returns code
Decoded sequence, 0-based.
states = self.T.shape[0]
length = len(seq)
assert length > 0
if init is None:
init = np.ones(states) / states
# scores and trace
s = np.zeros([states, length])
tr = np.zeros(s.shape, dtype=np.int32)
# fill initial
for i in range(states):
s[i, 0] = self.E[i, seq[0]-1] * init[i]
for j in range(1, length):
for i in range(states):
trans = s[:, j-1] * self.T[:, i]
s[i, j] = np.max(trans) * self.E[i, seq[j]-1]
tr[i, j] = np.argmax(trans)
m, im = np.max(s[:, -1]), np.argmax(s[:, -1])
# backtrace
code = str(im)
for j in range(length-1, 0, -1):
im = tr[im, j]
code += str(im)
code = code[::-1] #''.join(list(map(lambda ch : 'F' if ch == '0' else 'L', code[::-1])))
print("Decoded: ", code, " Probability: ", m)
return m, code
if __name__ == '__main__':
[.9, .1],
[.1, .9]
]), np.array([
[.5, .5],
[.75, .25]
])).decode(1 + np.array([1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,0]))
# Wikipedia example
[.7, .3],
[.6, .4]
]), np.array([
[.5, .4, .1],
[.1, .3, .6]
])).decode(np.array([1, 2, 3]), np.array([.6, .4]))
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