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Created January 16, 2019 02:21
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* Copyright (c) 2007 - 2014 Joseph Gaeddert
* This file is part of liquid.
* liquid is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
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* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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// Test mixed-radix FFT algorithm
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <complex.h>
#define DEBUG 0
#define DFT_FORWARD (-1)
#define DFT_REVERSE ( 1)
#define MAX_FACTORS (40)
// print usage/help message
void usage()
printf("fft_mixed_radix_test -- test mixed-radix DFTs, compare to slow DFT method\n");
printf("options (default values in []):\n");
printf(" h : print usage/help\n");
printf(" n : fft size\n");
// super slow DFT, but functionally correct
void dft_run(unsigned int _nfft,
float complex * _x,
float complex * _y,
int _dir,
int _flags);
// FFT mixed-radix butterfly
// _x : input/output buffer pointer [size: _nfft x 1]
// _twiddle : pre-computed twiddle factors [size: _nfft x 1]
// _nfft : original FFT size
// _stride : output stride
// _m : number of FFTs to compute
// _p : generic (small) FFT size
// NOTES : the butterfly decimates in time, storing the output as
// contiguous samples in the same buffer.
void fftmr_bfly(float complex * _x,
float complex * _twiddle,
unsigned int _nfft,
unsigned int _stride,
unsigned int _m,
unsigned int _p)
printf(" bfly: stride=%3u, m=%3u, p=%3u\n", _stride, _m, _p);
// create temporary buffer the size of the FFT
float complex * x_tmp = (float complex *) malloc(_p*sizeof(float complex));
unsigned int i;
unsigned int k;
unsigned int n;
for (n=0; n<_m; n++) {
printf(" u=%u\n", n);
// copy input to temporary buffer
for (i=0; i<_p; i++)
x_tmp[i] = _x[n + i*_m];
// compute DFT, applying appropriate twiddle factors
unsigned int twiddle_base = n;
for (i=0; i<_p; i++) {
printf(" ----\n");
float complex y = x_tmp[0];
unsigned int twiddle_index = 0;
for (k=1; k<_p; k++) {
twiddle_index = (twiddle_index + _stride*twiddle_base) % _nfft;
printf(" twiddle_index = %3u > %12.8f + j%12.8f, %12.8f + j%12.8f\n", twiddle_index, crealf(_twiddle[twiddle_index]), cimagf(_twiddle[twiddle_index]), crealf(x_tmp[k]), cimagf(x_tmp[k]));
y += x_tmp[k] * _twiddle[twiddle_index];
// increment twiddle twiddle base
twiddle_base += _m;
// store output
_x[n + i*_m] = y;
printf(" y = %12.6f + j%12.6f\n", crealf(y), cimagf(y));
// free temporary buffer
// FFT mixed-radix recursive function...
// _x : constant input pointer [size: _nfft x 1]
// _y : output pointer
// _twiddle : pre-computed twiddle factors [size: _nfft x 1]
// _nfft : original FFT size
// _xoffset : input buffer offset
// _xstride : input buffer stride
// _m_vect : array of radix values [size: num_factors x 1]
// _p_vect : array of DFT values [size: num_factors x 1]
void fftmr_cycle(float complex * _x,
float complex * _y,
float complex * _twiddle,
unsigned int _nfft,
unsigned int _xoffset,
unsigned int _xstride,
unsigned int * _m_vect,
unsigned int * _p_vect)
// de-reference factors and pop values off the top
unsigned int m = _m_vect[0]; // radix
unsigned int p = _p_vect[0]; // DFT size
// increment factor pointers
printf("fftmr_cycle: offset=%3u, stride=%3u, p=%3u, m=%3u\n", _xoffset, _xstride, p, m);
unsigned int i;
if ( m == 1 ) {
// copy data to output buffer
for (i=0; i<p; i++)
_y[i] = _x[_xoffset + _xstride*i];
} else {
// call fftmr_cycle() recursively, effectively computing
// p DFTs each of size m samples, decimating the time
// input by _xstride
for (i=0; i<p; i++) {
fftmr_cycle(_x, // input buffer (does not change)
_y + i*m, // increment output buffer by block size
_twiddle, // twiddle factors (no change)
_nfft, // original FFT size (no change)
_xoffset + _xstride*i, // input offset (increased by _xstride)
_xstride*p, // input stride (scaled by radix)
_m_vect, // array of radix values (length reduced by one)
_p_vect); // array of DFT values (length reduced by one)
// run m-point DFT
fftmr_bfly(_y, _twiddle, _nfft, _xstride, m, p);
int main(int argc, char*argv[]) {
// transform size
unsigned int nfft = 30;
int dopt;
while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uhn:")) != EOF) {
switch (dopt) {
case 'h': usage(); return 0;
case 'n': nfft = atoi(optarg); break;
// validate input
if ( nfft == 0 ) {
fprintf(stderr,"error: input transform size must be at least 2\n");
unsigned int i;
unsigned int k;
// find 'prime' factors
unsigned int n = nfft;
unsigned int p[MAX_FACTORS];
unsigned int m[MAX_FACTORS];
unsigned int num_factors = 0;
do {
for (k=2; k<=n; k++) {
if ( (n%k)==0 ) {
n /= k;
p[num_factors] = k;
m[num_factors] = n;
} while (n > 1 && num_factors < MAX_FACTORS);
// NOTE: this is extremely unlikely as the worst case is
// nfft=2^MAX_FACTORS in which case we will probably run out
// of memory first
if (num_factors == MAX_FACTORS) {
fprintf(stderr,"error: could not factor %u with %u factors\n", nfft, MAX_FACTORS);
printf("factors of %u:\n", nfft);
for (i=0; i<num_factors; i++)
printf(" p=%3u, m=%3u\n", p[i], m[i]);
// create and initialize data arrays
float complex * x = (float complex *) malloc(nfft * sizeof(float complex));
float complex * y = (float complex *) malloc(nfft * sizeof(float complex));
float complex * y_test = (float complex *) malloc(nfft * sizeof(float complex));
if (x == NULL || y == NULL || y_test == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,"error: %s, not enough memory for allocation\n", argv[0]);
for (i=0; i<nfft; i++) {
//x[i] = randnf() + _Complex_I*randnf();
x[i] = (float)i + _Complex_I*(3 - (float)i);
y[i] = 0.0f;
// compute output for testing
dft_run(nfft, x, y_test, DFT_FORWARD, 0);
// compute twiddle factors (roots of unity)
float complex * twiddle = (float complex *) malloc(nfft * sizeof(float complex));
if (x == NULL || y == NULL || y_test == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,"error: %s, not enough memory for twiddle factors\n", argv[0]);
for (i=0; i<nfft; i++)
twiddle[i] = cexpf(-_Complex_I*2*M_PI*(float)i / (float)nfft);
// call mixed-radix function
fftmr_cycle(x, y, twiddle, nfft, 0, 1, m, p);
// print results
for (i=0; i<nfft; i++) {
printf(" y[%3u] = %12.6f + j*%12.6f (expected %12.6f + j%12.6f)\n",
crealf(y[i]), cimagf(y[i]),
crealf(y_test[i]), cimagf(y_test[i]));
// compute error
float rmse = 0.0f;
for (i=0; i<nfft; i++) {
float e = cabsf(y[i] - y_test[i]);
rmse += e*e;
rmse = sqrtf(rmse / (float)nfft);
printf("RMS error : %12.4e (%s)\n", rmse, rmse < 1e-3 ? "pass" : "FAIL");
// free allocated memory
return 0;
// super slow DFT, but functionally correct
void dft_run(unsigned int _nfft,
float complex * _x,
float complex * _y,
int _dir,
int _flags)
unsigned int i;
unsigned int k;
int d = (_dir == DFT_FORWARD) ? -1 : 1;
for (i=0; i<_nfft; i++) {
_y[i] = 0.0f;
for (k=0; k<_nfft; k++) {
float phi = 2*M_PI*d*i*k / (float)_nfft;
_y[i] += _x[k] * cexpf(_Complex_I*phi);
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