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Configuring New Or Existing GPO With The GenCounter System Service To NOT Start (i.e., Disable Generation ID)
# Configuring New Or Existing GPO With The GenCounter System Service To NOT Start (i.e., Disable Generation ID)
$gpoName = "<Name Of Existing Or New GPO>" # <=== CONFIGURE !!!!
Invoke-Command -ArgumentList $gpoName -Scriptblock {
Param (
$adDomain = Get-ADDomain
$adDomainDN = $adDomain.DistinguishedName
$rwdcPDCFSMOFQDN = $adDomain.PDCEmulator
Write-Host "======================== GPO '$gpoName' ========================" -ForegroundColor Magenta
$gpo = Get-GPO -All -Server $rwdcPDCFSMOFQDN | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -eq $gpoName}
If ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($gpo)) {
$gpo = New-GPO -Name $gpoName -Server $rwdcPDCFSMOFQDN
Write-Host " > ACTION..............................: 'Create GPO'" -ForegroundColor Yellow
} Else {
Write-Host " > ACTION..............................: 'Reuse Existing GPO'" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$gpoID = $gpo.Id.Guid
Write-Host " > GPO ID..............................: '$gpoID" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$localSysvolPath = (Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Shares | Select -ExpandProperty SYSVOL | ?{$_ -match "Path"}).Split("=")[1]
$gptTmplInfFilePath = "$($localSysvolPath.Replace("SYSVOL\sysvol","SYSVOL\Domain"))\Policies\{$gpoID}\Machine\microsoft\windows nt\SecEdit\GptTmpl.inf"
Write-Host " > GptTmplInf File Path................: $gptTmplInfFilePath" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$gptIniFilePath = "$($localSysvolPath.Replace("SYSVOL\sysvol","SYSVOL\Domain"))\Policies\{$gpoID}\gpt.ini"
Write-Host " > GptIni File Path....................: $gptIniFilePath" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$gpoDN = "CN={$gpoID},CN=Policies,CN=System,$adDomainDN"
Write-Host " > GPO DN..............................: $gpoDN" -ForegroundColor Yellow
# Read Content Of INI Structured File For Further Processing
# Source:
Function readINIFile {
$anonymous = "NoSection"
$i = 0
$ini = @{}
switch -regex -file $iniFilePath {
"^\[(.+)\]$" { # Section
$section = $matches[1]
$ini[$section] = @{}
$CommentCount = 0
"^(;.*)$" { # Comment
if (!($section)) {
$section = $anonymous
$ini[$section] = @{}
$value = $matches[1]
$CommentCount = $CommentCount + 1
$name = "Comment" + $CommentCount
$ini[$section][$name] = $value
"(.+?)\s*=\s*(.*)" { # Key
if (!($section)) {
$section = $anonymous
$ini[$section] = @{}
$name, $value = $matches[1..2]
$ini[$section][$name] = $value
'\"(.*)\",\d,\"(.*)\"' { # Special Key For GptTempl.inf files with "[Service General Setting]" section =>
if (!($section)) {
$section = $anonymous
$ini[$section] = @()
$svcConfig = $matches[0]
$ini[$section]["svc$i"] = $svcConfig
return $ini
# Write Content Of INI Structured File After Processing
# Source:
Function writeINIFile {
Param (
If([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($encoding)) {
$encoding = "Default"
New-Item -Path $iniFilePath -ItemType File -Force | Out-Null
ForEach ($i in $inputObject.keys) {
If (!($($inputObject[$i].GetType().Name) -eq "Hashtable")) {
# No Sections
Add-Content -Path $iniFilePath -Value "$i = $($inputObject[$i])" -Encoding $encoding
} Else {
# Sections
Add-Content -Path $iniFilePath -Value "[$i]" -Encoding $encoding
ForEach ($j in ($inputObject[$i].keys | Sort-Object)) {
If ($j -match "^Comment[\d]+") {
Add-Content -Path $iniFilePath -Value "$($inputObject[$i][$j])" -Encoding $encoding
} Else {
Add-Content -Path $iniFilePath -Value "$j = $($inputObject[$i][$j])" -Encoding $encoding
Add-Content -Path $iniFilePath -Value "" -Encoding $encoding
# Trigger The Creation Of The SYSVOL GPO Part By Configuring Some Setting And Removing It Again
If (!(Test-Path $gptIniFilePath)) {
Write-Host " > Triggering The Creation Of The GPO.INI..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$params = @{
Name = $gpoName
Context = 'Computer'
Key = 'HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\gencounter'
ValueName = 'Start'
Value = 4
Type = 'DWORD'
Action = 'Update'
Set-GPPrefRegistryValue @params
Start-Sleep -s 5
Remove-GPPrefRegistryValue -Name $params.Name -Context $params.Context -Key $params.Key -ValueName $params.ValueName
# Read The GpTTmplInf File If It Exists, Otherwise Define One To Be Written Later
If (Test-Path $gptTmplInfFilePath) {
$gptTmplInfFileHT = readINIFile $gptTmplInfFilePath
} Else {
$gptTmplInfFileHT = @{}
$gptTmplInfFileHT["Version"] = @{}
$gptTmplInfFileHT["Version"]["signature"] = '$CHICAGO$'
$gptTmplInfFileHT["Version"]["Revision"] = "1"
$gptTmplInfFileHT["Unicode"] = @{}
$gptTmplInfFileHT["Unicode"]["Unicode"] = "yes"
If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($gptTmplInfFileHT["Service General Setting"])) {
# Add Section And Service Config
$gptTmplInfFileHT["Service General Setting"] = @{}
$gptTmplInfFileHT["Service General Setting"]["svc0"] = "`"GenCounter`",4,`"`""
$updateGptTmplInfFile = $true
} Else {
# Check If Section Contains The Correct Service Config
If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($gptTmplInfFileHT["Service General Setting"].Values -match "GenCounter")) {
$numSvcs = ($gptTmplInfFileHT["Service General Setting"].Values | Measure-Object).count
$gptTmplInfFileHT["Service General Setting"]["svc$numSvcs"] = "`"GenCounter`",4,`"`""
$updateGptTmplInfFile = $true
} Else {
$svcItem = ($gptTmplInfFileHT["Service General Setting"].GetEnumerator() | Where-Object {$_.Value -match "GenCounter"}).Name
If ($gptTmplInfFileHT["Service General Setting"][$svcItem] -notmatch '\"GenCounter\",4,\"(.*)\"') {
$gptTmplInfFileHT["Service General Setting"][$svcItem] = $($gptTmplInfFileHT["Service General Setting"][$svcItem].Split(",")[0]) + ",4," + $($gptTmplInfFileHT["Service General Setting"][$svcItem].Split(",")[2])
$updateGptTmplInfFile = $true
} Else {
$updateGptTmplInfFile = $false
If ($updateGptTmplInfFile -eq $true) {
# Write Content To GptTmplInfFile
Write-Host " > Writing The GptTmplInf File '$gptTmplInfFilePath'" -ForegroundColor Yellow
writeINIFile $gptTmplInfFileHT $gptTmplInfFilePath
Set-Content -Path $gptTmplInfFilePath -Value $((Get-Content $gptTmplInfFilePath) -replace 'svc(.*) = ','')
# Get AD GPO, Version And Machine Extensions
$adGPO = Get-ADObject -Identity $gpoDN -Properties gPCMachineExtensionNames,versionNumber -Server $rwdcPDCFSMOFQDN
$adGPOVersion = [int]$adGPO.versionNumber
Write-Host " > GPO AD Version......................: $adGPOVersion" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$adGPOMachineExtensions = $adGPO.gPCMachineExtensionNames
Write-Host " > GPO Machine Extensions..............: $(If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($adGPOMachineExtensions)) {"NONE"} Else {$adGPOMachineExtensions})" -ForegroundColor Yellow
# Get SYSVOL GPO Version
$gptIniFileHT = readINIFile $gptIniFilePath
$sysvolGPOVersion = [int]$gptIniFileHT["General"]["Version"]
Write-Host " > GPO SYSVOL Version..................: $sysvolGPOVersion" -ForegroundColor Yellow
# Calculate The New Version
If ($adGPOVersion -gt $sysvolGPOVersion) {
$gpoVersionCurrent = $adGPOVersion
} ElseIf ($adGPOVersion -lt $sysvolGPOVersion) {
$gpoVersionCurrent = $sysvolGPOVersion
} Else {
$gpoVersionCurrent = $sysvolGPOVersion
$gpoVersionNew = $gpoVersionCurrent + 1
Write-Host " > GPO AD/SYSVOL Version (New).........: $gpoVersionNew" -ForegroundColor Yellow
# Required Extensions For A GPO To Be Able To Configure The Required System Service
$gpoRequiredExtensions = @{}
$gpoRequiredExtensions["Security"] = "[{827D319E-6EAC-11D2-A4EA-00C04F79F83A}{803E14A0-B4FB-11D0-A0D0-00A0C90F574B}]"
# Define The NEW Machine Extensions Of The GPO
$gpoADObjectMachineExtensionList = $null
If ((-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($adGPOMachineExtensions))) {
$gpoADObjectMachineExtensionList = $adGPOMachineExtensions.Replace("][","]|[").Split("|")
} Else {
$gpoADObjectMachineExtensionList = @()
If ($gpoADObjectMachineExtensionList -notcontains $gpoRequiredExtensions["Security"]) {
$gpoADObjectMachineExtensionList += $gpoRequiredExtensions["Security"]
$gpoADObjectMachineExtensionNames = $null
$gpoADObjectMachineExtensionNames = $($($gpoADObjectMachineExtensionList | Sort-Object) -join "")
Write-Host " > GPO Machine Extensions (New)........: $gpoADObjectMachineExtensionNames" -ForegroundColor Yellow
# Set AD GPO Version And Machine Extensions
Write-Host " > Configuring The GPO AD Version And Machine Extensions" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Set-ADObject -Identity $gpoDN -Replace @{gPCMachineExtensionNames = $gpoADObjectMachineExtensionNames; versionNumber = $gpoVersionNew}
# Set SYSVOL GPO Version
$gptIniFileHT["General"]["Version"] = $gpoVersionNew
Write-Host " > Configuring The GPO SYSVOL Version" -ForegroundColor Yellow
writeINIFile $gptIniFileHT $gptIniFilePath
Write-Host ""
Write-Host " > Done!" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "You May Still Need To Link The GPO '$gpoName' To The Domain Controllers OU, If Not Already Done!" -Foregroundcolor Magenta
Write-Host ""
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