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Last active June 6, 2022 08:20
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broadcast input to multiple hosts simultaneously with tmux & zsh. idea from
# usage: multi ssh the-host{0,1,2}
function multi {
if [ -z "$TMUX" ]; then
session="multi-${cmd}-$(head -c 4 /dev/urandom | base64 | tr '/+' '_-' | tr -d '=')"
tmux new -d -s "${session}"
session=$(tmux display-message -p '#S')
window="${session}$(tmux display-message -p ':#I')"
tmux send-keys -t ${window}.0 "$cmd ${@[1]}"
for ((pane = 2; pane <= ${#@[@]}; pane++)); do
tmux splitw -h -t $window
tmux send-keys -t ${window}.$((pane-1)) "$cmd ${@[pane]}"
tmux select-layout -t $window tiled > /dev/null
tmux set-window-option -t $window synchronize-panes on > /dev/null
tmux set-window-option -t $window pane-active-border-style fg=red > /dev/null
tmux set-window-option -t $window pane-border-style fg=yellow > /dev/null
tmux send-keys -t ${window}.0 Enter
tmux new -A -s ${session}
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