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Last active January 1, 2016 00:18
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(ns almost.haiku
(:require [inky.sketch :as sketch]
[dommy.core :as dom]
[clojure.string :as str]
[cljs.core.async :as async
:refer [<! >! put! chan timeout]])
(:require-macros [dommy.macros :refer [sel1 node]]
[cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]]))
;; Config
(def config
{:body-bg (str ""
:typing-speed-base 30
:typing-speed-var 70
:time-between-haikus 3000
:haikus-text ["At the age old pond
A frog leaps into water
A deep resonance"
"Two tires fly. Two wail.
A bamboo grove, all chopped down
From it, warring songs"
"This is my rifle
There are many like it, but
This rifle is mine."
"Antenna searches
Retriever's nose in the wind
Ether's far secrets"
"Manila's perfume
Fanned by the coconut palms
The thighs of Glory"]})
;; Logic
(defn sylables-in-word
"Heuristic-based sylable counter, questionable accuracy."
(when word
(let [overrides {"searches" 2}
word (-> word
(str/replace #"[^a-z]" ""))]
(get overrides word) (get overrides word)
(< (count word) 4) 1
:else (->> (-> word
(str/replace #"(?:[^laeiouy]es|ed|[^laeiouy]e)$" "")
(str/replace #"^y" ""))
(re-seq #"[aeiouy]{1,2}")
(defn count-sylables [words]
(->> (str/split words #"\s+")
(map sylables-in-word)
(reduce +)))
(defn type-text [$line text]
(let [done-chan (chan)
$input (sel1 $line :input)]
(loop [chars text]
(when-not (or (empty? chars)
(not @!autotype))
(dom/set-value! $input
(str (dom/value $input) (first chars)))
(dom/fire! $input :input)
(<! (timeout (+ (config :typing-speed-base)
(rand (config :typing-speed-var)))))
(recur (rest chars))))
(put! done-chan true))
;; Templates
(defn $line [target-syl]
(let [$input (node [:input {:type "text"}])
$syl (node [:span.sylables "0 syl"])
$el (node [:div.input-row $syl $input])
update (fn [_]
(let [num-syl (-> $input dom/value count-sylables)]
(dom/set-text! $syl
(str num-syl " syl"))
(if (= num-syl target-syl)
(dom/add-class! $syl :valid)
(dom/remove-class! $syl :valid))))]
(dom/listen! $el :input update)
;; State
(def !haikus (atom (cycle (config :haikus-text))))
(def !autotype (atom true))
(def $lines (map $line [5 7 5]))
;; Sketch
["html, body, .sketch" {:width "100%"
:height "100%"
:padding "0"
:margin "0"
:font-family "cursive"}
".sketch" {:background-image (str "url('" (config :body-bg) "')")
:background-size "cover"
:display "table"}
".input-row span, .input-row input" {:display "inline-block"
:font-size "30px"
:line-height "1em"}
".input-row span" {:width "80px"
:margin-right "20px"
:text-align "right"}
"input" {:padding "20px 10px"
:background-color "transparent"
:margin "10px 0"
:border "none"
:outline "none"
:width "480px"
:font-family "cursive"
:text-align "center"}
"input:hover" {:background-color "rgba(255,255,255,0.1)"}
".content-wrap" {:vertical-align "middle"
:display "table-cell"}
".words" {:width "600px"
:margin "0 auto"}
".sylables.valid" {:color "green"}])
(doseq [$line $lines]
(let [$input (sel1 $line :input)]
(dom/listen! $input :focus
(fn []
(when @!autotype
(reset! !autotype false)
(doseq [$line $lines]
(let [$input (sel1 $line :input)]
(dom/set-value! $input "")
(dom/fire! $input :input))))))))
;; Auto-Type Loop
(defn clear-line [$line]
(let [$input (sel1 $line :input)]
(dom/set-value! $input "")
(dom/fire! $input :input)))
(defn clear-lines [$lines]
(doseq [$line $lines] (clear-line $line)))
(while @!autotype
(let [haiku (first @!haikus)
lines (map str/trim (-> haiku
(str/split #"\n+")))]
(swap! !haikus rest)
(clear-lines $lines)
(doseq [[$line line] (map #(vector %1 %2) $lines lines)]
(clear-line $line)
(<! (type-text $line line))
(<! (timeout 500))))
(<! (timeout (config :time-between-haikus)))))
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