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Created July 21, 2020 17:20
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# test file
sample_chunk <- "
```{r hello, testing=as.logical(1), another=1 + 1}
x <- 1 + 1 # this evaluates to two
the value of x is `r x`"
file = "sample.Rmd"
writeLines(sample_chunk, con = file)
# delete temp Rmd file
library(tinkr) # ropenscilabs/tinkr
# Grab the file and all code blocks
tink <- tinkr::to_xml(file)
code <- tink$body %>% xml_find_all(".//*[self::d1:code_block or self::d1:code]")
## {xml_nodeset (2)}
## [1] <code_block xml:space="preserve" language="r" name="hello" testing="as.logical(1)" another="1 ...
## [2] <code xml:space="preserve">r x</code>
## [1] "x <- 1 + 1 # this evaluates to two\n" "r x"
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