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Last active December 3, 2021 19:37
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openrazer: Subtle keyboard rainbow, using python3 API
import colorsys
import random
from time import sleep
from openrazer.client import DeviceManager
from openrazer.client import constants as razer_constants
FPS = 30
WAVE_SPEED = 0.0025
WAVE_REPEAT = 0.9 # How many waves fit across device
# Workaround for apparent bug in colorsys.hsv_to_rgb
# when hue is negative:
# Create a DeviceManager. This is used to get specific devices
device_manager = DeviceManager()
print("Found {} Razer devices".format(len(device_manager.devices)))
devices = device_manager.devices
for device in devices:
if not device.fx.advanced:
print("Skipping device " + + " (" + device.serial + ")")
# Disable daemon effect syncing.
# Without this, the daemon will try to set the lighting effect to every device.
device_manager.sync_effects = False
def gamma_correction(rgb):
# Not exactly sRGB (n**2.2), this is
# slightly darker, looks more neon:
return tuple(map(lambda x: x ** 2.28, rgb))
def rainbow_rgb(hue, sat = 1.0, val = 1.0):
rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hue, sat, val)
rgb_gamma = gamma_correction(rgb)
return tuple(map(lambda x: int(255 * x), (rgb_gamma)))
def clear():
for device in devices:
rows, cols = device.fx.advanced.rows, device.fx.advanced.cols
for row in range(rows):
for col in range(cols):
device.fx.advanced.matrix[row, col] = (0, 0, 0)
# Rainbow moves across each device
def loop():
global hue
# Prevent float-precision bugs as hue grows
# without bound. Trust me, this is important:
if hue >= 100.0:
hue -= 50.0
for device in devices:
rows, cols = device.fx.advanced.rows, device.fx.advanced.cols
for col in range(cols):
col_hue = hue - col * (WAVE_REPEAT / device.fx.advanced.cols)
for row in range(rows):
device.fx.advanced.matrix[row, col] = rainbow_rgb(col_hue)
# Run forever
while True:
sleep(1.0 / FPS)
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Dxhs commented Apr 24, 2020

How to use this?

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Thanks for sharing this! I based an effect on your example dmr-coding/openrazer-effects

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