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NativeToVcf() creates a vcf file that oncotator can use as input. As before, the script will auto detect the input format (native or vcf). Only goes one way at the moment: Standard VarScan2 VCF output -> Standard VarScan2 native output -> oncotator-friendly VCF
__author__ = "Anand M, edited to be a oncotator input friendly version by ZK Tuong"
Takes output file generated by VarScan2 somatic programme and converts the formats.
import argparse, math, re
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Converts VarScan2 somatic vcf to native format and vice-versa.\nInput is automatically detected")
parser.add_argument('input', help='Input file generated by VarScan2 somatic')
# parser.add_argument('output', help='output file name')
args = parser.parse_args()
# Function to print header line
def printNativeHeader():
:rtype : Null
# Function to print vcf header
def printVcfHeader():
"##INFO=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"Total depth of quality bases\">\n"
"##INFO=<ID=SOMATIC,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description=\"Indicates if record is a somatic mutation\">\n"
"##INFO=<ID=SS,Number=1,Type=String,Description=\"Somatic status of variant (0=Reference,1=Germline,2=Somatic,3=LOH, or 5=Unknown)\">\n"
"##INFO=<ID=SSC,Number=1,Type=String,Description=\"Somatic score in Phred scale (0-255) derived from somatic p-value\">\n"
"##INFO=<ID=GPV,Number=1,Type=Float,Description=\"Fisher's Exact Test P-value of tumor+normal versus no variant for Germline calls\">\n"
"##INFO=<ID=SPV,Number=1,Type=Float,Description=\"Fisher's Exact Test P-value of tumor versus normal for Somatic/LOH calls\">\n"
"##FILTER=<ID=str10,Description=\"Less than 10% or more than 90% of variant supporting reads on one strand\">\n"
"##FILTER=<ID=indelError,Description=\"Likely artifact due to indel reads at this position\">\n"
"##FORMAT=<ID=GQ,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"Genotype Quality\">\n"
"##FORMAT=<ID=BQ,Number=A,Type=Integer,Description=\"Average base quality for reads supporting alleles\">\n"
"##FORMAT=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"Read Depth\">\n"
"##FORMAT=<ID=AD,Number=R,Type=Integer,Description=\"Allelic depths for the ref and alt alleles in the order listed\">\n"
"##FORMAT=<ID=FA,Number=A,Type=String,Description=\"Allele fraction of the alternate allele with regard to reference\">\n"
"##FORMAT=<ID=SS,Number=1,Type=String,Description=\"Variant status relative to non-adjacent Normal,0=wildtype,1=germline,2=somatic,3=LOH,4=post-transcriptional modification,5=unknown\">\n"
# Function to convert vcf record to NativeFormat record
def makeNativeRec(vcfIp):
:rtype : Null
:type nativeIp: basestring
nativeLine = vcfIp.split("\t")
somaticDict = {'0': 'Reference', '1': 'Germline', '2': 'Somatic', '3': 'LOH', '5': 'Unknown'}
chrom = nativeLine[0]
position = nativeLine[1]
ref = nativeLine[3]
var = nativeLine[4]
normalInfo = nativeLine[9]
tumorInfo = nativeLine[10]
normal_reads1 = normalInfo.split(":")[3]
normal_reads2 = normalInfo.split(":")[4]
normal_var_freq = normalInfo.split(":")[5]
normal_gt = normalInfo.split(":")[0]
normal_dp4 = normalInfo.split(":")[6]
normal_reads1_plus = normal_dp4.split(",")[0]
normal_reads1_minus = normal_dp4.split(",")[1]
normal_reads2_plus = normal_dp4.split(",")[2]
normal_reads2_minus = normal_dp4.split(",")[3]
tumor_reads1 = tumorInfo.split(":")[3]
tumor_reads2 = tumorInfo.split(":")[4]
tumor_var_freq = tumorInfo.split(":")[5]
tumor_gt = tumorInfo.split(":")[0]
tumor_dp4 = tumorInfo.split(":")[6]
tumor_reads1_plus = tumor_dp4.split(",")[0]
tumor_reads1_minus = tumor_dp4.split(",")[1]
tumor_reads2_plus = tumor_dp4.split(",")[2]
tumor_reads2_minus = tumor_dp4.split(",")[3]
info = nativeLine[7]
infoDict = {}
infoSpl = info.split(";")
for rec in infoSpl:
recSpl = rec.split("=")
if not len(recSpl) == 1:
infoDict[recSpl[0]] = recSpl[1]
somatic_status = somaticDict[infoDict['SS']]
variant_p_value = infoDict['GPV']
somatic_p_value = infoDict['SPV']
print("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t" %
(chrom, position, ref, var, normal_reads1, normal_reads2, normal_var_freq, normal_gt, tumor_reads1,
tumor_reads2, tumor_var_freq, tumor_gt, somatic_status, variant_p_value, somatic_p_value, tumor_reads1_plus,
tumor_reads1_minus, tumor_reads2_plus, tumor_reads2_minus, normal_reads1_plus, normal_reads1_minus,
normal_reads2_plus, normal_reads2_minus))
# Function to convert Native to VCF record
def makeVcfRecord(nativeIp):
:rtype : Null
somaticDict = {'Reference': '0', 'Germline': '1', 'Somatic': '2', 'LOH': '3', 'Unknown': '5'}
nIp = nativeIp.split("\t")
chrom = nIp[0]
pos = nIp[1]
id = '.'
ref = nIp[2]
alt = nIp[3]
qual = '.'
filter = 'PASS'
dp = int(nIp[4]) + int(nIp[5]) + int(nIp[8]) + int(nIp[9])
ss = somaticDict[nIp[12]]
ssN = '0'
ssc = -10 * math.log10(float(nIp[14]))
gpv = nIp[13]
spv = nIp[14]
if ss == '2':
info = "DP=" + str(dp) + ";SOMATIC;" + "SS=" + ss + ";" + "SSC=" + str(
int(ssc)) + ";" + "GPV=" + gpv + ";" + "SPV=" + spv
info = "DP=" + str(dp) + ";" + "SS=" + ss + ";" + "SSC=" + str(
int(ssc)) + ";" + "GPV=" + gpv + ";" + "SPV=" + spv
vcf_format = "GT:AD:BQ:DP:FA:SS"
normal_var_freq = float(re.sub("%", "", nIp[6]))
if normal_var_freq > 10 and normal_var_freq < 75:
gt = '0/1'
elif normal_var_freq > 75:
gt = '1/1'
gt = "0/0"
tumor_var_freq = float(re.sub("%", "", nIp[10]))
if tumor_var_freq > 10 and tumor_var_freq < 75:
gt2 = '0/1'
elif tumor_var_freq > 75:
gt2 = '1/1'
gt2 = "0/0"
gq = '.'
dp2 = int(nIp[4]) + int(nIp[5])
bq = '.'
fa = float(nIp[6].strip('%'))/100
adn1 = int(nIp[19]) + int(nIp[20])
adn2 = int(nIp[21]) + int(nIp[22])
ad = str(adn1) + ',' + str(adn2)
normal_format = gt + ':' + ad + ":" + bq + ":" + str(dp2) + ':' + str(fa) + ':' + ssN
dp3 = int(nIp[8]) + int(nIp[9])
fa2 = float(nIp[10].strip('%'))/100
adt1 = int(nIp[15]) + int(nIp[16])
adt2 = int(nIp[17]) + int(nIp[19])
ad2 = str(adt1) + ',' + str(adt2)
tumor_format = gt2 + ':' + ad2 + ":" + bq + ":" + str(dp3) + ':' + str(fa2) + ':' + ss
print("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" %
(chrom, pos, id, ref, alt, qual, filter, info, vcf_format, normal_format, tumor_format))
def NativeToVcf(inputFile):
vs = open(inputFile, 'r')
for line in vs.readlines():
if not line.startswith("chrom"):
def vcfToNative(inputFile):
vs = open(inputFile, 'r')
for line in vs.readlines():
if not line.startswith("#"):
vsIp = open(args.input, 'r')
firstLine = vsIp.readline().strip()
if firstLine.startswith("##fileformat="):
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