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Last active October 5, 2015 00:00
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Ember validations, defined on a model, server-side compatible


Ember-validations, was built to define the validations outside the model, and if you define them on your model, it will cause server-side errors to no longer work correctly (still unsure why).


In this example, we pull the validations off the model, and attach them to our error-wrapper component.

The solution outlined here allows gives you three benefits:

  • Validations are in one place, the model.
  • Errors can be added to any input element with relative ease.
  • Server-side validations are unaffected.


`import Ember from 'ember'`
`import EmberValidations from 'ember-validations'`
ErrorWrapperComponent = Ember.Component.extend(
model: null
shouldShowError: false
propertyName: null
immediate: false
init: ->
validationsKey = "model.validations.#{@get('property')}"
validations = @get(validationsKey)
if !!validations
validations = {}
validations["model.#{@get('property')}"] = @get(validationsKey)
@set('validations',validations) unless validations is {}
error = Ember.computed("errors.model.#{@get('property')}.@each",=>
hasErrors: (->
localizedProperty: (->
model = @get('model')
if !!model
modelName = model._internalModel.modelName.underscore()
showError: (->
if @get('hasErrors')
@get('immediate') or @get('shouldShowError')
checkForErrors: (event) ->
`export default ErrorWrapperComponent`
div class={hasErrors:has-errors showError:show-error}
== yield (action 'checkForErrors')
if error
if propertyName
span.error-message #{propertyName} #{error}
span.error-message #{t localizedProperty} #{error}
`import DS from 'ember-data'`
Post = DS.Model.extend(
title: DS.attr('string')
body: DS.attr('string')
comments: DS.hasMany('comment',async:true)
user: DS.belongsTo('user',async:true)
message: "cannot be blank."
presence: true
presence: true
`export default Post`
= error-wrapper model=model property="title" as |checkForErrors|
= input value=model.title name="title" placeholder="Post title" focus-out=checkForErrors type="text"
= error-wrapper model=model property="body" as |checkForErrors|
= textarea value=model.body name="body"
= error-wrapper model=model property="user" as |checkForErrors|
= ember-selectize select-item=checkForErrors selection=model.user content=allUsers optionLabelPath="content.userName" optionValuePath=""
`import PresenceValidator from 'ember-validations/validators/local/presence'`
BelongsToValidator = PresenceValidator.extend(
call: ->
if Ember.isEmpty(@model.get(@property).get('content'))
`export default BelongsToValidator`

belongsTo validator

Special note, one of the validators I'm using in this example, is a belongsTo which doesn't come with ember-validations addon out of the box.

I included it as a demo, so that you can see that it would work with a select box, just as easily as a normal text input.

I've included the source to the belongs to validator above.


A short brief on the usage of the error-wrapper component.

One thing that immediately sticks out is the funny template, that yields but includes that (action 'checkForErrors') bit. It's a bit of a hack, but basically allows you to yield to the component on the page, and allow whatever you yield to trigger the checkForErrors action in the component itself.

Hence the as |checkForErrors| on the template for post. That as is the action, that says, show the error. Which is why we add it to select-item and focus-out on the input elements.



default: false

If you use this, it will immediately show the errors, rather than waiting for the checkForErrors action to be run.


default: null

If you set this, it will override the derived property name from that you passed in, and use this for the error message instead.

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