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Created May 10, 2021 02:18
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Example shell script to prepare lyx file to upload to arxiv or to journal with zip
# Tested on MacOS
# @license: APACHE 2.0
# @author: Zlatko K. Minev (2020)
### User define!
alias lyx="/Applications/" # #
MAIN="epr-main" # "$MAIN.lyx"
### General initialization
# Colors
# horizontal rule;
hr() {
local start=$'\e(0' end=$'\e(B' line='qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq'
local cols=${COLUMNS:-$(tput cols)}
while ((${#line} < cols)); do line+="$line"; done
echo ""
printf '%s%s%s\n' "$start" "${line:0:cols}" "$end"
echo ""
BASEDIR=$(dirname "$0") # directory of file
cd "${BASEDIR}"
#cd ".."
### Main
printf "\n\n$grn Lyx to latex.$end\n\n"
echo "pwd: $grn$(pwd)$end"
# FOLDERS: delete dir & make
rm -rf "$DEST"
mkdir "$DEST"
mkdir "$DEST/img-main" # USER-SPECIFY
mkdir "$DEST/img-app"
### Export lyx
echo "$grn\nExport LyX -> TeX: $end"
lyx --force-overwrite --export pdflatex "$MAIN.lyx"
mv -f "$MAIN.tex" "$DEST/$MAIN.tex"
mv -f "epr-macros.tex" "$DEST/epr-macros.tex" # EXTRA FILES created by conversion, since included as include files
cp -f "epr-preamble.tex" "$DEST/epr-preamble.tex" # This is a tex file include din the lyx, so dont move, copy only, we need it
python -d "$DEST" -f "$MAIN"
# Encoding: of file #
echo "$yel File encodings: $end"
file -I "$DEST/$MAIN.tex"
file -I "$DEST/epr-macros.tex"
file -I "$DEST/epr-preamble.tex"
# Encoding: Check for invalind encoding in file - remove these manuallly. Use
echo "$yel\n Invalid encoding (non UTF-8):$end\n (Assumming locale is UTF-8)\n" #
grep -axv '.*' "$DEST/$MAIN.tex"
grep -axv '.*' "$DEST/epr-macros.tex"
grep -axv '.*' "$DEST/epr-preamble.tex"
# Library file
echo "$yel\n Change library.$end"
sed -i'.backup' 's|../../library|library|g' "$DEST/$MAIN.tex"
cp "../../library.bib" "$DEST/library.bib"
rm -f "$DEST/$MAIN.tex.backup"
echo "$yel File encoding (after 'sed'): $end"
file -I "$DEST/$MAIN.tex"
# Copy all pdf files for figures
echo "$grn\nCopy figures: $end"
cp img-main/**.pdf "$DEST/img-main"
cp img-app/**.pdf "$DEST/img-app"
echo "\n\n\n$grn"; hr
echo " C O M P I L E "
echo "$end"; hr
echo $(type -a pdflatex) # should be something like pdflatex is /Library/TeX/texbin/pdflatex
echo $(type -a bibtex)
printf "\n\n\n\n"; hr
cd "$DEST"
pdflatex "$MAIN.tex"; hr
bibtex "$MAIN"; hr
pdflatex "$MAIN.tex"; hr
pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode "$MAIN.tex"; hr # SyncTeX is a utility written by Jérôme Laurens which enables synchronization between your source document and the PDF output. If your editor/viewer supports it, then you can click in your source and jump to the equivalent place in the PDF or click in the PDF and it will jump to the appropriate place in your source document.
### Check for errors
echo "\n\n"
echo "$grn\CHECK FOR ERRORS:"
echo "$end$grn\nCheck for errors: Latex $end $yel"
grep -i "error" "$MAIN.log"
echo "$end$grn\nCheck for errors: BibTex $end $yel"
grep -i "error" "$MAIN.blg" # Bibtex
echo "$end\n"; hr
echo "$end$grn\nCheck for warnings: Latex $end $yel"
grep -i "warning" "$MAIN.log"
echo "$end$grn\nCheck for warnings: BibTex $end $yel"
grep -i "warning" "$MAIN.blg" # Bibtex
echo "$end"; hr;
if true
then # final run for Arxiv, make zip
# worry about hyperindex,breaklinks
echo "$grnClear, format, and zip for$end"
cd ..
rm -f "$"
sed -i'.backup' 's|\\usepackage{pdfsync}||' "$DEST/$MAIN.tex" # arxiv doesn't need synctex
sed -i'.backup' 's|\\synctex=-1||' "$DEST/$MAIN.tex"
rm -f "$DEST/$MAIN.tex.backup"
rm -f "$DEST/$MAIN.aux"
rm -f "$DEST/$MAIN.blg"
rm -f "$DEST/$MAIN.log"
rm -f "$DEST/$MAIN.out"
rm -f "$DEST/$MAIN.synctex"
rm -f "$DEST/$MAIN.pdfsync"
rm -f "$DEST/$MAIN.synctex.gz"
#rm -f "$DEST/$MAIN.pdf"
rm -f "$DEST/library.bib"
# remove SI figures
rm -f "$DEST/img-app/FE_JJsurf.pdf"
rm -f "$DEST/img-app/FE-junc.pdf"
rm -f "$DEST/img-app/frustrated-circuit-ex-simplify.pdf"
rm -f "$DEST/img-app/frustrated-circuit-ex.pdf"
rm -f "$DEST/img-app/mechanical-analogy.pdf"
rm -f "$DEST/img-app/pumped-process.pdf"
rm -f "$DEST/img-app/signs-matter-example.pdf"
rm -f "$DEST/img-app/transmon-cavity-spectrum.pdf"
zip -r "$" "$DEST"
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