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Last active May 13, 2024 21:51
Efficient roguelike grid FOV / shadowcasting / line of sight in a single C function inspired by
// Copyright (c) 2021 Stoiko Todorov
// This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
// For a copy, see
// What this function does:
// Rasterizes a single Field Of View octant on a grid, similar to the way
// field of view / line of sight / shadowcasting is implemented in some
// roguelikes.
// Uses rays to define visible volumes instead of tracing lines from origin
// to pixels.
// Minimal processing per pixel: each pixel is hit once most of the time.
// Symmetrical
// Optional attenuation
// Optional lit blocking tiles
// To rasterize the entire FOV, call this in a loop with octant in range 0-7
// Inspired by
// See the result here:
static inline int Mini( int a, int b ) {
return a < b ? a : b;
static inline int Maxi( int a, int b ) {
return a > b ? a : b;
static inline int Clampi( int v, int min, int max ) {
return Maxi( min, Mini( v, max ) );
typedef struct {
int x, y;
} c2_t;
static const c2_t c2zero = { 0, 0 };
static const c2_t c2one = { 1, 1 };
static inline c2_t c2xy( int x, int y ) {
return ( c2_t ){ x, y };
static inline c2_t c2Neg( c2_t c ) {
return c2xy( -c.x, -c.y );
static inline c2_t c2Add( c2_t a, c2_t b ) {
return c2xy( a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y );
static inline c2_t c2Sub( c2_t a, c2_t b ) {
return c2xy( a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y );
static inline int c2Dot( c2_t a, c2_t b ) {
return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y;
static inline int c2Cross( c2_t a, c2_t b ) {
return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x;
static inline c2_t c2Clamp( c2_t c, c2_t min, c2_t max ) {
return c2xy( Clampi( c.x, min.x, max.x ), Clampi( c.y, min.y, max.y ) );
static inline c2_t c2Scale( c2_t a, int s ) {
return c2xy( a.x * s, a.y * s );
void RasterizeFOVOctant( int originX, int originY,
int radius,
int bitmapWidth, int bitmapHeight,
int octant,
int skipAttenuation,
int skipClampToRadius,
int darkWalls,
const unsigned char *inBitmap,
unsigned char *outBitmap ) {
#define READ_PIXEL(c) inBitmap[(c).x+(c).y*bitmapWidth]
#define WRITE_PIXEL(c,color) outBitmap[(c).x+(c).y*bitmapWidth]=(color)
#define MAX_RAYS 64
#define ADD_RAY(c) {nextRays->rays[Mini(nextRays->numRays,MAX_RAYS-1)] = (c);nextRays->numRays++;}
#define IS_ON_MAP(c) ((c).x >= 0 && (c).x < bitmapWidth && (c).y >= 0 && (c).y < bitmapHeight)
typedef struct {
int numRays;
c2_t rays[MAX_RAYS];
} raysList_t;
// keep these coupled like this
static const c2_t bases[] = {
{ 1, 0 }, { 0, 1 },
{ 1, 0 }, { 0, -1 },
{ -1, 0 }, { 0, -1 },
{ -1, 0 }, { 0, 1 },
{ 0, 1 }, { -1, 0 },
{ 0, 1 }, { 1, 0 },
{ 0, -1 }, { 1, 0 },
{ 0, -1 }, { -1, 0 },
c2_t e0 = bases[( octant * 2 + 0 ) & 15];
c2_t e1 = bases[( octant * 2 + 1 ) & 15];
raysList_t rayLists[2] = { {
.numRays = 2,
.rays = {
c2xy( 1, 0 ),
c2xy( 1, 1 ),
} };
// quit if origin is on a solid pixel
c2_t bitmapSize = c2xy( bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight );
c2_t bitmapMax = c2Sub( bitmapSize, c2one );
c2_t origin = c2Clamp( c2xy( originX, originY ), c2zero, bitmapMax );
if ( READ_PIXEL( origin ) ) {
WRITE_PIXEL( origin, 255 );
// clamp to map size
c2_t dmin = c2Neg( origin );
c2_t dmax = c2Sub( bitmapMax, origin );
int dmin0 = c2Dot( dmin, e0 );
int dmax0 = c2Dot( dmax, e0 );
int limitX = Mini( radius, dmin0 > 0 ? dmin0 : dmax0 );
limitX = Maxi( limitX, 0 );
int dmin1 = c2Dot( dmin, e1 );
int dmax1 = c2Dot( dmax, e1 );
int limitY = Mini( radius, dmin1 > 0 ? dmin1 : dmax1 );
limitY = Maxi( limitY, 0 );
// go through all 'columns'...
int column;
c2_t ci;
for ( column = 0, ci = origin; column <= limitX;
column++, ci = c2Add( ci, e0 ) ) {
// work in half-pixel units
int i2 = column << 1;
// the rays list is recycled between the columns
// we recreate the rays list on each column
raysList_t *currRays = &rayLists[( column + 0 ) & 1];
raysList_t *nextRays = &rayLists[( column + 1 ) & 1];
nextRays->numRays = 0;
// for all ray pairs...
for ( int r = 0; r < currRays->numRays - 1; r += 2 ) {
// a pair of rays defining a frustum
c2_t ray0 = currRays->rays[r + 0];
c2_t ray1 = currRays->rays[r + 1];
// the Y coordinate of the intersection of the TOP ray with the PREVIOUS column
int inyr0 = ( i2 - 1 ) * ray0.y / ray0.x;
// the Y coordinate of the intersection of the TOP ray with the CURRENT column
int outyr0 = ( i2 + 1 ) * ray0.y / ray0.x;
// the Y coordinate of the intersection of the BOTTOM ray with the PREVIOUS column
int inyr1 = ( i2 - 1 ) * ray1.y / ray1.x;
// the Y coordinate of the intersection of the BOTTOM ray with the CURRENT column
int outyr1 = ( i2 + 1 ) * ray1.y / ray1.x;
// == push the rays closer to each other if they hit solid pixels ==
c2_t newRay0;
c2_t newRay1;
// if nothing is blocking the top ray -- keep it (no pinning to pixel corners)
int iny = Mini( ( inyr0 + 1 ) >> 1, limitY );
int outy = Mini( ( outyr0 + 1 ) >> 1, limitY );
c2_t in = c2Add( ci, c2Scale( e1, iny ) );
c2_t out = c2Add( ci, c2Scale( e1, outy ) );
if ( ! READ_PIXEL( in ) && ! READ_PIXEL( out ) ) {
newRay0 = ray0;
// if blocked, walk along the solid pixels toward the
// bottom ray until we find a hole, then pin the ray there
else {
int top = outy;
int bottom = Mini( ( inyr1 + 1 ) >> 1, limitY );
int y;
c2_t p = c2Add( ci, c2Scale( e1, top ) );
for ( y = top * 2; y <= bottom * 2;
y += 2, p = c2Add( p, e1 ) ) {
if ( ! READ_PIXEL( p ) ) {
// pixels that push rays closer are lit too
WRITE_PIXEL( p, 255 );
newRay0 = c2xy( i2 - 1, y - 1 );
// the bounding rays form a zero-area frustum
// stop processing this ray pair
if ( c2Cross( newRay0, ray1 ) <= 0 ) {
outyr0 = ( i2 + 1 ) * newRay0.y / newRay0.x;
// if nothing is blocking the bottom ray -- keep it (no pinning to pixel corners)
int iny = Mini( ( inyr1 + 1 ) >> 1, limitY );
int outy = Mini( ( outyr1 + 1 ) >> 1, limitY );
c2_t in = c2Add( ci, c2Scale( e1, iny ) );
c2_t out = c2Add( ci, c2Scale( e1, outy ) );
if ( ! READ_PIXEL( in ) && ! READ_PIXEL( out ) ) {
newRay1 = ray1;
// if blocked, walk along the solid pixels toward the
// top ray until we find a hole, then pin the ray there
else {
int top = Mini( ( outyr0 + 1 ) >> 1, limitY );
int bottom = iny;
int y;
c2_t p = c2Add( ci, c2Scale( e1, bottom ) );
for ( y = bottom * 2; y >= top * 2;
y -= 2, p = c2Sub( p, e1 ) ) {
if ( ! READ_PIXEL( p ) ) {
// pixels that push rays closer are lit too
WRITE_PIXEL( p, 255 );
newRay1 = c2xy( i2 + 1, y + 1 );
// the bounding rays form a zero-area frustum
// stop processing this ray pair
if ( c2Cross( newRay0, newRay1 ) <= 0 ) {
inyr1 = ( i2 - 1 ) * newRay1.y / newRay1.x;
// == light up a chunk of pixels inside the frustum ==
int starty = ( outyr0 + 1 ) >> 1;
int endy = ( ( outyr1 + 1 ) >> 1 ) - 1;
int y;
c2_t p;
int miny = starty;
int maxy = Mini( endy, limitY );
c2_t start = c2Add( ci, c2Scale( e1, starty ) );
for ( y = miny, p = start; y <= maxy;
y++, p = c2Add( p, e1 ) ) {
WRITE_PIXEL( p, 255 );
// == collect any valid rays for the next column ==
// push top ray
ADD_RAY( newRay0 );
int top = Mini( ( outyr0 + 1 ) >> 1, limitY );
int bottom = Mini( ( inyr1 + 1 ) >> 1, limitY );
c2_t p = c2Add( ci, c2Scale( e1, top ) );
int prevPixel = READ_PIXEL( p );
for ( int y = top * 2; y <= bottom * 2;
y += 2, p = c2Add( p, e1 ) ) {
int pixel = READ_PIXEL( p );
if ( prevPixel != pixel ) {
c2_t ray = c2xy( pixel ? i2 + 1 : i2 - 1 , y - 1 );
// create / push any new rays inbetween
ADD_RAY( ray );
prevPixel = pixel;
// push bottom ray
ADD_RAY( newRay1 );
// these are hastily implemented as 'post processing' passses
// you could hard-code them in place of WRITE_PIXEL in the loops above if needed
if ( ! skipAttenuation ) {
c2_t ci = origin;
int rsq = radius * radius;
for ( int i = 0; i <= limitX; i++ ) {
c2_t p = ci;
for ( int j = 0; j <= limitY; j++ ) {
c2_t d = c2Sub( p, origin );
int dsq = c2Dot( d, d );
int mod = 255 - Mini( dsq * 255 / rsq, 255 );
int lit = !! outBitmap[p.x + p.y * bitmapWidth];
WRITE_PIXEL( p, mod * lit );
p = c2Add( p, e1 );
ci = c2Add( ci, e0 );
} else if ( ! skipClampToRadius ) {
c2_t ci = origin;
int rsq = radius * radius;
for ( int i = 0; i <= limitX; i++ ) {
c2_t p = ci;
for ( int j = 0; j <= limitY; j++ ) {
c2_t d = c2Sub( p, origin );
if ( c2Dot( d, d ) > rsq ) {
WRITE_PIXEL( p, 0 );
p = c2Add( p, e1 );
ci = c2Add( ci, e0 );
if ( darkWalls ) {
c2_t ci = origin;
for ( int i = 0; i <= limitX; i++ ) {
c2_t p = ci;
for ( int j = 0; j <= limitY; j++ ) {
if ( READ_PIXEL( p ) ) {
WRITE_PIXEL( p, 0 );
p = c2Add( p, e1 );
ci = c2Add( ci, e0 );
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zloedi commented Feb 28, 2017


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johnrees commented Apr 4, 2021

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zloedi commented Apr 12, 2021

Thanks! Updated the link there.

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zloedi commented Apr 12, 2021

I rebuilt the demo and ported it to emscripten. Check the live demo here:

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Wow amazing, thanks for sharing. Having a webassembly demo is a really nice feature.

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zloedi commented Apr 18, 2021

Here are known issues / edge cases I didn't bother to handle:

Diagonally neighbouring pixels 'leak':
Screenshot 2021-04-18 163316

There is a lit pixels when the bottom ray gets pushed/corrected at the edge of the map:
Screenshot 2021-04-18 163308

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