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Last active December 19, 2019 12:20
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QualityCenter - Python
import string
import sys
import os
from collections import Counter
import win32com.client
# Sample code for accessing QualityCenter
# 2014 (C) Zohar Lorberbaum
debug = False
class QualityCenter(object):
"""QualityCenter module."""
def __init__(self):
"""Initializing QualityCenter object does not require any input."""
self._td = win32com.client.Dispatch("TDApiOle80.TDConnection.1")
self._TSserver = 'QC URL'
self._TDname = 'QC IP'
self._username = 'QC Username'
self._pwd = 'QC Password'
def __call__(self):
print 'QualityCenter call'
def __getattr__(self,attr):
if attr == 'Requirements':
if not self.__dict__.has_key('_Requirements'):
return self._Requirements
raise AttributeError("%s instance has no attribute '%s'" % (self.__class__.__name__, attr))
def __repr__(self):
return "QualityCenter class"
def __dir__(self):
return d + self.__dict__.keys() + self.__class__.__dict__.keys()
def connect(self, domain, project):
"""Connect and login to QC, to specified domain and project"""
self._td.InitConnectionEx( "http://" + self._TSserver )
self._td.ConnectProjectEx(domain, project, self._username, self._pwd)
if debug: print self._td.Connected
return self._td.Connected
def disconnect(self):
""" Disconnect and logout from QC """
if not self.__dict__.has_key('_td'):
print "Not connected\n"
return True
if debug: print not self._td.LoggedIn
return not self._td.LoggedIn
class Requirements(object):
"""Object to hold Requirements in QualityCenter.
Accept360 S/N is the key to access the requirement."""
def __init__(self, td): = td
def __call__(self, *args, **kargs):
if kargs:
if kargs.has_key('SN'):
if self.__dict__.has_key('_Requirements'):
if self._Requirements.has_key(kargs['SN']):
return self._Requirements[kargs['SN']]
print 'No requirements were retreived from server yet.\nPlease perform a parsed query.'
return None
elif args:
if self.__dict__.has_key('_Requirements'):
if len(args)>0:
for arg in args:
if arg[:2]=='SN':
if self._Requirements.has_key(arg[2:]):
return self._Requirements[arg[2:]]
if self._Requirements.has_key(arg):
return self._Requirements[arg]
print str(arg) + ' was not found'
return None
print 'Please load requirements from server first.'
return None
if not self.__dict__.has_key('_Requirements'):
return self._Requirements
def __getattr__(self,attr):
if attr == 'Requirements':
if not self.__dict__.has_key('_Requirements'):
return self._Requirements
elif self.__dict__.has_key(attr):
return self.__dict__[attr]
elif self.__dict__.has_key('_Requirements'):
if len(attr)>2:
if attr[:2]=='SN':
if self._Requirements.has_key(attr[2:]):
return self._Requirements[attr[2:]]
if self._Requirements.has_key(attr):
return self._Requirements[attr]
for req in self.rList:
if not req.IsFolder: # Ignore requirement folders (they do not have S/N)
SN = req.Field('RQ_USER_03') # This is the custom field where we currently store Accept360 S/N
if SN == attr:
return req
raise AttributeError("%s instance has no attribute '%s'" % (self.__class__.__name__, attr))
def __getitem__(self,attr):
if self.__dict__.has_key(attr):
return self.__dict__[attr]
elif self.__dict__.has_key('_Requirements'):
if len(attr)>2:
if attr[:2]=='SN':
if self._Requirements.has_key(attr[2:]):
return self._Requirements[attr[2:]]
if self._Requirements.has_key(attr):
return self._Requirements[attr]
for req in self.rList:
if not req.IsFolder: # Ignore requirement folders (they do not have S/N)
SN = req.Field('RQ_USER_03') # This is the custom field where we currently store Accept360 S/N
if SN == attr:
return req
return str(attr) + ' was not found'
raise AttributeError("%s instance has no attribute '%s'" % (self.__class__.__name__, attr))
def __repr__(self):
if self.__dict__.has_key('_Requirements'):
return 'Requirements: '+str(self._Requirements.keys())
return 'No requirements were retreived from server yet.\nPlease perform a parsed query.'
def __dir__(self):
if self.__dict__.has_key('_Requirements'):
for k in self._Requirements.keys():
return l + self.__dict__.keys() + self.__class__.__dict__.keys()
def get(self):
"Returns a list with all requirement objects"
self.rFact =
self.rList = self.rFact.NewList('')
return self.rList
def getCoverage(self):
"Get test coverage for all requirements in the project that have Accept360 SN filled in."
self._Requirements = dict() # Stores all requirements to be returned from this function
for req in self.rList:
if debug: print req.ID,
if not req.IsFolder: # Ignore requirement folders (they do not have S/N)
SN = req.Field('RQ_USER_03') # This is the custom field where we currently store Accept360 S/N
NAME = req.Name.encode('ascii', 'ignore') # Requirement name
if not SN: # Skip requirements that have no S/N
if debug:
print repr(SN),'\t',
print NAME[:64],'\t'
if debug: print SN.encode('ascii', 'ignore'),'\t',
if debug: print NAME[:64],'\t',
cnt = Counter()
if not req.HasCoverage: # Check if requirement has test coverage
if debug: print
cvr = req.GetCoverageTestConfigs()
if debug: print repr(cvr)
for c in cvr:
cnt[str(c.ExecStatus)] += 1
if debug: print cnt,
# Handle cases where there are multiple serial numbers listed
for s in sns:
if not self._Requirements.has_key(sn):
self._Requirements[sn] = dict()
self._Requirements[sn]['TestCoverageDetails'] = Counter()
self._Requirements[sn]['TestCoverage'] = dict()
self._Requirements[sn]['Name'] = NAME
self._Requirements[sn]['ID'] = req.ID
self._Requirements[sn]['Tester'] = list()
self._Requirements[sn]['TestCoverageDetails'] += cnt
if debug: print
# Calculate percent complete for all collected requirements
if debug: print '\n----------------------------------------\n'
for sn in self._Requirements.keys():
if debug: print sn,
self._Requirements[sn]['TestCoverage']['Total'] = 0
self._Requirements[sn]['TestCoverage']['Progress'] = 0
for t in self._Requirements[sn]['TestCoverageDetails'].keys():
#if t not in ['N/A']: # This would ignore N/A tests from the total - not for now since this could apply to only part of the scope
self._Requirements[sn]['TestCoverage']['Total'] += self._Requirements[sn]['TestCoverageDetails'][t]
if t in ['Passed', 'Failed']:
self._Requirements[sn]['TestCoverage']['Progress'] += self._Requirements[sn]['TestCoverageDetails'][t]
if self._Requirements[sn]['TestCoverage']['Total'] == 0:
self._Requirements[sn]['TestCoverage']['%Complete'] = 0.0
self._Requirements[sn]['TestCoverage']['%Complete'] = \
int( 100.0*self._Requirements[sn]['TestCoverage']['Progress']/self._Requirements[sn]['TestCoverage']['Total'] )
if debug: print self._Requirements[sn]['TestCoverage']
return self._Requirements
def __setitem__(self, key, values):
"""Example: a.Tasks['26123']={'codeComplete':37.0}"""
if not self.__dict__.has_key('_Requirements'):
print 'No QualityCenter Project was loaded and parsed yet.\nPlease load requirements from QualityCenter first.'
return None
elif type(values)!=type(dict()):
print 'Requirement updated fields should be in a form of a dictionary.\nPossible keys are:',
print self._msfields
return None
elif len(key)>2:
if key[:2]=='SN':
if self._Requirements.has_key(key[2:]):
return self._update(key[2:], values)
elif self._Requirements.has_key(key):
return self._update(key, values)
for req in self.rList:
if not req.IsFolder: # Ignore requirement folders (they do not have S/N)
SN = req.Field('RQ_USER_03') # This is the custom field where we currently store Accept360 S/N
if SN == key:
return self._update(key, values)
print str(key) + ' was not found'
raise AttributeError("%s instance has no attribute '%s'" % (self.__class__.__name__, key))
def _update(self, key, values):
updt = True
found = False
for req in self.rList:
if not req.IsFolder: # Ignore requirement folders (they do not have S/N)
SN = req.Field('RQ_USER_03') # This is the custom field where we currently store Accept360 S/N
if SN:
if SN == key:
for k, v in values.iteritems():
if k=='Name':
if k=='Tester':
req.SetField("RQ_USER_02", str(v))
raise KeyError("Unknown or unsupported QualityCenter field: %s" % k)
found = True
elif SN.split(',').count(key)>0:
print '\n*** Code does not hanlde update of tasks with multiple Accept360 requirements, unless list of tasks exactly match.'
print '*** Skipping update of requirment '+str(key)+'.'
updt = False
return updt & found
def findReqID(self, reqName):
"""Return QC requirement ID for given requirement name."""
for req in self.rList:
if req.Name == reqName:
return req.ID
def addRequirement(self, parentName, RequirementName, SN='', Tester='', TypeId='Testing', *args, **kargs):
"""Add a new requirement, given name and parent name, with optional TypeID and with optional fields configuration as a dictionaty)."""
rf =
prid = self.findReqID(parentName)
if not prid:
raise KeyError("Parent requirement not found: %s" % parentName)
nr = rf.AddItem(None)
nr.ParentId = prid
#Clean Requirement name from unsupported characters: The characters \\/:"?\'<>|*% are not allowed.
clnReq = RequirementName.replace('\\','-').replace('/','-').replace(':','-').replace('"','').replace('?',' ').replace("'",'').replace('<',' ').replace('>',' ').replace('|',' ').replace('*',' ').replace('%',' ')
nr.Name = clnReq
nr.TypeId = TypeId
nr.SetField('RQ_USER_02', str(Tester))
nr.SetField('RQ_USER_03', str(SN))
for k in kargs:
nr.__setattr__(str(k), str(kargs[k]))
return nr.ID
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