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Created July 4, 2017 20:16
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SML modules implementing sets, NFA and DFA
val _ = use "Set.sml";
functor Automata(eqtype alpha) :>
type nfa
type dfa
type regex
val Union : regex * regex -> regex
val Concat : regex * regex -> regex
val Star : regex -> regex
val Null : regex
val Emp : regex
val Sym : alpha -> regex
val Plus : regex -> regex
val Question : regex -> regex
val Times : regex * int -> regex
val UnionList : alpha list -> regex
val regexToNFA : regex -> nfa
val matchesNFA : nfa -> alpha list -> bool
val NFAtoDFA : nfa -> dfa
val matchesDFA : dfa -> alpha list -> bool
= struct
datatype lbl = Epislon | Label of alpha
structure NFAStateSet = EqListSetFn(type t = int)
structure NFATransSet = EqListSetFn(type t = NFAStateSet.t * lbl * NFAStateSet.t)
structure NFAStateToTrans = CrossSet(struct structure S1 = NFAStateSet structure S2 = NFATransSet end)
structure NFATransToState = CrossSet(struct structure S1 = NFATransSet structure S2 = NFAStateSet end)
structure DFAStateSet = ListSetFn(struct
type t = NFAStateSet.t NFAStateSet.set
fun equal(x, y) = NFAStateSet.equals x y
structure DFATransSet = ListSetFn(struct
type t = DFAStateSet.t * alpha * DFAStateSet.t
fun equal((f1, l1, t1), (f2, l2, t2)) = (NFAStateSet.equals f1 f2) andalso (l1 = l2) andalso (NFAStateSet.equals t1 t2)
structure DFAStateToTrans = CrossSet(struct structure S1 = DFAStateSet structure S2 = DFATransSet end)
structure DFATransToState = CrossSet(struct structure S1 = DFATransSet structure S2 = DFAStateSet end)
type nfa = {
states : int,
trans : NFATransSet.t NFATransSet.set,
accept : NFAStateSet.t NFAStateSet.set
type dfa = {
start : DFAStateSet.t,
states : DFAStateSet.t DFAStateSet.set,
trans : DFATransSet.t DFATransSet.set,
accept : DFAStateSet.t DFAStateSet.set
datatype regex =
Union of regex * regex
| Concat of regex * regex
| Star of regex
| Null
| Emp
| Sym of alpha
fun Plus r = Concat(r, Star r)
fun Question r = Union(r, Emp)
fun Times (r, 0) = Emp
| Times (r, n) = Concat(r, Times(r, n - 1))
fun UnionList [] = Emp
| UnionList [x] = Sym x
| UnionList (x::xs) = Union(Sym x, UnionList xs)
fun regexToNFA Null = {states = 1, trans = NFATransSet.empty, accept = NFAStateSet.empty}
| regexToNFA Emp = {states = 1, trans = NFATransSet.empty, accept = NFAStateSet.singleton 0}
| regexToNFA (Sym a) = {states = 2, trans = NFATransSet.singleton (0, Label a, 1), accept = NFAStateSet.singleton 1}
| regexToNFA (Union (r1, r2)) =
val nfa1 = regexToNFA r1
val nfa2 = regexToNFA r2
states = 1 + #states nfa1 + #states nfa2,
trans = NFATransSet.bigUnion
NFATransSet.singleton (0, Epislon, 1),
NFATransSet.singleton (0, Epislon, 1 + #states nfa1), (fn (f, l, t) => (f + 1, l, t + 1)) (#trans nfa1), (fn (f, l, t) => (f + 1 + (#states nfa1), l, t + 1 + (#states nfa1))) (#trans nfa2)
accept =
( (fn x => x + 1) (#accept nfa1))
( (fn x => x + 1 + (#states nfa1)) (#accept nfa2))
| regexToNFA (Concat (r1, r2)) =
val nfa1 = regexToNFA r1
val nfa2 = regexToNFA r2
states = #states nfa1 + #states nfa2,
trans = NFATransSet.bigUnion
#trans nfa1, (fn (f, l, t) => (f + (#states nfa1), l, t + (#states nfa1))) (#trans nfa2), (fn x => (x, Epislon, #states nfa1)) (#accept nfa1)
accept = (fn x => x + (#states nfa1)) (#accept nfa2)
| regexToNFA (Star r) =
val nfa = regexToNFA r
states = 1 + #states nfa,
trans = NFATransSet.bigUnion
[ (fn (f, l, t) => (f + 1, l, t + 1)) (#trans nfa), (fn x => (x + 1, Epislon, 0)) (#accept nfa),
NFATransSet.singleton (0, Epislon, 1)
accept = NFAStateSet.singleton 0
fun epsilonClosureFromState nfa state =
val visited = ref (NFAStateSet.singleton state)
fun helper s =
val directEpsilon = (fn (_, _, t) => t) ( (fn (f, x, t) => f = s andalso x = Epislon andalso (not (NFAStateSet.member t (!visited)))) (#trans nfa))
val _ = visited := NFAStateSet.union (!visited) directEpsilon
val _ = helper directEpsilon
val _ = helper state
fun epsilonClosureFromStates nfa states = NFAStateSet.bigUnion (map (epsilonClosureFromState nfa) (NFAStateSet.toList states))
fun move nfa symbol states = (fn (_, _, t) => t) ( (fn (f, x, _) => NFAStateSet.member f states andalso x = Label symbol) (#trans nfa))
fun reachableFromState nfa s symbol = epsilonClosureFromStates nfa (move nfa symbol (epsilonClosureFromState nfa s))
fun matchesNFA nfa lst =
fun curStates [] s = s
| curStates (x::xs) s =
curStates xs (NFAStateSet.bigUnion (map (fn st => reachableFromState nfa st x) (NFAStateSet.toList s)))
NFAStateSet.size (NFAStateSet.intersect (curStates lst (NFAStateSet.singleton 0)) (#accept nfa)) > 0
structure LabelSet = EqListSetFn(type t = lbl)
structure AlphaSet = EqListSetFn(type t = alpha)
structure TransToLabel = CrossSet(struct structure S1 = NFATransSet structure S2 = LabelSet end)
structure LabelToAlpha = CrossSet(struct structure S1 = LabelSet structure S2 = AlphaSet end)
fun getNFAalphabet nfa = (fn Label x => x | _ => raise Fail "placeholder") ( (fn Label _ => true | _ => false) ( (fn (_, l, _) => l) (#trans nfa)))
structure AlphaStatesSet = ListSetFn(struct
type t = alpha * NFAStateSet.t NFAStateSet.set
fun equal ((a1, s1), (a2, s2)) = (a1 = a2) andalso NFAStateSet.equals s1 s2
structure AlphaToAlphaStates = CrossSet(struct structure S1 = AlphaSet structure S2 = AlphaStatesSet end)
structure AlphaStatesToDFAState = CrossSet(struct structure S1 = AlphaStatesSet structure S2 = DFAStateSet end)
structure AlphaStatesToDFATrans = CrossSet(struct structure S1 = AlphaStatesSet structure S2 = DFATransSet end)
fun NFAtoDFA nfa =
val alphabet = getNFAalphabet nfa
val start = epsilonClosureFromState nfa 0
fun helper [] states trans = (states, trans)
| helper (cur::left) states trans =
if DFAStateSet.member cur states then
helper left states trans
val t = (fn a => (a, epsilonClosureFromStates nfa (move nfa a cur))) alphabet
val unexplored = (fn (_, x) => x) t
val new_trans = (fn (a, s) => (cur, a, s)) t
helper (left @ (DFAStateSet.toList unexplored)) (DFAStateSet.add cur states) (DFATransSet.union trans new_trans)
val (states, trans) = helper [start] DFAStateSet.empty DFATransSet.empty
val accept = (NFAStateSet.exists (fn s => NFAStateSet.member s (#accept nfa))) states
start = start,
states = states,
trans = trans,
accept = accept
fun matchesDFA dfa lst =
fun curState [] s = s
| curState (x::xs) s =
curState xs (DFAStateSet.pick ( (fn (_, _, t) => t) ( (fn (f, l, _) => NFAStateSet.equals f s andalso l = x) (#trans dfa))))
DFAStateSet.member (curState lst (#start dfa)) (#accept dfa)
handle Subscript => false
signature SET = sig
type t
type 'a set
val empty : 'a set
val singleton : 'a -> 'a set
val size : 'a set -> int
val member : t -> t set -> bool
val subset : t set -> t set -> bool
val equals : t set -> t set -> bool
val add : t -> t set -> t set
val drop : t -> t set -> t set
val pick : 'a set -> 'a
val pickdrop : 'a set -> 'a * 'a set
val union : t set -> t set -> t set
val intersect : t set -> t set -> t set
val difference : t set -> t set -> t set
val bigUnion : t set list -> t set
val bigIntersect : t set list -> t set
val fromList : t list -> t set
val toList : 'a set -> 'a list
val select : ('a -> bool) -> 'a set -> 'a set
val map : ('a -> t) -> 'a set -> t set
val app : ('a -> unit) -> 'a set -> unit
val exists : ('a -> bool) -> 'a set -> bool
functor CrossSet (structure S1 : SET structure S2 : SET) :>
val convert : S2.t S1.set -> S2.t S2.set
val map : ('a -> S2.t) -> 'a S1.set -> S2.t S2.set
= struct
fun convert s = S2.fromList (S1.toList s)
fun map f = S2.fromList o ( f) o S1.toList
functor ListSetFn (EQ : sig type t val equal : t * t -> bool end) :> SET where type t = EQ.t = struct
type t = EQ.t
type 'a set = 'a list
val empty = []
fun singleton x = [x]
val size = List.length
fun member x l = List.exists (fn y => EQ.equal(x, y)) l
fun subset [] _ = true
| subset (e::es) s = member e s andalso subset es s
fun equals s1 s2 = size s1 = size s2 andalso subset s1 s2
fun add x [] = [x]
| add x (e::es) = if EQ.equal(e, x) then (e::es) else e :: (add x es)
fun drop x [] = []
| drop x (e::es) = if EQ.equal(e, x) then es else e :: (drop x es)
fun pick [] = raise Subscript
| pick (x::_) = x
fun pickdrop [] = raise Subscript
| pickdrop (x::xs) = (x, xs)
fun union [] s = s
| union (x::xs) s = union xs (add x s)
fun intersect [] _ = []
| intersect (e::es) s = if member e s then e :: (intersect es s) else intersect es s
fun difference [] _ = []
| difference (e::es) s = if member e s then difference es s else e :: (difference es s)
fun bigUnion [] = []
| bigUnion (s::ss) = union s (bigUnion ss)
fun bigIntersect [] = []
| bigIntersect (s::ss) = intersect s (bigIntersect ss)
fun fromList l = bigUnion (map (fn x => [x]) l)
fun toList l = l
val select = List.filter
fun map f = fromList o ( f)
val app =
val exists = List.exists
functor EqListSetFn(eqtype t) :> SET where type t = t = struct
structure T = ListSetFn(struct type t = t val equal = op= end)
open T
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