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Last active May 19, 2017 13:42
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datatype player = X | O;
datatype cell = Nil | Cell of player;
datatype state = Win of player | Draw;
exception IllegalState;
val newboard = List.tabulate (9, fn _ => Nil);
fun getNext [] _ = []
| getNext (Nil::cs) p = ((Cell p)::cs) :: map (fn l => Nil::l) (getNext cs p)
| getNext (c::cs) p = map (fn l => c::l) (getNext cs p)
fun checkWinner [Cell X, Cell X, Cell X, _, _, _, _, _, _] = SOME (Win X)
| checkWinner [ _, _, _, Cell X, Cell X, Cell X, _, _, _] = SOME (Win X)
| checkWinner [ _, _, _, _, _, _, Cell X, Cell X, Cell X] = SOME (Win X)
| checkWinner [Cell X, _, _, Cell X, _, _, Cell X, _, _] = SOME (Win X)
| checkWinner [ _, Cell X, _, _, Cell X, _, _, Cell X, _] = SOME (Win X)
| checkWinner [ _, _, Cell X, _, _, Cell X, _, _, Cell X] = SOME (Win X)
| checkWinner [Cell X, _, _, _, Cell X, _, _, _, Cell X] = SOME (Win X)
| checkWinner [ _, _, Cell X, _, Cell X, _, Cell X, _, _] = SOME (Win X)
| checkWinner [Cell O, Cell O, Cell O, _, _, _, _, _, _] = SOME (Win O)
| checkWinner [ _, _, _, Cell O, Cell O, Cell O, _, _, _] = SOME (Win O)
| checkWinner [ _, _, _, _, _, _, Cell O, Cell O, Cell O] = SOME (Win O)
| checkWinner [Cell O, _, _, Cell O, _, _, Cell O, _, _] = SOME (Win O)
| checkWinner [ _, Cell O, _, _, Cell O, _, _, Cell O, _] = SOME (Win O)
| checkWinner [ _, _, Cell O, _, _, Cell O, _, _, Cell O] = SOME (Win O)
| checkWinner [Cell O, _, _, _, Cell O, _, _, _, Cell O] = SOME (Win O)
| checkWinner [ _, _, Cell O, _, Cell O, _, Cell O, _, _] = SOME (Win O)
| checkWinner l =
if length l <> 9 then
raise IllegalState
else if List.exists (fn Nil => true | _ => false) l then
datatype boardTree = Result of state | Next of cell list * boardTree list
fun genTree p b =
case checkWinner b of
NONE => Next(b, map (genTree (case p of X => O | O => X)) (getNext b p))
| SOME(s) => Next(b, [Result s])
type color = bool
type xy = int*int
datatype image = Image of xy * color array array;
fun image dim clr = Image(dim, Array.tabulate((#2 dim), fn i => Array.tabulate((#1 dim), fn j => clr)));
fun size (Image(dim, _)) = dim;
fun drawPixel (Image(dim, data)) clr (pos : xy) =
Array.update(Array.sub(data, (#2 pos)), (#1 pos), clr)
handle Subscript => ();
fun drawLine img clr (pos0 : xy) (pos1 : xy) =
val (x0, y0) = pos0
val (x1, y1) = pos1
val dx = Int.abs(x1 - x0)
val dy = Int.abs(y1 - y0)
val sx = if x0 < x1 then 1 else ~1;
val sy = if y0 < y1 then 1 else ~1;
fun helper x y err = (
drawPixel img clr (x, y);
if (x = x1) andalso (y = y1) then ()
if 2 * err > ~dy then
if 2 * err < dx then
helper (x + sx) (y + sy) (err - dy + dx)
helper (x + sx) y (err - dy)
if 2 * err < dx then
helper x (y + sy) (err + dx)
helper x0 y0 (dx - dy)
fun toPPM (Image((w, h), data)) filename =
val oc = BinIO.openOut filename
fun boolListToWord8 l =
fun helper [] 0 acc = acc
| helper _ 0 _ = raise Overflow
| helper [] n acc = helper [] (n - 1) (Word8.<< (acc, 0wx1))
| helper (x::xs) n acc = helper xs (n - 1) (Word8.orb (Word8.<< (acc, 0wx1), if x then 0wx1 else 0wx0))
helper l 8 0wx0
fun softTake _ 0 = []
| softTake [] _ = []
| softTake (x::xs) n = x :: (softTake xs (n - 1))
fun softDrop xs 0 = xs
| softDrop [] _ = []
| softDrop (x::xs) n = softDrop xs (n - 1)
fun toWord8List [] acc = acc
| toWord8List l acc = toWord8List (softDrop l 8) (acc @ [boolListToWord8 (softTake l 8)])
fun printRow row = BinIO.output(oc, Word8Vector.fromList (toWord8List (Array.foldr (op::) [] row) []))
fun printData () =
fun helper i =
if i = h then
else (
printRow (Array.sub (data, i));
helper (i + 1)
helper 0
BinIO.output(oc,Byte.stringToBytes("P4 " ^ Int.toString w ^ " " ^ Int.toString h ^ "\n"));
printData ();
BinIO.closeOut oc
fun getPixel (Image(_, data)) ((x, y) : xy) = Array.sub(Array.sub(data, y), x)
fun drawAll (Image((w, h), data)) f = Array.appi (fn (y, row) => (Array.modifyi (fn (x, _) => f((x, y) : xy)) row)) data
fun insert img ((x0, y0) : xy) (img2 as Image((w, h), _)) =
(fn (x, y) =>
if x < x0 orelse y < y0 orelse x >= x0 + w orelse y >= y0 + h then
getPixel img (x, y)
getPixel img2 (x - x0, y - y0)
fun cellToImg Nil =
Image((9, 9), Array.fromList[
Array.fromList [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true],
Array.fromList [ true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true],
Array.fromList [ true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true],
Array.fromList [ true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true],
Array.fromList [ true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true],
Array.fromList [ true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true],
Array.fromList [ true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true],
Array.fromList [ true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true],
Array.fromList [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true]
| cellToImg (Cell p) =
val i = cellToImg Nil
val i2 = Image((5, 5),
case p of
X =>
Array.fromList[ true, false, false, false, true],
Array.fromList[false, true, false, true, false],
Array.fromList[false, false, true, false, false],
Array.fromList[false, true, false, true, false],
Array.fromList[ true, false, false, false, true]
| O => Array.fromList[
Array.fromList[false, true, true, true, false],
Array.fromList[ true, false, false, false, true],
Array.fromList[ true, false, false, false, true],
Array.fromList[ true, false, false, false, true],
Array.fromList[false, true, true, true, false]
val _ = insert i (2, 2) i2
fun boardToImg [c11, c12, c13, c21, c22, c23, c31, c32, c33] =
val i = image (25, 25) false;
val _ = insert i ( 0, 0) (cellToImg c11);
val _ = insert i ( 8, 0) (cellToImg c12);
val _ = insert i (16, 0) (cellToImg c13);
val _ = insert i ( 0, 8) (cellToImg c21);
val _ = insert i ( 8, 8) (cellToImg c22);
val _ = insert i (16, 8) (cellToImg c23);
val _ = insert i ( 0, 16) (cellToImg c31);
val _ = insert i ( 8, 16) (cellToImg c32);
val _ = insert i (16, 16) (cellToImg c33);
| boardToImg _ = raise IllegalState;
fun stateToImg s =
val i = image (25, 25) false
val i2 = cellToImg (case s of Draw => Nil | Win p => Cell p)
val _ = drawAll i (fn (x, y) => getPixel i2 ((x + 1) div 3, (y + 1) div 3))
fun treeToImg (Result s) = stateToImg s
| treeToImg (Next (brd, ts)) =
val imgs = map (treeToImg) ts
val cur = boardToImg brd
val width = let val other = foldl op+ 0 (map (fn i => #1(size i) + 3) imgs) + 3 in if other > #1(size cur) then other else #1(size cur) + 6 end
val height = (foldl (fn (h1, h2) => if h1 > h2 then h1 else h2) 0 (map (fn i => #2(size i)) imgs)) + 2 * #2(size cur)
val img = image (width, height) false
val _ = insert img ((width - #1(size cur)) div 2, 0) cur
fun helper [] _ = ()
| helper (i::is) (x, y) = (insert img (x, y) i; drawLine img true (width div 2, 0 + #2(size cur)) (x + (#1(size i) div 2), y); helper is (x + #1(size i) + 3, y))
val _ = helper imgs (3, 0 + 2 * #2(size cur))
fun numberOfXWins (Result (Win X)) = 1
| numberOfXWins (Result _) = 0
| numberOfXWins (Next(_, ns)) = foldl (op+) 0 (map numberOfXWins ns)
fun numberOfOWins (Result (Win O)) = 1
| numberOfOWins (Result _) = 0
| numberOfOWins (Next(_, ns)) = foldl (op+) 0 (map numberOfOWins ns)
fun numberOfDraws (Result Draw) = 1
| numberOfDraws (Result _) = 0
| numberOfDraws (Next(_, ns)) = foldl (op+) 0 (map numberOfDraws ns)
(*val i = boardToImg [Cell O, Cell O, Cell X, Nil, Nil, Cell X, Cell X, Cell O, Cell O];*)
(*val i = stateToImg (Draw);*)
(*val t = Next(hd (getNext newboard X), [Result Draw, Result (Win X), Next(newboard, [Result Draw, Result (Win O)]), Result Draw, Result (Win O)]);*)
(*fun uptoLevel _ (Result r) = Result r
| uptoLevel 0 (Next (brd, _)) = Next (brd, [])
| uptoLevel n (Next (brd, ts)) = Next (brd, map (uptoLevel (n - 1)) ts);*)
(*fun subtree _ (Result r) = Result r
| subtree 0 t = t
| subtree n (Next(_, _::t::_)) = subtree (n - 1) t
| subtree n (Next(_, t::_)) = subtree (n - 1) t*)
(*val whole = genTree X newboard;
val xs = numberOfXWins whole;
val os = numberOfOWins whole;
val ds = numberOfDraws whole;*)
(*val t = subtree 4 whole;*)
val t = genTree O [Nil, Cell X, Cell O, Nil, Cell X, Cell O, Nil, Nil, Cell X]
val i = treeToImg t;
toPPM i "test.ppm";
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