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Created June 1, 2014 23:29
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package com.lge.metr
import org.scalacheck.Properties
import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll
import org.scalacheck.Prop.BooleanOperators
import org.scalacheck.Prop.classify
import org.scalacheck.Prop.collect
import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary
import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary._
import org.scalacheck._
import Gen._
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import JavaModel._
object DlocProperty extends Properties("Metr") with MetricCounter {
def genIf(sz:Int): Gen[Stmt] =
if (sz <= 0) OtherStmt()
else for {
thenPart <- genStmt(sz/2)
elseStmts <- genStmt(sz/2)
elsePart <- oneOf(None, Some(elseStmts))
} yield IfStmt(thenPart, elsePart)
def genSwitch(sz:Int): Gen[Stmt] = for {
n <- choose(sz/3, sz/2)
cases <- listOfN(n, genStmt(sz/2))
} yield SwitchStmt(cases)
def genLoop(sz:Int): Gen[Stmt] = for {
body <- genStmt(sz/2)
} yield LoopStmt("keyword", body)
def genBlock(sz:Int): Gen[Stmt] = for {
n <- choose(sz/3, sz/2)
statements <- listOfN(n, genStmt(sz/2))
} yield BlockStmt(statements)
def genSync(sz:Int): Gen[Stmt] = for {
body <- genStmt(sz/2)
} yield SyncStmt(body)
def genTry(sz:Int): Gen[Stmt] = for {
body <- genStmt(sz/2)
catchers <- listOfN(sz/2, genStmt(sz/2))
stmt <- genStmt(sz/2)
finalizer <- oneOf(None, Some(stmt))
} yield TryStmt(body, catchers, finalizer)
def genStmt(sz:Int): Gen[Stmt] = {
if (sz <= 0) const(OtherStmt())
frequency((3, genIf(sz/2)), (3, genSwitch(sz/2)), (3, genLoop(sz/2)),
(3, genBlock(sz/2)), (3, genSync(sz/2)), (3, genTry(sz/2)),
(1, const(OtherStmt())))
def genMethod(sz:Int): Gen[Method] = for {
body <- genStmt(sz/2)
} yield Method("method", body)
def genCtor(sz:Int): Gen[Ctor] = for {
body <- genStmt(sz/2)
} yield Ctor("ctor", body)
implicit def arbExecutable: Arbitrary[Executable] = Arbitrary {
def sizedExecutable(sz:Int): Gen[Executable] =
oneOf(genMethod(sz/2), genCtor(sz/2))
sized(sz => sizedExecutable(sz))
implicit def arbStmt: Arbitrary[Stmt] = Arbitrary {
sized(sz => genStmt(sz))
implicit def stmtToExecutable(stmt:Stmt): Executable = {
Method("stmt2Method", stmt)
// "모든 메소드에 대해 SLOC >= DLOC 이다. "
// excerpt from
property(" #1. 모든 메소드에 대해 SLOC >= DLOC 이다.(invariant)") = forAll {(exe:Executable) =>
sloc(exe) >= dloc(exe)
def codefat(exe:Executable): Double = (sloc(exe) - dloc(exe)) / sloc(exe)
// "CodeFat: control flow 상의 decision depth 를 증가시키는 요소들(if/switch-case/while/for/do-while)을
// 코드상의 지방 요소라고 보아, 전체 코드에서 얼마나 지방 요소가 포함되어 있는지 비율로 나타낸 지표"
// excerpt from
property(" #2. 임의의 statement 에 대해 if 로 감싸면 codefat 이 증가한다.") = forAll {(stmt:Stmt) =>
def isSlocZero(exe:Executable): Boolean = sloc(exe) == 0
val stmtIfNested = IfStmt(stmt, None)
!isSlocZero(stmt) ==> codefat(stmtIfNested) > codefat(stmt)
property(" #3. codefat 은 IF 문이 블락 끝에 추가되는 것 보다 중첩될 때 더 증가한다.") =
forAll {(stmt:Stmt) =>
classify(dloc(stmt) <= 0, "DLOC == 0", "DLOC > 0") {
classify(sloc(stmt) <= 0, "SLOC == 0", "SLOC > 0") {
val ifNested = IfStmt(stmt,None)
val ifAppended = BlockStmt(List(stmt, IfStmt(BlockStmt(List()), None)))
codefat(ifNested) >= codefat(ifAppended)
property(" #4. dloc 는 Block 문에 대해 분배법칙이 성립한다.") =
forAll {(stmt1:Stmt, stmt2:Stmt) => {
dloc(stmt1) + dloc(stmt2) == dloc(BlockStmt(List(stmt1, stmt2)))
// (dloc(stmt1) + dloc(stmt2)) / (sloc(stmt1) + sloc(stmt2)) ==
// dloc(Block(stmt1 + stmt2)) / sloc(Block(stmt1 + stmt2))
property(" #5. Block distribution over dloc/sloc") =
forAll (genStmt(6),genStmt(6)) {(stmt1:Stmt, stmt2:Stmt) => {
val sumSloc = sloc(stmt1) + sloc(stmt2)
val r1 = dloc(stmt1) / sumSloc
val r2 = dloc(stmt2) / sumSloc
val dlocBlock = dloc(BlockStmt(List(stmt1, stmt2)))
val slocBlock = sloc(BlockStmt(List(stmt1, stmt2)))
val ret = r1 + r2 == dlocBlock / slocBlock
if (ret == false) {
println ("[%s]: %f == %f" format (r1 + r2 == dlocBlock / slocBlock, r1 + r2, dlocBlock / slocBlock))
println ("[%s]: %f (= %f + %f) == %f (= %f / %f) " format (r1 + r2 == dlocBlock / slocBlock, r1 + r2, r1, r2, dlocBlock / slocBlock, dlocBlock, slocBlock))
property(" #6. 랜덤방식의 입력값 생성은 3 * n - 5 == 64 을 만족하는 n 을 만들 확률이 매우 낮다.") =
forAll {(n:Int) =>
if (3 * n - 5 == 64) {
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