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Last active February 11, 2017 18:57
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RPG MO Level up notification

To run the mod, run the code below in the console, I've checked it with the last game version I had (57-4-2-1a).

demo pic

demo pic 2

demo gif

var MSG = '<span>You have gained level </span><span style="color:#fff;">{level}</span> <span>{skill}</span>!';
var MSG_ITEMS = 'New items available!'; // not used atm
lang.en.interface[MSG] = "";
lang.en.interface[MSG_ITEMS] = "";
/// wrapper function to call from Client.level_up()
function onLevelUp(a)
var skill =;
var level = skills[0][skill].level + 1;
go(_ti(capitaliseFirstLetter(skill)), level);
/// helper function to set multiple CSS properties with one call
function setStyle(elem, style)
for (var s in style)[s] = style[s];
/// helper function to set opacity of an element.
function setOpacity(elem, value)
{ = value; = "alpha(opacity=" + Math.round(value * 100) + ")";
/// helper function for tween animation
function animate(time, onProgress, onComplete)
var animTimer = 0;
var next = requestAnimationFrame(function go(t)
if (!animTimer)
animTimer = t;
var delta = (t - animTimer);
var finished = delta > time
if (!finished)
next = requestAnimationFrame(go);
onProgress && onProgress(Math.min(delta / time, 1));
if (finished)
onComplete && onComplete();
function cancel()
return cancel;
/// create notification window (DOM element)
function createWindow(skill, level, newItems)
var textDiv = document.createElement('div');
setStyle(textDiv, {
position: "relative",
width: "100%",
float: "left",
textAlign: "center",
color: "#ff0",
textDiv.innerHTML = _ti(MSG, { skill: skill, level:level });
var div = document.createElement('div');
setStyle(div, {
position: "absolute",
left: "50%",
width: "400px",
marginLeft: "-200px",
top: "20%",
fontSize: "1em",
padding: "7px",
border: "2px solid #666",
borderRadius: "0",
zIndex: "100",
textAlign: "center",
div.className = "menu_no_opacity";
return div;
/// create and show animation
function go(skill, level, newItems)
var div = createWindow(skill, level, newItems);
setOpacity(div, 0);
animate(350, function(p)
setOpacity(div, p);
}, function()
setTimeout(hide, 3500);
function hide()
animate(700, function(p)
setOpacity(div, 1-p);
}, function()
if (div && div.parentNode)
// hook to Client.level_up for demo purposes
_wrapper.removeByTag(Client.level_up, "lvlup_anim");
Client.level_up = _wrapper.callBefore(Client.level_up, onLevelUp, "lvlup_anim");
// This is a utility class for demo. Not necessary for production.
window._wrapper = (function(){
var _wrapper = {
wrap: function(f, factory, tag)
var wrapper = factory(f);
var newFunc = function()
if (newFunc._enabled)
return wrapper.apply(this, arguments);
return f.apply(this, arguments);
newFunc._f = f;
newFunc._enabled = true;
newFunc._disable = function(){ newFunc._enabled = false; };
newFunc._enable = function(){ newFunc._enabled = true; };
newFunc._delete = function(){ newFunc._disable(); } // todo: remove gracefully (changing linked list of wrappers)
newFunc._tag = tag;
if (f._delete) // if func itself is wrapper, mark it's parent
f._parent = newFunc;
return newFunc;
callBefore: function(f, wrapper, tag)
return _wrapper.wrap(f, function(w){ return _wrapper.orig(f, wrapper); }, tag);
findTag: function(f, tag)
var cur = f;
while (cur && (cur._tag != tag))
cur = f._f;
return cur;
removeByTag: function(f, tag)
var func = _wrapper.findTag(f, tag);
if (func && func._delete)
return func._delete(), true;
return false;
orig: function(f, wrapper)
return function()
wrapper.apply(this, arguments);
return f.apply(this, arguments);
log: function(f, prefix)
return _wrapper.orig(f, function()
if (prefix)
Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments).forEach(function(a) { console.log(a); });
stack: function(f)
return _wrapper.orig(f, function()
console.log(new Error().stack);
return _wrapper;
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